Upaya Meningkatan Daya Dukung Sumberdaya Air Pulau Jawa

JudulUpaya Meningkatan Daya Dukung Sumberdaya Air Pulau Jawa
Water resource capacity in Java is significantly decreased. This has been noticed by the more frequent floods and over-dried seasons happened in several locations in Java. On the other side, the water demand in Java is raised as the result of increasing population and quality of live. Reducing of water resourcing capacity related with forest degradation, change of land usage and river pollution. Interpretation of the satellite imaging in 2005 showed that the vegetated land areas is left abaut 2,4 acre or 21% of the wholw area of Java island. This is lower than the regulated requirement, i.e. about 30%. Efforts might be needed to solve this problems, cover (1) Regulation of the number and distribution of population; (2) Forest and land rehabilitation; (3) Coasts degradation control; (4) Increasing efficiency of water usage and control of river pollution; (5) Management of land usage by implementing the required 30% area as opened green areas; and (6) Deregulation of the water management institution.
Katakunciwater resources capacity, forest degradation, population
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 9, No. 1, Januari 2008
PenulisIkhwanuddin Marwadi