Pengaruh Alat"Asap Filter" Terhadap Kadar Kepekatan Asap Kendaraan Bermesin Diesel.

JudulPengaruh Alat"Asap Filter" Terhadap Kadar Kepekatan Asap Kendaraan Bermesin Diesel.
AbstrakAn investigation of influence of smoke reduction in diesel engenis was carried out. Asmoke filter "ASAP" has been installed between carboretors and injection pump of the tested vehicles, namely: Isuzu Panther, Minibus Toyota, and Truck Mitsubisih Fe 199. The testing procedures follow the santdard of STALDAD 2.03-90 issued by the enginess were accelerated from low to maximum speed by changing the gear from neutral to highest gear transmission. The result of the shows that there was reducation in percentage of smoke in the vechiles, I.e. decrease of 35.73 % for neutral tranmission, and reducation of smoke for the Diesel engines on neutral trnsmiission is more significant than in gear tranmission.
KatakunciAlat Sistem Anti Polusi, Kepekatan kadar Asap, Kendaraan bermesin Diesel.
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 1 No. 2, Mei 2000
PenulisRamly Usman