Aplikasi Metode Pengendapan Pada Analis Fitoplankton dan Tingkat Kesuburan Waduk Saguling

JudulAplikasi Metode Pengendapan Pada Analis Fitoplankton dan Tingkat Kesuburan Waduk Saguling
AbstrakAt this moment, Saguling reservoir in Citarum river is not only polluted by waste waterfrom municipal, Industry,agriculture and become eutrophicated. This research was carried out in attempt to know how bad is the eutrophication and effecting phytoplankton in sanguling river.this research reveal based on the measured physical, chemistry and biological parameters , Sanguling resrvoir could be classified into eutrophic with low transparency (< 70 cm), high concentration of nitrogen (>1,100mg NoI-1), phosphor(>0,216mgPol-1) ande dominated by Mycrocytis and Ascilatoria. This result also approvode the previuos analysis that overflow of sampilinfplanktonnet alwaays resulting " undrestiination" vaslue. Therefore using row metter without filitering and settling methode in phytoplankton is suggested.
KatakunciEutrofik, pengendapan, kelimpahan,. Struktur fitoplankton
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 1 No. 2, Mei 2000
PenulisYudhi Soetrisno Garno, PhD.