Analisa Biaya Mekanisasi Produksi Kompos Sistem Windrow

JudulAnalisa Biaya Mekanisasi Produksi Kompos Sistem Windrow
AbstrakThe large scale composting activity needs mechanical equipments for operational efficiency like The Cakung Slaughterhouse has been done.Installation of mechanical equipments and buildings make it costly compare to manual composting activities. The cost of mechanical composting need to be counted such as investment, operation and maintenance cost in order to get the specific cost of compost production. This can be used for pricing compost product. According to the analysis, the best pricing for compost product is more than Rp. 807/kg, for example Rp. 1000/kg compost. It means that Cakung Slaughterhouse need increase gradually the existing compost price from Rp. 500/kg to Rp. 1000/kg compost. It need for guarantying for sustainable compost production.
KatakunciTeknologi Lingkungan
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan
PenulisSri Wahyono dan Firman L. Sahwan
InstansiPusat Teknologi Lingkungan, BPP Teknologi