Uji Penyisihan Kadmium (Cd) dari Pasir Terkontamin

JudulUji Penyisihan Kadmium (Cd) dari Pasir Terkontamin
AbstrakThe experiment is trying to apply an alternatif method in remediation electrokinetic by inserting conductive solution between cathode and treated soil. This is purposed in keeping the pH in low condition and preventing the precipitation of heavy metals in the soil adjacent to the cathode that often happen in the previous electrokinetic methods. Concentration of Cd (C0), period (t), concentration of conductive solution were selected as parameters, with artificially contaminated sand. The experiment with sand/ soil C0 = 100 ppm gave lower efficiency at 15,98% when it compares with C0 = 400ppm in the same condition and 24 hours period at 44,18%. Concentration of KCl also influenced the performance of system which was shown by the increasing in removal efficiency as refer to the previous experiment. Teoritically as pH of soil decreases the mobility of Cd is increases. This is due to Cd desorption is higher in the low pH. The alternatif method here have to deep in search if would application in the natural soil.
KatakunciContaminated soil, Cadmium (Cd), Electromigration
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2006
PenulisWahyu Purwanta