Permudaan Alami Dalam Hutan Bekas Tebangan Di Sekundur, Sumatra Utara

JudulPermudaan Alami Dalam Hutan Bekas Tebangan Di Sekundur, Sumatra Utara
AbstrakA phytososiological analysis of saplings was made using quadrate method in the six years old logged-over forest at Sekundur, North Sumatra. The results showed that within 0.2 hectare plot, 123 species belonging to 79 genera and 36 families were recorded. Three community types were recognized, i.e. Agrostistachys longifolia ? Teijsmanniodendron sarawakanum, Macaranga hypoleuca - Macaranga pruinosa and Endospermum malaccensis - Macaranga javanica communities. The structure and floristic composition of each community varies and they were related primarily with the forest distur?bance. There were found that the number of both species and individuals of sapling decreased with increasing of the forest disturbance.
KatakunciPhytososiological, sapling, community, floristic composition, disturbance
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 10 No. 3, September 2009
PenulisEdi Mirmanto