Evaluasi Proses Produksi Pupuk Organik Granul (Pog) Yang Diperkaya Dengan Mikroba Fungsional

JudulEvaluasi Proses Produksi Pupuk Organik Granul (Pog) Yang Diperkaya Dengan Mikroba Fungsional
AbstrakGranule organic fertilizer, microbe, organic material, composting, physical process
KatakunciTeknologi Lingkungan
AlamatlinkFirman L. Sahwan, Sri Wahyono dan Feddy Suryanto
InstansiOrganic Fertilizer in the form of Granule Organic Fertilizer (POG), which is enriched with functional microbes, has been produced in great quantities nowdays, because it is expected to improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil at once. The condition of land degradation that has become a big concern, in spite of the low organic matter in the lands, more encourage the increasing of POG production to be applied very soon into agricultural lands in Indonesia. However, how is the conditions of the POGplant, what kind of raw material that will be used and how does the production processitself run, would be very excited to be analysis in order to develop the future of POG plant. Results showed that the POG plant conditions generally contains of the facilities and infrastructure that support the physical/ mechanical process, that is not passed the biological process first which is known as composting process. The raw materials that has been used could not maximize organic materials potentials that exist and only rely on animal waste and sugarcane waste (blotong) from sugar mills, as the main mostly used raw material. While the common POG manufacturing process consist of the mixing of the raw materials, granulation process, drying, cooling, screening, enrichment with functional microbes and packaging.