Dampak Lingkungan Kegiatan Hujan Buatan Dengan Bahan Semai Calsium Oxyde (Ca O)?

JudulDampak Lingkungan Kegiatan Hujan Buatan Dengan Bahan Semai Calsium Oxyde (Ca O)?
AbstrakTechnalogy of weather modification is one of human interventions to manage atmosphecric resources. Other than to increase rainfall, the UPT Hujan Buatan is rainfall as inspired by the community. This activity has been applied on two locations: Jratun Seluna Watershed in Central Java and SangulingWater shed in west java.On assessment of technology for lowering the intensity of rainfall ,Calcim Oxide (Ca O) was used as a seed material. To analyze wheter thuis material affect negatively to the quality of rain falland resevior , a monitoring activity was intended to have an early diagnosis of any changes to qualities of rain falll or thee reservoir water that might occur.
The method used in thois analyzis was the comparative method that compares the result analysis oof rain fall and reservoir water qualities with a maximum content valkvalue according to the PP No.20 of 1990 for standart water quality type A.The analysis showed that the use of Ca O durng modificatiaon activity gave noi effect on limt of standart quality type A. before, during and after the modification activity . In general, rainwater and reservoir water qualities, notably the pH parameter.for areas of Cemara and Banjaran during the activity were still below the maximum limit of standart water quality. This fact may be due to the existence of various industries in the are.
KatakunciModifikasi Cuaca, Intensitas Curah Hujan, Calsium Oxyde, Kualitas Air Dampak Lingkungan
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 1 No. 3, September 2000
PenulisF. Heru Widodo