Perubahan Tipe Batu Tahan Api Pada Klin Semen untuk Menambah Efesiensi Produksi

JudulPerubahan Tipe Batu Tahan Api Pada Klin Semen untuk Menambah Efesiensi Produksi
AbstrakCement is produced in kiln reactor which has been installed with refractory, in order to protect the kiln shell of high temperature during the process, of chemicals and mechanical abrasion. Fire bricks are the most material for refractory, hence it is necessary to carefully select and properly installed. In this way it will contribute to save heat. Various types of fire bricks will have its characteristic to deal with. Appropriate placement of fire brick is aimed at avoiding unfastened and increasing its life time. Referring to the observations in one of cement factory, it showed us that kiln shut down occurred for 3-4 times in a year due to refractory problem. This shut down will reduce energy efficiency, rising operational cost as of starting up kiln using IDO, loosing production time including additional hours for maintenance staff to fix it.
KatakunciKiln, refractory, fire brick, cleaner production, cement
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Edisi Khusus 1 "Hari Lingkungan Hidup 2006"