Analisis Emisi Karbon Di Lahan Gambut

JudulAnalisis Emisi Karbon Di Lahan Gambut
Abstrakemission, gas CO2 dan CH4, over drainage, burning, deforestation
KatakunciTeknologi Lingkungan
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InstansiPeatland is the area which have high carbon content called marginal land. Current human activities in the peatland areas has created land degradation. The peatland conversion to other land utilization such as agriculture, plantation caused the over drainage process that lead to the land subsidence and increase fire danger index. The peatland burning has contributed highest carbon emission compared to others such as deforestation, over drainage, and land use conversion. However the available data of CO2 peatland burning were highly varied , so those need validation data to find out the reliable data. Indeed, the fist highest carbon emission was peatland burning, and deforestation. Then peatland utilization for industrial forest and plantation have also contributed carbon emission. The sustainable use of peatland such as water management and conserve deep peatland would be the key factor to mitigate the carbon emmission