Karakteristik Hujan Di Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan: Pengamatan Dengan Radar Cuaca

JudulKarakteristik Hujan Di Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan: Pengamatan Dengan Radar Cuaca
AbstrakRadar, Storm, Titan
KatakunciTeknologi Lingkungan
AlamatlinkFindy Renggono, dan Erwin Mulyana
InstansiThe electricity for nickel mining company at Sorowako and for the people surroundings highly depend on the water supply from three lakes inside the Larona watershed, which is used to generate the Hydroelectric turbine at Balambano and Larona. To maintain the water level all the years, it is important to understand the rain characteristic in this area. Since 2005, it has been done precipitation cloud observation using radar, together with the cloud seeding activity for rain enhancement over Larona watershed. In this study, radar data were analyzed using Titan software to reveal the frequency of occurrence of the precipitation cloud over the area. The result shows that almost all the convective clouds occurred after 15.00 (local time), and they occurred most on April with high rainfall rate.