Aplikasi Proses Biologi Anaerobik Pada Pengolahan Air Limbah Organik Berkonsentrasi Garam Tinggi

JudulAplikasi Proses Biologi Anaerobik Pada Pengolahan Air Limbah Organik Berkonsentrasi Garam Tinggi
AbstrakAnaerobic treatment of wastewater with high organic and salt content but low pH (TOC, 14 g/l; salt, 150 g/l; pH,2.7) generated during an ?ume boshi? manufacturing process was investigated. Five-fold-diluted ?ume boshi? effluent was treated by a draw-and-fill method at a volumetric TOC (total organic carbon) loading rate of 3.0 g/l/d with a TOC removal efficiency of 75%. Five-fold-diluted ?ome boshi? effluent was also treated in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) at a maximum volumetric TOC loading rate of 3.0 g/l/d, which gave almost the same results as the draw-and-fill method. However, ten-fold-diluted ?ome boshi? effluent could be treated in the AFBR at a maximum volumetric TOC loading rate of 11 g/l/d with a TOC removal efficiency of 85%. The methane content in the evolved gas was high, being 70%. The red pigment in the ?ome boshi? effluent was completely decolorized by the anaerobic treatment
KatakunciAnaerobic fluidized-bed reactor, ?Ume boshi?Co2+ and Ni2+ ions, decolorization
MediamasaJurnal Air Indonesia, Vol. 1 No. 2, Agustus 2005