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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 441-460 dari 814 item.
441Pemanasan Global dan Konservasi keanekaragaman HayatiGlobal warming will have a negative impact on biodiversity. In contrast, the increase of population in the world has an effect to the need of biological resources for food, industry, medicine, etc. Human activities in several sectors, such as energy, forestry, agriculture, husbandry, and waste create a greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effects are due to a rise of greenhouse gases, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (methane), N2O (nitrogen dioxide), PFCS (perfluorocarbon), HFCS (hydrofluoro-carbon), SF6 (sulfurhexafluoride), and H2O (water vapor). Studies suggest that climate change may also cause the melting of polar ice- caps, rising sea levels, and a shift of season. Global climate change wiil also have a wide range of effects on human health, including a risk of infectious disease epidemics. Therefore, climate change is a seriously threat for the world and it is necessary to have a global agreement to combat the threat. In 2005, Kyoto Protocol was agreed and The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a the Kyoto Protocol?s mechanism aimed at helping industrialized countries meet their greenhouse gas reduction targets. The CDM is also meant to help developing countries achieve sustainable development, including facilitating the transfer and/or development of low-emission technologies. Long term collective efforts are needed to combat and adapt with adverse effects of global warming, especially for the extinction of biological diversity. global warming, biodiversity, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, Kyoto protocolTuti Suryati, Fadilah Salim, dan Titiresmi
442Kebijakan Pengolahan Air Untuk Mewujudkan ketahanan panganAbstract
Up until now, some countries still facing food shortage. One of the reasons is waters carcity. As we know, it is estimated that 70 percent of the water consumed worldwide, including that diverted from rivers and pumped from underground, is used for irrigation, while some 20 percent is used by industry and 10 percent for residential purposes. In the increasingly intense competition for water among these three sectors, the economics of water do not favor agriculture. In China, 1,000 tons of water can be used to produce 1 ton of wheat, worth perhaps $200, or to expand industrial output by $14,000?70 times as much. In a country that is desperately seeking economic growth and the jobs it generates, the gain in diverting water from agriculture to industry is obvious.
Water capacity, water useMaryadi
443Potensi Sumberdaya Air di Selatan Gunung Tampomas Selatan Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa BaratTampomas mountain areas can be divided 2 types of aquifer : volcano sediment aquifer and sediment aquifer. Volcano sediment aquifer is a free aquifer sedimentation, because there was not impermeable rock existing under or bellow it, this aquifer also known as shallow or surface aquifer. Sediment aquifer is a depressed aquifer where the water flow along the sandstone layer which covered by claystone and water flow through the pore. This sediment aquifer are deep aquifer. Ground water at sumedang area can be divide as : ground water on volcanic quarter sedimentation and ground water on consolidate rock.
The type of water source at the reaserch area can be devide into 3 ways : Depressed water resources formed by land surface which is cutting the watter table, Shear water source which formed by the crack / shear structure or sesar path, and contact water source which shown at the tertiery rock (impermeable) and quartery rock (permeable).
This reaserch using geofisical methode Imaging Resistivity to result interpretation that on the south Tampomas Mountain predicted had 4 aquifer potention resource (A,B,C,D), whith aquifer thickness vaariated from (5-15)m, (30-50)m and more than 50 m. Several water source surface cases found in this reaserch area at 20-30 m depth which predict as the water table. This indicated there are very large aquifer at 500 m level and assume this level as a potential places for ground water exist at the south Tampomas mountain
aquifer, imaging resistivity, water resources.Wahyu Garinas dan Wahyu Hidayat
444Penggunan Index of Biotic Intergrity (IBI) Untuk Menilai Kualitas Lingkungan PerairanHistorically, the health of aquatic systems was monitored primarily trough chemical means.However, chemical monitoring provides ony a"snapshot"of condition at the time of sampling and may fail to detect acute pollution events(e.g. runoff from heavy rain, spills), non-chemical pollution(e.g. habitat alteration) and non-point source pollution. In order to address the shortcomings of chemical monitoring, the biological monitoring could be used and more accurarately reflect the health of ecosystem. Biological monitoring is based on the premise that biological communities are shaped by the long-term conditions of their enviornment and more accurately reflect the health ofan ecosystem.Monitoring, aquatic, pollution, and health ecosystemSutrisno Sukimin
445Penurunan Kadar Cod Air Limbah Industri Permen Dengan Menggunakan ReaktorPollution in the rivers is generally caused by domestic and industrial waste. Some treatments to solve it can be done individually or collectively. The effort can be physical, chemical, or biological treatments chosen by its form, character, kind, quality, quantity. PT Van Melle Indonesia is a candy company which produces a high biological waste with COD concentration 10000-30000 mg/litre. This paper reports activated sludge reactor performance to decrease the waste?s organic content. The reactor is a biological waste water treatment, as a sequence of earlier anaerob process which still has a high COD (700-4000 mg/litre). A continued reactor operation done with retention time variation 24 hours, 18 hours, 12 hours, and 6 hours show reduced COD varied 80-90%. The highest efficiency was 97.59% from the 24 hours retention time, and the lowest efficiency was 89.5% from the 6 hours retention time.activated sludge reactor, candy industry wastewaterTitiresmi
446Penerapan Instrumen Ekonomi Dalam Menguerangi Emisi Gas CO2 Suatu Perspektif Untuk IndonesiaIndonesia still using common and control (CAC) instruments in controlling environmental problems. Law No 23 year 1997 and decree of the minister and others regulations related to the law were established based on top-down policy approach. Environmental problems in most cases are effective to be controlled using common and control policy, however in issues of pollution or emission control, economic instrument or market based instrument is effective compare to the CAC. Another reason is flexibility of the instrument. This empirical study is intended to analyze how an instrument economy is useful in controlling CO2 emission. DICE model (Dynamic Integrated and Climate Change Economic ) or sometime called Three?Box model system is one of economic models which is used for controlling CO2 emission in response to potential threat of global warming. Emission of CO2 from fossil fuel is taxed through optimation of the model. Emission control rate is policy variable. Model system equations are solved using General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). Optimum scenario is occurred where value of rate of social preference 5%. Model outcome suggest that abatement cost having range between 0.1-6.7% of GDP and reduction of emission in range of 20 - 80% of current emission rate for the period of 1990-2019. In optimal condition, model suggest that appropriate emission tax for fossil fuel having range of 0.002 ? 0.024 USD per liter or equivalent to 3.90-40.35 USD carbon tax per ton of fossil fuel coal having range 1,95 -20,25 USD per ton CO2.economic instruments,environmental problebms,DICE model,EmissionKemas Fachruddin
447Application of US-EPA Menthod 29:Samping of Metals Emission from Stationary SourceThis report summaries the results of sampling (and analyses) of stack flue gas of P.T. Semen Cibinong?s Kiln, located at Jl. Raya Narogong, Desa Nambo, Cileungsi, Bogor. The test was aimed to determine concentrations of emitted metals (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg and Tl) concentrations. The conditions of the kiln tested were maintained at its normal operation. The metals were sampled from the flue gas at 3 (three) replicates. The metals concentrations in all three tests were well below the standard as stipulated in Kep-06/BAPEDAL/02/1999. This stack sampling work was carried out with the strict procedures specified by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA), Method No. 29. The laboratory analysis of metals were conducted by Analitika Sejahtera Lingkungan (ASL) laboratory, Bogor. The procedures of both stack sampling and laboratory analyses have followed a quality assurance/ quality control (QA/QC) program as an integral part of the overall technical effort.US-EPA Method 29, metals, traverse points, isokinetic sampling, linear velocityKardono
448Pemanfaatan Lahan tidur di Bawah Tegakkan Hutan Rakyat dengan Tanaman NilamThe agroforest region is bestowed with diverse agro-climatic zones, which makes itself a rich storehouse of different types of flora and fauna. Besides, this conditions help in introduction, acclimatization, and cultivation of a number of aromatic plants with minimum efforts. There are a few commercial crops, which can be cultivated without disturbing the existing flora and have the potential to establish as cash crops in this region. Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth) has been identified as one such essential oil bearing aromatic plant with immense export potential. Patchouli oil production could be a rural based, labour intensive, low cost agro-base cottage industry, which will give large-scale employment in rural and hilly areas. Patchouli, being a shade loving plant can easily be grown as an intercrop amidst fruit trees, arecanut, and coconut plantation etc. It can also be easily cultivated in flood free fallow or wastelands. This will provide some extra income for the farmers. Following report of experiment in Cibojong-Padarincang-Serang clearly indicates that Patchouli cultivation can be a good option besides the traditional crops.Agroforest, intercrop, shading, nilam, Pogostemon cablinTitin Handayani dan Titi Resmi
449Kemampuan Alkalinitas Kapasitas Penyanggan (Butter Capacity) dalam Sistem Anaerobik Fixed BEDIn the process of decomposition of the organic matter with the anaerobic system was learnt that the methane forming bacteria of was very sensitive to the level of the acidity in other words very sensitive with the low pH. There are by two big groups the bacteria that was active in this system. These two bacteria group had the duplication capacity that was very different that is 3 hours during the acid forming bacteria of and 3 days for the methane forming bacteria. The alkalinity in the reactor with the certain concentration between 1000 ? 5000 mg/l could support the pH continue to in the neutral condition when the decline in the pH happened so as the balance of the process could on the whole stay proceeding normally.
It was observed that achieving the pH 3 in the feeding, the concentration of the alkalinity descended through to 500 mg/l this was the lowered condition and the process of decomposition of the organic matter was disrupted. When being left alone then the system will stop completely because of the methane forming bacteria was inhibited.
alkalinity, buffer capacity, anaerobic, biogasDjoko Padmono
450Granulasi Lumpur Biogas AnaerobikThis article contained several differences of the theory about anaerobic sludge granulation biogas in the UASB reactor. The level of the granulation formation of the beginning followed same principles as the formation bio-film from the bacteria to a surface field. There exist strong facts that the material inert played a positive role important and granulation. Most researchers took the conclusion that Methanosaeta concilii was the main key to the formation of granulation. Only Town Stamp hypotheses that assumed that the organism autotrophic hydrogenotrophic like for example Methanobacterium from strain AZ, could grow in the condition high H2-pressure, was the key to the formation organism of granulation. Several writers focus in the stage granulation early and only several contributions that discussed the following stage in granulation included maturation granulation and multiplication. Determining factors granular in the latter stage was dominated in the existence of the manipulation of the pressure election, through which particle of bigger sludge selectively was kept in the UASB reactor.UASB; Anaerobic treatment.Djoko Padmono
451Aplikasi SIG Untuk Memahami Fenomena Tutupan Lahan dengan Citra SatelitSeasonal characteristics of vegetation, such as growing season are closely related to characteristics of the lower atmosphere, and are therefore important variables in global models and vegetation monitoring. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data derived from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration?s (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite sensor offer a means of efficiently and objectively evaluating vegetation response over large geographic areas. Those vegetation responses were computed based on time-series NDVI data collected from May 1997 to April 1998 over South East Asia. Measure of growing season was computed and analyzed for land cover type. It is difficult if not impossible to objectively define an absolute the time of the growing season from satellite observations. The purpose of this paper is to determine the threshold of the growing season by using Geographic Information System (GIS).GIS, Satellite Data, Growing Season,ThresholdTeguh Prayogo
452Kajian Penelolaan Sumber Daya Air untuk Aplikasi konsep Ecopark pada Taman Kota yang Berukuran BesarEnvironmental problems which happen in Jakarta metropolitan city, have already come into a very critical condition. All surface water, such as rivers, swamps and small lakes, have extremely been continuing polluted. Even ground water, not only the quality is getting worse, but also the quantity is decreasing. Otherwise many swamps and small lakes have been changing into a domestic settlement or commercial estate. One of few alternatives to cope with the problems is to manage all gardens in Jakarta by applying a new concept ?Ecopark? which makes an optimizing the ecological function of a park. The concept is based on the aim to make a friendly garden which is a part of green open space. Through this application, especially for big gardens with the area 5.000m2 - 10.000m2, the water resource potential will increase and its conservation will be continuously guaranteed. Garden Cornel Simanjuntak dan Utama Raya are the two examples of big city gardens which have not been managed yet by the concept Ecopark. This activity explained how the two gardens have to be properly managed by the concept. The water use pattern for watering the plants, garden as the catchment area and domestical wastewater recycling for watering are the major ways to optimize the ecological function of gardens.Environmental problem, water resource management, concept ecopark, ecological function.P. Nugro Rahardjo
453Karakteristik dan keragaman Mikroba Unit Pengolah Limbah Cair TekstilOne of major pollutants in textile wastewaters is organic substance that could be degraded and utilized by microbe as nutrient and energy source in activated sludge compartment at textile waste water treatment unit. Therefore, microbe is the concern in this observation. Based on the characterization result, such as colony type, Gram stain and microbial shape, there are 13 type of microbe grow in activated sludge. From 13 microbial type, 5 isolates is possibly as Bacillus spp., 4 isolates is to be Flavobacterium spp. and the rest as Pseudomonadaceaemicrobes, activated sludge, textile wastewaterWage Komarawidjaja
454Energi Terbarukan dalam Pembanguna BerkelanjutanRenewable energy is non fossil energy which can be renewed and managed properly. Therefore, the renewable energy resources would be sustainable. Those that can be classified as renewable energy are geothermal, hydro, solar, wind, biomass, ocean, fuel cell, and nuclearrenewable energy, sustainableAbubakar Lubis
455Akunting Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan Kabupaten SolokThe natural resources and environmental accounting is an important tool to account the stock and the sustainable flow of natural resources as well as the depletion occured in the utilization of natural resources. The natural resources stock and flow accounting is important for supporting the policy of natural resources utilization for development. The natural resource depletion accounting is to record the depreciation of natural resource capital. For Kabupaten solok it is recorded that in the year of 2005, its natural resources has the total economic rent of Rp. 765.530.561.000,-. With the natural resource depreciation of Rp.141.479.680.000,- and correcting its economic growth by 0,6 % of its GRDP in 2005.Natural resources and environmental accounting, valuationRony M. Bishry
456Identifikasi Kerusakan tumbuhan di Kebun raya Bali oleh BenaluThe mistletoes of Dendrophthoe pentandra, Helixanthera cylindrica, Scurrula parasitica and Scurrula atropurpurea growing on several plants collection in Bali Botanical Gardens. The research was carried out in June 2007 found about 114 branches/twigs of 105 treee collections had been attacked by several mistletoes. The attacked trees consisted of 51 species belong to 24 genera. The tree collections of genus Syzygium, Familie Moraceae were the most frequent tree species being attacked by the mistletoes. Dendrophthoe pentandra was the most frequent mistletoe attacking the botanic gardens plant collections and caused the biggest damaging effect. The damaging effect of the parasitic mistletoes generally occurred on the distal part of infected branches or twigs of the host plants.Mistletoe, host plants, damage, Bali Botanical Gardens.Sunaryo, Erlin Rachman dan Tahan Uji
457Perencanaan Pembanguna Wilayah Berdasarkan Konsep Produktifitas UnggulanProductivity is a ratio between an output and another input, such as: labor, and land. To solve the problem of resource limitation, it is necessary to develop some approaches, such as priority commodity approach and priority territory development approach. Some factors influencing the problem of non optimal development are very low development of Iceal priority commodity and undevelopment of priority area. Several policies and strategies that are needed in order to increase an area productivity is through priority sector / commodity development which is adjusted with carrying capacity of adjacent area, labor mobilization and human resource development. In order to support the direction of those policy and strategy, some programs that are developed are: reorientation program of local economic development that based on priority commodity, development program of strategic area and human resources development, quantitycally and qualitycally. In order to get a huge output to increase the people welfare, it is necessary to choose a right local priority commodity, thus others priority sectors will also be developed.develovment, Productivity and CommodityIkhwanuddin Mawardi
458Pengembangan Sistem Database Sumber Daya Air Kota SamarindaIn order to manage region water resources, Samarinda City has been collecting and managing all data of water resources. Good data management for water resources is needed to maintain water potential and suplay for this city and to control water quality from environmental pollution. The management of the existing water resources is needed by developing computer base structural database management system. The design of database system is used for development of software for water resources database management. The developed software can be used as Decision Support System to help city management and useful for information system to find out the potential of all water resources in Samarina. The output of this activity is software for managing water resources in Samarinda City.water resources database, water resources potential, structural data management.Heru Dwi Wahjono
459Karaktersistik Air Tanah di Kecamatan Tamansari, Kota TasikmalayaPumping test are carried out to determine how much groundwater taken from a well and what effects pumping will have on the aquifer. Theis recovery method aims to find out the aquifer characteristics such as transmisibility and permeability values. This method in principle observes the recovery of ground water surface until stable. This research location at Tamansari distric Tasikmalaya West Java. The value of transmisibilitas and permeabilitas in Tamansari district indicated the groundwater potency is not good for industry ot comercial water. Higher value at Sukahurip and lowest value at Bantarhuni with a permeability coeficient only 1.32 m2/day. Ground water flow (m3/day) between 410 ? 4868 m3/day at Mugarsari. Ground water resources is limited potency, especially at dry season, local goverment need to conserv with a build pond or fishpond for reserve water.Groundwater, pumping test and potencyAgung Riyadi dan Kusno Wibowo
460Kandungan Zat Hara Fosfat Pada Musim Barat dan Musim Timur di Teluk Harun, LampungThe result of phosphate analysis in Hurun Bay Lampung described that concentration phosphate in the West season was greater than in the East season. In the February 2003, phosphate concentration was 9.51?1.54 ?g/L while in July 2003 around 6.32?3.8 ?g/L. The phosphate dissociation and phosphate run-off from land through river may increase phosphate concentration in West season. The other result shows that phosphate concentration in the surface was higher than in the bottom layer in the all season.phosphate, nutrient, eutroficationArif Dwi Santoso