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No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 81-100 dari 814 item.
81Biokonversi Karbondioksida Untuk Bahan Baku IndustriFrom the stand point of carbon dioxide cycle on global warming, the conversion of CO2 into various useful carbonic material compound is one solution. Using natural energy sources such as LNG and cole may contribute to CO2 removal in the atmosphere. As one of feasible measure though CO2 is final oxidized product of carbon containing reaction have been proposed and investigate. Biological proces have to developed, CO2 was efectivly converted to methan, acetat, and raw material for plastic degradable.corabondoixide, biokonversion, indusrtial raw materialUntung Suwahyono
82Biomassa Dan Karbon Di Hutan Dataran Rendah Desa Wungkolo, Pulau Wawonii?persamaan allometrik, biomassa, stok Karbon, Wungkolo-Pulau WawoniiTeknologi
83Biopotensi Kelenjar Hipofisis Ikan Patin Setelah Penyimpanan Kering Selama 0,1,2,3 dan 4 BulanTest were conducted to find the biopotency of pituitary glands that have been dry-preserved for 0, 1, 2 3 and 4 months. Pituitary glands, obtained from the waste of fillet production plant of Pangasius pangasius, were dried gradually in acetone. The treatments were dry-preservation time span in dessicator: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 months. This hormone biopotency testing used extract of late-stage of gonad maturation from female and from induced-spawning. No significant differences were found in the percentage of late-stage gonad maturation and ovulation, relative fecundity, fertility and hatchability from every treatment. The number of females reaching late-stage of gonad maturation were 100% (for all months of preservation), while the mean percentages of : relative fecundity was 18.05% (for 3 months of preservation), fertility was 95.73% (for 1 month of preservation), 24-hour hatchability was 31.63% (for 0 month of preservation). No significant differences were found for all preservation time span.drying preservation, biopotency of hormone, pituitary glandErma Najmiyati, Esi Lisyastuti dan Yanuarso Eddy Hedianto
84BUKU PANDUAN Pedoman Teknis Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Kota TegalPengelolaan Limbah, Pengolahan Air Limbah, Limbah IndustriTeknologi Pengolahan Air
85By Product Exchange of Seaweed Solid Waste for Mushroom MediaA laboratory experiment on utilization of seaweed-containing solid wastes as media for growing mushrooms was conducted by researchers from the Institute for Environmental Technology. The solid wastes were obtained from PT. Agarindo Bogatama, a food industry which produces jelly powder processed from seaweed of Gracilaria. The company generates 60 tones of solid wastes of seaweed per-day that contained 70% of water content. The solid media was used to grow Auricularia polytricha, Pleurotus astreatus, and Ganoderma lucidum. Some mixed media were prepared with the percentage ratio of sawdust to solid waste as 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100. After sterilization the media were planted with mushrooms and then were kept in incubator. After 28-day the basidiomas of G. lucidum was developed while P. astreatus appeared after 36-day of incubation. Both were grown on 100% seaweed media (using 100% sawdust media as a control). This very early results indicated that solid waste of seaweeds have an additional value which can be used as media for mushrooms plantation. Implementation waste to product as a part of cleaner production approach should be disseminated to the industries, especially SMEs like PT. Agarindo Bogatama, who are concern to the environment.Byproduct exchange, seaweed solid waste, mushroomsTitiresmi
86Cara Membuat Filter Air Skala Rumah Tangga.Air bersih merupakan kebutuhan pokok manusia terutama untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Bagi penduduk yang belum memperoleh pelayanan dari PAM, maka air tanah adalah alternatif yang paling murah. Masalahnya, tidak semua air tanah mempunyai kualitas air yang baik. Polutan alami dari air tanah yang paling umum yakni tingginya kadar zat besi dan mangan, senhingga air menjadi coklat kemerahan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan penyaringan dengan menggunakan media pasir dan karbon aktif. Makalah ini membahas tentang cara membuat filter air skala rumah tangga untuk menghilangkan zat besi, mangan dan zat organik yang dalam air.Filter, PAM, Zat Besi, Air Coklat, Air TanahIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
87Cara Murah Penyediaan Air Minum PedesaanDalam rangka penyediaan air bersih pedesaan, sering terdapat kendala misalnya, lokasi pemukiman yang berjauhan, sehingga jika dibangun sistem pengolahan yang terpadu dengan sistem perpipaan membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar. Untuk mengatasai hal tersebut, dapat dilakukan dengan cara pengolahan sederhana untuk skala rumah tangga. Tulisan ini membahas tentang cara pengolahan air sederhana, khususnya untuk mengolah air gambut. Cara ini merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih di pedesaan dengan cara yang murah dan sederhana.Air Gambut, Filter, Karbon AktifIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
88Cara Pengolahan Air Sumur Untuk Kebutuhan Air MinumAir sumur merupakan sumber utama air minum bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah perkotaan. Untuk mendapatkan sumber air tersebut umumnya manusia membuat sumur gali atau sumur pantek. Air tanah sering mengandung zat besi (Fe) dan Mangan (Mn) cukup besar. Adanya kandungan Fe dan Mn dalam air menyebabkan warna air tersebut berubah menjadi kuning-coklat setelah beberapa saat kontak dengan udara. Disamping dapat mengganggu kesehatan juga menimbulkan bau yang kurang enak serta menyebabkan warna kuning pada diding bak serta bercak-bercak kuning pada pakaian. Oleh karena itu menurut PP No.20 Tahun 1990 tersebut, kadar (Fe) dalam air minum maksimum yang dibolehkan adalah 0,3 mg/lt, dan kadar Mangan (Mn) dalam air minum yang dibolehkan adalah 0,1 mg/lt. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka Kelompok Pengkajian Sistem Pengelolaan Air, Kedeputian Bidang Analisis Sistem, BPP Teknologi telah dirancang suatu unit pengolahan air sumur yang dapat langsung diminum tanpa dimasak terlebih dahulu. Unit pengolahan tersebut terdiri dari antara lain : pompa air baku, filter bertekanan, filter mangan zeolit, filter karbon aktif, cartridge filter dan sterilisator ultra violet. Unit alat tersebut dapat dirancang sesuai dengan kapasitas yang diinginkan.Mangan, Zat Besi, Filter, Karbon Aktif, Mangan Zeolit, Pengolahan Air SumurKelompok Pengkajian Sistem Pengolahan Air
89Chitosan Sebagai Bahan Koagulan Limbah Cair Industri TextilThe Indrustrial development for textile in Indonesia has created environmental problem caused by its untreated wastes due to limited inexpensive waste treatment technology availabel. Chitosan is chemical compound that can be obtained easily from crabs and shrimps shell with is abundantly avaiable in Indonesia. One of its superiority characteristic of chitosan is its capability in bonding colloidal solution capability and heavy metals in textile waste. The aim of this research studies is assessing the capability of chitoson to bond the colloidal solution in indrustial waste treatment process especially for textile indrustry.Limbah cair, chitosan, coagulanTeguh Prayudi dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
90Condition Of Water Resource In Indonesia And Its Environmental Technology
Water resource is one of the most important resources for life and development. In Indonesia, the increasing population and development results the increased demand of water. On the other hand, water resource availability has become limited and has been at critical level for several locations. Around 65% Indonesian population (~ 125 Million people) live in Java island which is only 7% of total Indonesia continental area. The decrease of water resource is caused by some factors, namely pollution, deforestation, heavy agricultural activities, and the change of the function of catchment area. This paper will give some brief description how water resource in Indonesia distributes and what the appropriate technologies have been used for the treatment of low quality of water in order to fulfill the human life needs.
water resource, pollution, climate change, health impactKardono
91Contribution of the Organic Waste from Fish Culture on the Degdardation of Water Quality of CirataCirata is one of three reservoirs lay in Citarum River, where the water body is used to fish culture in floating net. Lately, one or two times in a year, fish in the floating net die massly because of the water quality of reservoirs have worsen, which resulted from the entering of organic pollutant from human being activities in and outside of the Reservoir. This paper is written to reveal contribution of organic waste from fish culture in floating net represented human being activities inside of the Reservoir on the worsening of water quality Cirata. The result revealed that the Reservoir Cirata continually has been polluted by organic waste, which gradually resulted in the worsening of water quality indicated by increasing chemical oxygen demand (COD) and concentration of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), and decreasing secchi disk. This study indicated that on 1997, fish culture using floating net (internal loading) in Reservoir Cirata contribute the nutrient three times than domestic and agriculture (external loading). This situation is guessed still going on hitherto, therefore the reservoir become very hypertrophic, as giant cesspools, and resulted in death of fish masslyCirata, organic waste, fish culture, water qualityYudhi Soetrisno Garno
92Dampak Budidaya Pertanian Intensif Terhadap Kualitas Air Permukaan Desa Kanigoro?water quality, heavy metals, pesticides, microbes.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
93Dampak dan Antisipasi Kebakaran HutanThe frequent accurrences of forest fire causes air pulltion. Concentration Sulfur Oxides, partuculate SO4 = and smoke endabgers the inhabitant's health, and also decrease amount of rainfall. The result of observation by BMG (institute of Meteorological andnad Geophisical in Indonesia ) of concentration pollutant smoke 313% molecular cation NH46++, Ca+,Mg++ and 540 % anion CL -, NO - and SO 4- and UPT - HB, BPPT to do rainmakoing for disperse the smoke.Kebakaran Hutan, Kabut asap san Debu, Polusi Udara inversi, Modifikasi cuaca.Srilestari
94Dampak Eutrofikasi Terhadap Struktur Komunitas Dan Evaluasi Metode Penentuan Kelimpahan Fitoplanktonfitoplankton, plankton-net, nutrien, eutrofikasi, struktur komunitas.Teknologi
95Dampak Industri Peleburan Logam Fe Terhadap Pencemaran Debu Di UdaraIn this research have been done by the iron metal rate analysis (Fe) in air dirt ambient industry area molding of metal in Dusun Batur, Kecamatan Ceper, Kabupaten Klaten, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Research result indicate that the distribution contamination of metal Fe have extended with swampy forest [among/between] 0,02 ~ 15,71 ug/m3, and this rate enough significant with dirt content TSP which are research before all.metal, Klaten, contaminationTeguh Prayudi
96Dampak Industri Pengecoran Logam Terhadap Kualitas Gas No2 Dalam Udara Ambien Di Daerah CeperPenelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui dampak industri pengecoran logam terhadap tingkat pencemaran udara di wilayah industri dan sekitarnya, khususnya terhadap penurunan kualitas gas NO2. Melalui penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dikaji kebijakan teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan yang terkait dengan proses industri pengecoran logam, sebagai upaya pencegahan dini tehadap timbulnya pencemaran udara dimasa depan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi gas NO2 di wilayah ini masih dibawah nilai ambang batas yang diperbolehkan. Namun demikian, untuk mengantisipasi perkembangan industri dimasa depan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan meningkatnya emisi gas NOx, direkomendasikan adanya modifikasi teknologi yang digunakan untuk menekan jumlah emisi NOX yang dihasilkan.Kualitas NO2, udara ambien, dan pengecoran logamTeguh Prayudi
97Dampak Lingkungan Dan Sosial Dari Pengembangan Cbm Di IndonesiaCoal Bed Methane (CBM), salinitas, kontaminasi akuifer, sumberdaya Hayati?Teknologi
98Dampak Lingkungan Kegiatan Hujan Buatan Dengan Bahan Semai Calsium Oxyde (Ca O)?Technalogy of weather modification is one of human interventions to manage atmosphecric resources. Other than to increase rainfall, the UPT Hujan Buatan is rainfall as inspired by the community. This activity has been applied on two locations: Jratun Seluna Watershed in Central Java and SangulingWater shed in west java.On assessment of technology for lowering the intensity of rainfall ,Calcim Oxide (Ca O) was used as a seed material. To analyze wheter thuis material affect negatively to the quality of rain falland resevior , a monitoring activity was intended to have an early diagnosis of any changes to qualities of rain falll or thee reservoir water that might occur.
The method used in thois analyzis was the comparative method that compares the result analysis oof rain fall and reservoir water qualities with a maximum content valkvalue according to the PP No.20 of 1990 for standart water quality type A.The analysis showed that the use of Ca O durng modificatiaon activity gave noi effect on limt of standart quality type A. before, during and after the modification activity . In general, rainwater and reservoir water qualities, notably the pH parameter.for areas of Cemara and Banjaran during the activity were still below the maximum limit of standart water quality. This fact may be due to the existence of various industries in the are.
Modifikasi Cuaca, Intensitas Curah Hujan, Calsium Oxyde, Kualitas Air Dampak LingkunganF. Heru Widodo
99Dampak Lingkungan Penambangan Silikon Proses Pemurnian, Pabrikasi Sel/Modul, Pembangkitan ?.The most important part is manufacturing since PV modules are produced under very height energy consumption characteristic. Photovoltaic energy production is suppose to be an environmentally friendly energy system with no emissions and no waste production, clean and noiseless but ins important to ensure that manufacturing is not going to be more harmful for the environment than operation advantages. Then it is very important to know if the product is going to be economically and environmentally viable for the overall life cycle. For the manufacturing processes environmental impact, three different studies have been carried out: Energy Analysis, Energy Related Emissions Analysis and Material flow analysis.Operation. Advocates of renewable solar system argue that during operation the environmental impact of this technology is minimal in comparison with other form of renewable energies. Decommissioning. At the end of the lifetime of the modules, they must be dispose in a sensitive way. At the moment there are no many option for recycle the silicon wafer. Aluminum frames can be recycled separately in the same way as this material normally is, glass could be recycle if technologies would exist to separates the glass from the adherent EVA and other module components.environmental impact, Photovoltaic energy DecommissioningAbubakar Lubis
100Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan Akibat Limbah Industri Pengolahan Ikan Di MuncarMuncar area is a regional fish producer. There, we can find big and small scale fish processing industries and even home industries. Those industry produce on the average 1,300 ton/day processed fish. Production activities caused environmental pollution, especially air, water and soil pollution. Source of this pollution are from transportation movement and developmnet of raw material, quality control activities to employee?s activities (domestic waste). Right now the process of waste management is so little and people?s understanding about wastewater treatment (IPAL) and waste management system is so limited. Almost all waste from this area is flowed away to the public canal. Flowing away waste directly without any process could increase environmental pollution around industrial location. This paper explains how big the potential waste water pollution, kind and charactestic of pollution from fish processing industries and doing waste management evaluation in fish processing indutries in Muncar. Italso shows sort of pollution effect as a result of disposing fish processing industry waste in Muncar.Industri Pengolahan Ikan, Dampak Pencemaran Limbah IndustriSetiyono dan Satmoko Yudo