Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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1Teknologi Substitusi PestisidaStockholm Convention yang merupakan sebuah kesepakatan internasional memuat sasaran untuk menghilangkan penggunaan bahan kimia organik serta memulihkan media tercemar bahan kimia organik yang dikelompokkan sebagai persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Dalam kesepakatan tersebut, hingga saat ini, terdapat sembilan bahan kimia dari jenis pestisida yang telah diketahui memiliki perilaku sebagai POPs. Penggunaan pestisida POPs pada lahan pertanian telah dibuktikan memasuki jalur jejaring makanan sehingga penggunaanya yang semula untuk membasmi hama pada tanah dan tanaman telah ditemukan pula dalam tubuh manusia misalnya air susu ibu. Hal ini tidak saja menurunkan mutu lahan pertanian untuk produksi tanaman pangan tetapi juga menyimpan sejumlah bahaya kesehatan lingkungan, termasuk manusia, akan keamanan terhadap pestisida.Teknologi Penanganan POPs (SIPOP)
2Tanaman Potensial Penyerap Limbah Studi Kasus Di Pulau BatamIndustrial development has resulted in increasing population growth and their activities in Batam Island. Increasing growth of industrial activities and human population has a direct impact on increasing water demand and water pollution, especially on surface water resource degradation. However control on this type of problem has not been done properly due to lack of awareness and environmental knowledge. To protect and conserve water resources from pollution and degradation, some activities have to be done in the future to protect water quality and quantity. Aquatic plants have ability to improve water quality to assimilate and transform pollutants into plant tissue and sedimentation process. Based on flora and fauna biological survey, the recent study found that some aquatic plants were observed has a potential and ability to absorb and uptake nutrient and pollutants. Those important plants are Rynchospora sp., Scleria sp., Cyperus sp., Hypolythrum sp., and Fimbristylis sp.Sabaruddin W. Tjokrokusumo
Firman L. SahwanSabaruddin W. Tjokrokusumo
Firman L. Sahwan
3Pentingnya Penerapan Eco Industrial Park (EIP) di IndonesiaIndustrial manufacture is one of economical pillar that continuously develop the nationality economic development which is spread out in Indonesian region in industrial estate or in industrial zone. Industrial estate as a place of industrial estate is managed by industrial estate and also completely by infrastructure and supporting structure. By the developing of global trading issue and environmental requirement, climate change and emission reduction, also the role of national industry become more important, then through Eco Industrial Park, it is integrated between social economic and environment in consistently therefore it is able to make an sustainability industrial estate and it will give important meaning to implement Eco Industrial Park.Lestario Widodo
4Strategi Teknologi Produksi Bersih Melalui Tata Kelola yang Apik (GHk)Salah satu strategi untuk mengefektifkan industri dengan cara meminimisasi limbah melalui strategi produksi bersih, Salah satu metodologi yang digunakan dalam penerapan Teknologi Produksi Bersih yaitu dengan cara : melakukan Tata kelola yang apik (Good House Keeping, GHK). Tata kelola yang apik atau GHK berkaitan dengan sejumlah langkah praktis yang dapat segera diambil oleh industri dan atas inisiatif industri sendiri untuk meningkatkan kinerja profesional dan menyempurnakan prosedur kerja dan keselamatan tempat kerja.Indriyati
5Peningkatan Efisiensi Pembakaran pada Boiler Melalui Penerapan Produksi Bersih KasusWiharja dan Joko Priyatno Susanto
6Karakteristik Ekosistem Mangrove Pada Dua Cabang Delta MahakamThe change condition of Delta Mahakam marked by decreasing mangrove area caused by shrimp aquaculture development and high sedimentation caused by changing of land use in upstream. It will influence to mangrove ecosystem existing. Research of mangrove ecosystem characteristic has done in June 2003, on two branch of Delta Mahakam, at Muara Berau (northern area) and Muara Jawa (southern area), to recognize mangrove community succession and characteristic of sedimentation. Mangrove community determined by measuring the standing density of tree (? trunk > 10 cm), belt (? trunk between 2 ? 10 cm), and seeding (? trunk < 2 cm), sediment characteristic identified from content organic and component of fraction. Based on dominance of sand fraction (> 90%) on mangrove ecosystem show that sedimentation in Delta Mahakam was high, for other side the mangrove community show on succession level was marked by abundance of pioneer species, like Soneratia and Avicenia, and organic conten (5.4 ? 12.4 % dry weight) and C/N organik ratio was low (6 ? 7). Bruguiera sp., Ceriops sp., and Nyppa sp. was foud on rare number. Standing density of trunk of tree show on good community, although not too dense. Regeration level in Muara Berau seem better than Muara Jawa. The tree density influence to organic content in sediment. Delta, mangrove, sediment fraction, and sediment, organic.Lukman, G.Y. Pratama, & I. Ridwansyah
7Kemampuan Alkalinitas Kapasitas Penyanggan (Butter Capacity) dalam Sistem Anaerobik Fixed BEDIn the process of decomposition of the organic matter with the anaerobic system was learnt that the methane forming bacteria of was very sensitive to the level of the acidity in other words very sensitive with the low pH. There are by two big groups the bacteria that was active in this system. These two bacteria group had the duplication capacity that was very different that is 3 hours during the acid forming bacteria of and 3 days for the methane forming bacteria. The alkalinity in the reactor with the certain concentration between 1000 ? 5000 mg/l could support the pH continue to in the neutral condition when the decline in the pH happened so as the balance of the process could on the whole stay proceeding normally.
It was observed that achieving the pH 3 in the feeding, the concentration of the alkalinity descended through to 500 mg/l this was the lowered condition and the process of decomposition of the organic matter was disrupted. When being left alone then the system will stop completely because of the methane forming bacteria was inhibited.
alkalinity, buffer capacity, anaerobic, biogasDjoko Padmono
8Pemanasan Global dan Konservasi keanekaragaman HayatiGlobal warming will have a negative impact on biodiversity. In contrast, the increase of population in the world has an effect to the need of biological resources for food, industry, medicine, etc. Human activities in several sectors, such as energy, forestry, agriculture, husbandry, and waste create a greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effects are due to a rise of greenhouse gases, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (methane), N2O (nitrogen dioxide), PFCS (perfluorocarbon), HFCS (hydrofluoro-carbon), SF6 (sulfurhexafluoride), and H2O (water vapor). Studies suggest that climate change may also cause the melting of polar ice- caps, rising sea levels, and a shift of season. Global climate change wiil also have a wide range of effects on human health, including a risk of infectious disease epidemics. Therefore, climate change is a seriously threat for the world and it is necessary to have a global agreement to combat the threat. In 2005, Kyoto Protocol was agreed and The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a the Kyoto Protocol?s mechanism aimed at helping industrialized countries meet their greenhouse gas reduction targets. The CDM is also meant to help developing countries achieve sustainable development, including facilitating the transfer and/or development of low-emission technologies. Long term collective efforts are needed to combat and adapt with adverse effects of global warming, especially for the extinction of biological diversity. global warming, biodiversity, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, Kyoto protocolTuti Suryati, Fadilah Salim, dan Titiresmi
9Daur Ulang Air Limbah Domestik Kapasitas 0,9 M3 Per Jam Menggunakan Kombinasi Reaktor Biofilter ?Water pollution in the big cities in Indonesia, especially in DKI Jakarta has shown serious problems. One of the potential sources of water pollution is domestic wastewater that is wastewater from kitchens, laundry, bathing and toilets. These problems have become more serious since the spreads of sewerage systems are still low, so that domestic, institutional and commercial wastewater cause severe water pollution in many rivers or shallow ground water. There are a number of ways to converse water resources, one of them is to treat domestic waste water by communal system and then it is continued by advance process for recycling of wastewater. In this paper, it will be discussed recycling of domestic wastewater by communal system that combine the biological system using anaerobic-aerobic biofilter reactor for removing organic pollutant in wastewater and the advance process consisting of oxidation process, filtration by manganese zeolite filter, filtration by rapid sand filter, filtration by carbon filter and desinfection by ultraviolet sterilisator. The sterilisator is improve quality of tread wastewater being clear water as an alternative for water use save. Limbah, domestik, daur ulang, biofilter, pengolahan lanjutanWahyu Widayat
10Peran Mikroba Aerob dalam Pengolahan Limbah Cair TekstilThe objective of this study is to understand the performance of microbial degradation activities in textile wastewater treatment unit. Result of BOD, COD, DO and microbial measurement indicated that DO concentration in activated sludge wastewater treatment unit was < 0.5 mg/L, ratio of BOD and COD was >1.99 and microbial density was around 1 x 107 ind/mL.
Based on parameter measured, firstly, the DO concentration is not enough for biodegradation process but this condition still work for biofloculation process; secondly, The BOD and COD ratio is indicating that wastewater compound could not fully degrade, eventhough the microbial density in the wastewater unit is in normal number.
microbes, activated sludge, biodegradation, biofloculation,
microbes, activated sludge,
Wage Komarawidjaja
11Kajian Konservasi Buah Merah Melalui Kultur Jaringan Tanaman; Ekstrasi,Fransinasi BuahBuah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) Pandanaceae has several local name in Kelila, Wamena ? Papua based on its size, fruit colo, leaf color and taste. It has wide distribution and can be found low land to high land. Buah merah contains valuable nutrients and bioactive compounds in abundant/high concentration, such as: ?-caroten, tocopherol, fatty acids (oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and decanoic acid). Its cultivation had been done ocal people but not extensively. The easiest way of buah merah propagation was by separating buah merah seedling and stem cutting or by planting its.The aim of the study were to compile the data that support plant identification of buah merah from Kelila, Wamena-Papua, to study is potency for antioxidant and antidiabetic properties and determine the best media in tissue culture for producing buah merah planlet. The result showed that shoot bud from stem explant cultured in media combination of MS + IBA (2 mg/l) + BA(5 mg/l) produce 10 plantlets, while callus came from leaf tip explant cultured in media combination of MS + BA (5mg/l) +TDZ (0.02 mg/l) The antioxidant test showed that ethyl acetate fraction had good antioxidant activity LC 50 (0.253) while petroleum ether fraction showed good antidiabetic properties with 0.5 % (0.560), 0.25 % (0.593) and control is 0.633( Conservation by plant tissue culture, phytochemistry and biological test )Sumarnie-H.Priyono
12Keterkaitan Tugas dan Fungsi BPP Teknologi dengan KearsipanPJP II ditandai kemajuan iptek yang memunculkan revolusi 3T (telekomunikasi, transportasi, dan tourism). Perkembangan 3T yang pesat mengakibatkan dunia terasa semakin sempit dan informasi dapat dengan cepat keluar/masuk tanpa mengenal batas negara serta mencakup semua aspek kehidupan manusia. Pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi BPP Teknologi terkait erat dengan 3T, meliputi berbagai kegiatan sistem informasi, dan pada akhirnya terkait erat dengan kearsipan. Sistem informasi yang mantap, andal, dan terpadu, akan dapat menangkal dampak negatif dari kemajuan teknologi sehingga makin memperlancar pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional. Makalah ini akan mengupas keterkaitan tugas dan fungsi BPP Teknologi, khususnya yang menyangkut sistem informasi, dengan kegiatan kearsipan. Masih dalam kaitannya dengan uraian tersebut, dibahas pula Sismennas, Simnas, dan berbagai Sistem Informasi Instansi yang telah atau sedang dibangun. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah kesisteman dan asta gatra.3T (telekomunikasi, transportasi, dan tourism),Sismennas, SimnasDrs. Komarudin, MA dan Heru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
13Removal Of Commercial Anionic Detergent In Water Using Continuous Process Of Biological Reactor ?Synthetic detergents, mostly anionic detergents have been widely used in Indonesia over past two decades, similar to its use in other developing countries, and residuals from such use have entered the country's riverine and estuarine systems. Detergent problems have become more serious especially in urban areas where the spread of sewerage systems are still low, even in drinking water treatment process. According to this reason, it is important to develop low-cost technology to solve this problem such as developing biological treatment for removing detergents. Effects OF continuous adding of powdeR activated carbon (PAC) on biological removal of anionic detergent in continuous reactor was assessed. Results of these experiments showed that introduction of PAC into biological treatment of anionic detergent (ABS or LAS), has indicated significant effect on removal efficiency. Conducting continuous feeding of PAC into bench scale of continuous process system for removal of detergent has resulted better stability of MBAS removal efficiency, even when MLSS concentration in aeration tank dropped or MBAS concentration in influent water rose rapidly. With continuous addition of PAC, the MBAS removal efficiency was relatively constant even when the water temperature dropped rapidly. In other words, continuous feeding of PAC can improve the stability for shock loads or temperatures changes. At lower temperatures, micro organisms that were used for detergent removal in bench scale of continuous process system, need longer adaptation or acclimation periods compared with higher temperatures.: Commercial anionic detergent, biodegradation, biological reactor, powdered activated carbon (PAC)Nusa Idaman Said
14Analisis Curah Hujan Penyebab Banjir Besar Di Jakarta
Pada Awal Februari 2007
Flood that has occured in Jakarta in 27 January - 2 February 2002 was a result of heavy rain and impact of over discharge streams within its catchment area. Furthermore, occurence of low air pressure around northern Australia and Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) around Java Sea up to Banda Sea, has driven moists in the Asia into the area. Precipitation resulting flood is a return period about 1 to 1000. In Ciliwung watershed, mean rainfall of 142,5 mm/day and return period of about 100 years. This was bigger than mean rainfall during the period of 29 January 2002 about 110 mm/day that return period 200 years.: hujan, banjir, periode ulang.Sutopo Purwo Nugroho
15Potensi Pencemaran Limbah Cair Industri Pengolahan Ikan di Kecamatan MuncarFish processing industries in Muncar-Banyuwangi have increased the welfare of the people there and made this area known as the major fish producer in Indonesia. More than 50% of its production has been exported to many countries and the rest has fulfilled domestic need. Although fish processing industry has developed quickly, its industrial pollution effect hasn?t been handled well so that it polluted the surrounding envionment especially water surface. It happened because of using water for industrial need reached 17.883,2 m3 /day and almost all industries haven?t provided a good wastewater installalion so that the environment couldn?t handle and neutrilize the wastes. This paper explains condition of fish processing industries and potential load of the wastewater produced by them.: Industri Pengolahan Ikan, Limbah Cair Industri, Pencemaran Lingkungan, Informasi.Setiyono dan Satmoko Yudo
16Konservasi Plasma Nutfah Secara In VitroTehnik-tehnik in vitro mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar untuk koleksi, pertukaran, dan konservasi termasuk (1) sumberdaya genetis dari benih-benih yang mengandung ?recalcitrant? dan species yang di perbanyak secara vegetatif seperti halnya species yang sedang dalam bahaya kepunahan, (2) genotipe ?elite? yang dikembang-biakkan pada skala besar dalam laboratorium produksi, dan (3) kultur /pembibitan galur sel yang memproduksi bahan ?metabolite? dan bahan baku yang direkayasa secara genetis. Tehnik koleksi secara in vitro yang menggunakan embrio atau jaringan vegetatif telah diterapkan dilapangan untuk mengkoleksi plasma nutfah dari berbagai macam species yang bermasalah. Kultur in vitro secara rutin digunakan untuk pertukaran sumber genetis dari sejumlah species, karena keuntungannya dengan teknik ini dalam hal status phytosanitary dan biaya nya relatif kecil. Tehnik pertumbuhan lambat telah dikembangkan untuk konservasi jangka menengah pada sejumlah species tetapi penggunaan secara rutin masih terbatas pada sejumlah species tanaman tertentu. Penggunaan tehnik cryopreservasi secara rutin masih terbatas pada konservasi galur Sel dalam skala penelitian laboratorium. Namun demikian, petunjuk sederhana dan teknik pembekuan yang efisien telah dikembangkan baru-baru ini untuk ?apices? dan embrio, secara operasional untuk peningkatan jumlah species dapat dipertimbangkan. Dalam paper ini akan dibahas tentang (1) pengembangan tehnik koleksi in vitro, (2) demonstrasi dari fleksibilitas, kesederhanaan dan kepraktisan penyimpanan pada pertumbuhan lambat guna peningkatan kegunaannya, (3) percobaan tehnik cryopreservasi yang telah ada pada suatu skala besar dalam suatu konteks gene bank dan pengembangan dari protocol tehnik cryopreservasi.: konservasi sumberdaya genetis, pembibitan secara in vitro, pengkoleksian secara in vitroDonowati S. Tjokrokusumo
17Kebutuhan Energi untuk Memproses Kristal Silikon dan Waktu Pengembalian
This paper is to review existing knowledge on energy requirements for manufacturing photovoltaic (PV) module and system. Estimate energy (primary energy) requirements for manufacturing PV module for scenario: Low* and High
1. For multi crystalline silicon (mc-Si)
a. Low is 4200 MJ/ m2 (mc-Si) or 35 MJ/Wp = 3,395 kwh/Wp
b. High is 11600 MJ/ m2 (mc-Si) or 96 MJ/Wp = 9.312 kwh/Wp
2. For a single ?crystalline (sc-S)
a. Low is 6000 MJ/ m2 or 47 MJ/Wp = 4,559 kwh/Wp.
b. High is 13900 MJ/ m2 or 109 MJ/Wp = 10.573 kwh/Wp
Estimate energy production (final yield) for application SHS (50 Wp) multi ?crystalline (mc-S) is 65 kwh/Wp/year (1 Wp produce 1,3 kwh/year.
Estimate Energy Pay-back Time ,? take energy to save energy?. for Solar Home System Application for over 20 year system life (under 1900 kwh/ m2/year irradiation) are 3-4 years for low scenario and 8 years for high.
A single ?crystalline silicon (sc-S), multi crystalline silicon (mc-Si) manufacturing PV module,Abubakar Lubis
18Karakteristik Air Asam Karakteristik Air Asam Tambang di Lingkungan Tambang Pit 1 Bangko Baratin Coal Mine Pit 1, Bangko Barat, Tanjung Enim, South Sumatera mine activity lowered the water pH in the effluent water of the mine. So the Mine Environmet Managemet of PTBA try to raise the pH to meet Kep Men Neg LH No 113 Tahun 2003. This study attempt to characterize the performance of the water treatment, which managed by acid-mine dranage management of the PTBA. Some water samles was taken in the study area, such as the passive treatment in Pit 1 Bangko Barat, rainwater pond near by, lake, mine sump, settling pond, the water treatment of acid mine drainage in the coal stockpile in Bangko Barat, the mine sump of Air Laya Mine and Air Laya Channel. The result of the study showed that in the coal stockpile the pH is around 5, closed to the pH di rainwater pond and Air Laya putih Channel (around 6), output of water treatment in Tambang Air Laya. Meanwhile the pH in the passive treatment, settling pond, mine sump Banko Barat and in Air laya Mine drainage system is 2 - 3. The source of Acid Mine Rocks is coal seam rock interval and overburden of the coal. Meanwhile the performance of water treatment in the lake, Air Laya Putih channel and coal stockpile better than in the passive treatment, settling pond, mine sump of Air Laya MIne and pit 1 Banko barat. So PTBA Environment division should improve the process capacity of water treatment in the pit of Bangko Baratacid mine drainage, passive treatment, pHHidir Tresnadi
19Pengaruh Jenis Sedimen Wetland Dalam Reduksi Sulfat Pada Limbah Air Asam Tambang (Aat)Increasing mining activities in several regions in Indonesia, began to face problems, namely of environmental pollution. One of the mining waste that is liquid sulfur, or acid mine water, which can lower the pH of the water and dissolves heavy metals. Countermeasures for the chemical method is to use lime, but this is less effective. The method is good and is environmentally friendly way by using biological bacteria sulphate reduction bacteria (SRB) that naturally there are many in the sediment wetland. Goal of this research is to find the type of sediment wetland most effectively increase the pH and decrease the concentration of sulphate in acid mine water. The sediment wetland is used mangroves, swamp, rice fields, and beaches Treatment bioreaktor made on the filled with sediment underneath the compost is given further incubation for 50 days. The observation of pH and content of sulphate based on the value of OD spektrofotometer and known pH increased to the highest in the pH of 7.3 is in the swamp sediment treatment, while the only other treatment until the pH 6-6,7. Increasing the pH in accordance with the decrease in the rate of SO4 is most sharply in the swamp sediment treatment as well as the most effective treatmentacid mine water, wetland, SRBFahruddin
20Penurunan Kadar Cod Air Limbah Industri Permen Dengan Menggunakan ReaktorPollution in the rivers is generally caused by domestic and industrial waste. Some treatments to solve it can be done individually or collectively. The effort can be physical, chemical, or biological treatments chosen by its form, character, kind, quality, quantity. PT Van Melle Indonesia is a candy company which produces a high biological waste with COD concentration 10000-30000 mg/litre. This paper reports activated sludge reactor performance to decrease the waste?s organic content. The reactor is a biological waste water treatment, as a sequence of earlier anaerob process which still has a high COD (700-4000 mg/litre). A continued reactor operation done with retention time variation 24 hours, 18 hours, 12 hours, and 6 hours show reduced COD varied 80-90%. The highest efficiency was 97.59% from the 24 hours retention time, and the lowest efficiency was 89.5% from the 6 hours retention time.activated sludge reactor, candy industry wastewaterTitiresmi