Analisis Indeks Kualitas Air Lingkungan Pertambangan Batubara Pt Kpc Subdas Sangatta?

JudulAnalisis Indeks Kualitas Air Lingkungan Pertambangan Batubara Pt Kpc Subdas Sangatta?
AbstrakEnvironmental quality index,Water quality index, ecosystem, key parameters
KatakunciTeknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih
AlamatlinkWage Komarawidjaja
InstansiWater quality index (IKA) is one tool to quickly predict the environmental quality status of an ecosystem or region to obtaining an alternative of the future management. To analyze the status of these indices utilize only data of environmental parameters that have been established as a key parameter determining the IKA. From the analysis of the mining area of PT KPC IKA with key parameters TDS, DO, COD, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus. (P) derived from the water quality of agricultural ecosystems, industry / mines and residential showed an index value of less well with the category (54.6163) on the interval 40 = IKA <60. The low index value is proportional to the low value of ecosystem quality index industry / mining IKA (I) with a value of 45.82 with categories of less well on the interval 40 = IKA <60. Consider, that the index value of ecosystem quality residential IKA (H) and agricultural ecosystem quality index IKA (P) with good and excellent categories, then the ecosystem of industry / mining is the focus that needs to be considered for improved management efforts.