Pengetahuan Lokal Tentang Lingkungan: Studi Kasus Etnis Wawonii ?

JudulPengetahuan Lokal Tentang Lingkungan: Studi Kasus Etnis Wawonii ?
AbstrakWawonii ethnic represent the majority groups and ethnic origin dwelling Wawonii island, Southeast Sulawesi. In their traditional life, this ethnic has own manners and customs for managing natural resources. Local knowledge research?s about environment ecosystem of owned Wawonii ethnic have been carried out since 2003 to 2006. Several countryside of Wawolaa, Lansilowo, Lampeapi, Bobolio and Dompo-dompo Jaya have been visited during this study. At least 6 kinds environment sets have been identifi ed, manely ?kura eya? primary forest, ?lali bata? secondary forest, ?anantalu? brushes, ?laro wita? fi eld, ?laro le? grassland and ?kapo? village. Although there local knowledge have a lot of change, however it still remain their wisdom and become the guidance in their daily activities.
KatakunciLocal knowledge, Wawonii ethnic, Southeast Sulawesi.
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 10 No. 2, Mei 2009
PenulisMulyati Rahayu, Mohammad Fathi Royyani dan Rugayah