Peningkatan Produktivitas Lahan Melalui Pemanfaatan Biomas Tanaman Flemengia Congesta Untuk?

JudulPeningkatan Produktivitas Lahan Melalui Pemanfaatan Biomas Tanaman Flemengia Congesta Untuk?
Abstrakbiomass, fence crop, corn
KatakunciTeknologi Lingkungan
AlamatlinkDaru Mulyono
InstansiThe objective of the research is to know the effect of using biomass and combination between biomass and dolomit to the land fertility with regard to corn production. The research used Complete Randomized Design with One Way Analysis of Variance, Regression, and Correlation in order to know the effect of treatment to the land fertility. The research was carried out in Wonoharjo Village, Unit VIII Kuro Tidur Transmigration area, Bengkulu, during three planting seasons from 2003 to 2004. The results of the research showed that biomass from prunning of the hedgerows Flemengia congesta was significant to land fertility through improvement of nutrients availability, increasing pH, decreasing availability of aluminium (Al). The effect of biomass treatment into the soil to a high of 5.0 ton/ha will increase average corn production from 22.256 kw/ha (dry grain) to 37.433 kw/ha or increase 68.19 %, whereas the effect of organic matter 5.0 ton/ha combined with dolomit 2.5 ton/ha will increase average corn production from 22.256 kw/ha to 47.611 kw/ha or increase 113.92 %. The effect of biomass 10.0 ton/ha combined with dolomit 2.5 ton/ha will increase average corn production from 22.256 kw/ha to 50.789 kw/ha or increase 128.20 %.