Perencanaan Pembanguna Wilayah Berdasarkan Konsep Produktifitas Unggulan

JudulPerencanaan Pembanguna Wilayah Berdasarkan Konsep Produktifitas Unggulan
AbstrakProductivity is a ratio between an output and another input, such as: labor, and land. To solve the problem of resource limitation, it is necessary to develop some approaches, such as priority commodity approach and priority territory development approach. Some factors influencing the problem of non optimal development are very low development of Iceal priority commodity and undevelopment of priority area. Several policies and strategies that are needed in order to increase an area productivity is through priority sector / commodity development which is adjusted with carrying capacity of adjacent area, labor mobilization and human resource development. In order to support the direction of those policy and strategy, some programs that are developed are: reorientation program of local economic development that based on priority commodity, development program of strategic area and human resources development, quantitycally and qualitycally. In order to get a huge output to increase the people welfare, it is necessary to choose a right local priority commodity, thus others priority sectors will also be developed.
Katakuncidevelovment, Productivity and Commodity
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 8, No. 2, January 2007
PenulisIkhwanuddin Mawardi