Masalah Polutan Mikro Di Dalam Air Minum Dan Cara Penanggulanganya

JudulMasalah Polutan Mikro Di Dalam Air Minum Dan Cara Penanggulanganya
AbstrakWater quality can affect human health in various ways such as through breeding of vectors, presence of pathogenic protozoa, helminths, bacteria and viruses, or through inorganic and organic chemicals. While traditional concern has been with pathogens and gastro-intestinal diseases, chemicals pollutants in drinking water supplies have in many instances reached proportion, which affect human health, especially in cases of chronic exposure. A number of common contaminants in drinking water, arising from industrial pollution or, from as by-products of chlorination such as Trihalomethanes, chlorophenols or others chlorinated compounds, have been shown to cause cancer. The various ways to controlling or reducing Trihalomethanes in drinking water are the following: removal of Trihalomethanes precursors prior to chlorination using activated carbon adsorption process, eliminating of Trihalomethanes by aeration process or activated carbon adsorption, use of alternative disinfectants that do not generate Trihalometanes such as ozone, chloramination, hydrogen proxide or UV irradiation, and eliminate substances which directly or indirectly can generate Trihalomethanes, for example organic compound (BOD, COD), ammonia etc, by conducting pre-treatment using biological treatment.
KatakunciPolutan mikro, kesehatan masyarakat, air minum
MediamasaJurnal Air Indonesia, Vol. 1 No. 2, Agustus 2005
PenulisRuliasih Marsidi dan Nusa Idaman Said