Pengaruh Penambahan Starter Terhadap Karakteristik Proses Pengomposan Dan Kualitas Kompos?

JudulPengaruh Penambahan Starter Terhadap Karakteristik Proses Pengomposan Dan Kualitas Kompos?
Abstrakcompost, ?agar-agar? factory waste, chiken manure starter.
KatakunciTeknologi Lingkungan
AlamatlinkFirman L. Sahwan
InstansiSolid waste from ?agar-agar? (gelation made of seaweed) factory in huge amount and has potency to pollute the environment if it is not well managed, obviously has opportunity to be used as compost. The purpose of this research is to find out the characteristic ofcomposting process of agar-agar factory?s waste, and the quality of its compost product, based on 2 ( two ) treatments i.e. with and without the use chicken manure starter. In general, result of the research showing that there is no significant different between using chicken manure starter and not using chiken manure starter, with understanding that both composting process can be done in aerobic condition (normal) with compost quality according to mature compost criteria. However, specifically the rate of waste decomposition (composting process) of using chicken manure starter looks faster in initial period of decomposition.