Pengaruh Sedimentasi terhadap Dayadukung Waduk Duriangkang di Pulau Batam

JudulPengaruh Sedimentasi terhadap Dayadukung Waduk Duriangkang di Pulau Batam
AbstrakDuriangkang Reservoir including the estuary resevoir is built by making resevoir at the estuary of Duriangkang River. The main function of Duriangkang Reservoir is the raw water resources to support 78 % of drinking wate supply needs on Batam Island. One of several problem of Duriangkang eservoir is erosion as a result of land clearing and building of land at Duriangkang Catchment area. Based on the research, sedimentation rate at Duriangkang Catchment area system is as the mayor sources that potentially influence the carrying capacity of Duriangkang Reservoir.In this study, an influence to carrying capacity of Duriangkang Reservoir is conducted toward sedimentation rate at Duriangkang Reservoir by measuring the water column depth of Duriangkang Reservoir.
KatakunciDuriangkang; land clearing, carrying capacity
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2006
PenulisRosyid Hariyadi dan Ikhwanuddin Mawardi