Study on Adsorption of Anionic Detergent by Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) and By Biological Sludge

JudulStudy on Adsorption of Anionic Detergent by Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) and By Biological Sludge
AbstrakSince recently, detergents are not anymore causing so big problems in developed countries but they still do so in many developing countries including in Indonesia. Synthetic detergents , mostly anionic detergents, have been widely used in Indonesia over the past two decades, similar to their use in other developing countries , and residuals from such use have entered the country?s riverine and estuarine systems. Detergent problems have become more serious especially in urban areas where the spread of sewarage systems are still low. It is therefore important to develop appropriate technology to solve this problems such as developing treatment using powdered activated carbon (PAC) or biological treatment for removing detergents. The present study describes the the result of adsorption experiments of biological sludge, in relation with variables pertinent to the adsorption process such as the intial pH of the solution etc.
KatakunciAdsorption, Anionic Detergent, Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC), Biological Sludge
MediamasaMajalah Journal PII, 1995
PenulisIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.