Kualitas Nutrien Perairan Teluk Hurun, Lampung

JudulKualitas Nutrien Perairan Teluk Hurun, Lampung
AbstrakSome rivers that flow into Hurun Bay waters, agriculture, fishery and human settlement and floating cage and oysters faming could be negative impact to waters organisms. Waters fertility is one of some factors that support the action of determining waters quality. Some nutrient chemistry parameters (anmonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate) were analyzed base on specific methods for the parameters. The nutrient concentrations were variated, for the parameters respectively, ammonia between 4.38 ? 23.91 ?g/L, nitrite 0.24 ? 6.34 ?g/L, nitrate between 1.11 ? 7.81 ?g/L, and phosphate between 2.17 ? 5.75 ?g/L. At that moment, the nutrients concentrations were still good for marine waters category. The environment condition at waters surrounding (river flow, agriculture, human settlement and fishery industry) did not influenced to nutrient concentrations.
Katakuncinutrient, eutrofication, organic matter
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2006
PenulisArif Dwi Santoso