No | Kategori | Jumlah |
1 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih | 104 |
2 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah | 86 |
3 | Teknologi Pengelolaan Air | 7 |
4 | Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah | 22 |
5 | Teknologi Pemantauan Gas | 12 |
6 | Teknologi Lingkungan | 535 |
7 | Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer | 33 |
8 | Teknologi Penanganan POPs | 15 |
TOTAL | 814 |
# | Judul | Abstrak | Katakunci | Penulis | |
481 | Assesment of Oil Palm Weste Treatment Technology | Oil palm tree is the primary producer of the world cooking oil. The total crude palm oil (CPO) production contributes around 26.5 per cent (25 Million Tons per year) of the total world market. It is predicted that palm oil will share about 27.6 per cent of total world cooking oil consumption between 2008 and 2012. In addition to oil as a main product, a palm oil plant also produces the wastes, both solid and liquid wastes. These are empty palm fruit bunches, shells, fibers, sludge, and solid wastes from the kernel processes. The composition of the palm fruit empty bunch (EB), shell, fiber and sludge decanter is about 4, 11, 6 and 1 per cent dry weight of the total fresh fruit, respectively. These wastes will pollute the environment if their treatment technologies are not suitably applied and chosen. The common current treatment technology for the solid waste of the palm oil industry in Indonesia is incineration and field disposal. These treatment technologies could danger the environment if they are not designed, constructed, and operated properly based on the principle of cleaner technology. Research and development on several treatment technologies of palm oil wastes have been done. This paper will introduce the variety of technologies that could be used to treat different types of wastes of the palm oil industry at environmentally safe, technically acceptable and economically feasible. | oil industry, crude palm oil (CPO), solid waste, empty bunch (EB), shell, fiber | Heru Dwi Wahjono | |
482 | De-Coupling pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Degradasi Lingkungan di Indonesia | In the past, development acceleration to reach the short term economic growth in many countries, had proven to cause a lot of environmental damages, followed by degraded living quality of the marginal community ? especially the poor, water, air and soil pollution and degraded the natural resources quality which functioned as the sink. Indonesia, since 1999 enacted regulation concerning the Regional economic that was known as the decentralization. Its implementation also heightened the risk of high exploitation flow of the natural resources due to the orientation focus towards the increasing of the Original Regional Income. Of several existing data, the environmental quality in Indonesia tends to drop. On the other hand, Indonesia, nationally, has the program of the environment management by the sustainable development paradigm. This program was implemented through among others several effort like increase the environmental awareness, the pollution prevention from its sources, conservation and recovery of the environmental damages. In this decentralization era the strengthening of the environment management agencies in the regions and the community empowerment to carry out the control function also has to become priority. Nevertheless in its implementation, the sustainable development faced many obstacles added by the trade globalization era at present. Since the Indonesian economic must keep on growing to provide job filed and welfare improvement, therefore the choice to carry out the sustainable development is a must. | economic growth, environmental degradation, sustainability. | Wahyu Purwanta | |
483 | Perencanaan Disain Sistem Scada Water Treatmennt Plant (Wtp) untuk Kebutuhan Industri | Kawasan industri seperti Pulogadung, Cikarang, Jababeka dan MM2100 merupakan kawasan industri besar yang ada di Jawa Barat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih bagi industri, pengelola kawasan industri biasanya membangun beberapa instalasi pengolahan air dengan sumber air baku yang berasal dari sungai yang mengalir di kawasan tersebut. Meningkatnya jumlah kebutuhan air bersih di kawasan industri telah mendorong pihak manajemen untuk meningkatan jumlah produksi air bersih yang dapat dihasilkan oleh WTP yang ada. Selain itu untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan air bersih bagi industri yang ada di kawasan ini, maka dirasa perlu untuk membangun suatu sistem SCADA untuk mengelola proses yang ada di WTP industri. Sebagai langkah awal adalah melakukan identifikasi dan perencanaan disain sistem SCADA untuk WTP industri. Dari hasil perencanaan yang ada diharapkan dapat dilakukan pengembangan sistem SCADA secara bertahap sesuai dengan tahapan yang direncanakan. Tulisan ini menggunakan data dengan studi kasus di kawasan industri Jababeka Infrastuktur. | Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA), Kawasan Industri Jababeka | Heru Dwi Wahjono | |
484 | Landfill Gas for Energy:Its Status and Prospect in Indonesia | Indonesia, a nation with more than 230 million population, is the world's largest archipelagic state located between Asia and Australia continents. In 2000, the production of municipal solid waste (MSW) or refuse in 384 Indonesian cities was about 80,235 tons or 320,940 m3 per day. Refuse generation is predicted to increase five times by 2020. Waste composition is influenced by external factors, such as geographical location, the population?s standard of living, energy source, and weather. Generally, a high percentage of organic matter of refuse is between 61 and 72 per cent by weight. The presence of paper, plastic, glass, and metal ranges from 0.4 to 13 per cent. The current handling of refuse in Indonesia is mostly used the disposal land of unhealthy landfill in the form of open dumping. Around 450 units of open dumping have been in operation in Indonesian big cities. These open dumping landfills cause some problems ranging from odor to health problems. Center of Environmental Technology, BPPT has been preparing to carry out landfill mining both for its compost and gas. The gas sampling must be done first before it is pumped for energy use. The gas is suggested to be utilized for generating energy, for example for electricity. Initial test indicated that the composition of methane gas (CH4) is around 50%, which is a good enough for energy generation. If the percentage of burnable gas is too low to be used for generating electric energy, it might be mixed with high content of heating value of natural gas (dual fuel system). This paper will present the conditions of open dumping of landfill in Indonesia, and the status and the distribution of its containing gas. From this knowledge of the amount and distribution of landfill gas, it will be analyzed for suggestion how the mined gas will be suitably utilized by the people. | landfill, municipal solid waste (MSW), refuse, biogas, methane, carbon dioxide, open dumping, reduce | Kardono | |
485 | Penerapan Teknologi untuk Mengurangi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca | Being located in the equator and also has bondaries with two tectonic plates, Indopnesia has various of energy resources, such as oil, coal, natural gas, as well as, renewable energy resources such as geothermal, solar, hydro, wind etc. In relation to the above mentioned conditions, Indonesia has a lot of potential to reduce greenhouse gas emmission through increasing the energy efficiency, fuel swiching, as well as utilization of CCS (carbon dioxide capture and storage) in the oil, gas and coal mining. Although Indonesia is not included in Kyoto Protocol?s country list, Annex I or Annex II, Indonesia is inclkuded among countries that had ratified the Earth Summit and the Kyoto Protocol. Therefore, it has a responsibility to help the developed country reduce their greenhouse gas emmission through application of environmental friendly technologies in the framework of Clean Development Mechanism. | Greenhouse Gas, CDM, Application technologies | Mohammad Sidik Boedoyo | |
486 | Unit-unit Pemproses Pengolahan Limbah Cair Domestik Skala Rumah Tangga | In the last ten years water pollution problem in Jakarta has been becoming more serious. The highly increasing population causes the rising amount of domestic wastewater. Rivers in Jakarta have already been polluted by various wastewaters, such as from industries, domestic and many institutionals (offices, hospitals, markets/shop areas, etc.). It has been well known that the domestic wastewater contributes 70% in causing the river pollution, especially in Jakarta. Therefore it is very important to apply the proper domestic wastewater treatment system which is able to reduce the contaminants until an environmentally required standard. Some types of domestic wastewater treatment have already been used, but the results do not fulfil the environmental required standard. At least a unit of domestic wastewater treatment should have a control tank as the beginning filter, anaerobic part, aerobic part and a sedimentation tank as the final part of the whole system. An advanced technology using a biofilter media has been proposed and based on the experiment, the result has proven that it can reduce BOD from more than 1,000 ppm to less than 30 ppm. The retention time is about 3 days. The conclusion shows that this new wastewater treatment system is properly suitable alternative to be applied in domestic area, especially in a densely populated region. By applying the system we can also cope with the water pollution problem caused by domestic wastewater. | Domestic Wastewater technology | Petrus Nugro Rahardjo | |
487 | Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Minuman | The organic concentration of soft drink factory waste water has not high organic concentration, therefore one of the alternatives of the treatment technology is using aerobic system : activated sludge. On this observation can be seen that the system can be used as waste water treatment for soft drink that is not so high in COD contain and the criteria parameters design can be fulfilled by process parameters during operation the system. The parameters that are not fulfill the design parameters is caused by the shock loading of toxic material or by the high loading rate of substrate of waste water. Based on parameter criteria as mention above, the efficiency that can be reached of this process is about 61,22% | Activated sludge, softdrink | Indriyanti | |
488 | Perencanaan Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Domestik di Rumah Susun Karang anyar Jakarta | Karang Anyar Flat was built about 30 years ago to provide public cheap and proper housings located in the center of the town. But rightnow condition of the flat is not comfortable anymore, especially the problem on domstic waste treatment instalation. It doesn?t running well; it brings bad smell and most of the pipes broke down. It need a plan to repair the domestic waste treatment instalation and improvement in pipes network system | Rumah Susun, pencermaran lingkungan, IPAL domestic | Satmoko Yudo dan Setiyono | |
489 | Potensi Ketersediaan Air Tanah di Desa Limo Kecamatan Salimpuang | Ground water potential map showed that the Salimpaung in Tanah Datar District has very low water resources potential. Deep and shallow water resources were found in some places and in a limited area. Interpretation of imaging resistivity showed that water resources potential lies in P1 and P2 layers. This layers were found in 90 to 150 meters to the south of the mosque. The potential layer was found between 10 to 30 meter depth and thickness between 5 to 25 meter and lies in observation point between 50 ? 125 meter. Water resources at layer P1, P2, P3 and P4 has medium to low potential and the water layers was interpreted as water trap above the rock layer. The other water resources potential were found at P5, P6 and P7, at 90 ? 150 meter to the north of the mosque. The potensial aquifer lies beneath hard rock at depth 40 to 60 meter. | Water resources, imaging resistivy, potensial location | Wahyu Garinas | |
490 | Penerapan Enzim untuk Penyamakan Kulit Ramah Lingkungan | Leather industries contribute significant problems due to the hazard wastes, that threat to environmental sustainability and to human health. The negative impacts are particularly caused by the chemical compounds used in the conventional process of the leather tannery, such as lime, sodium sulphide, chrome, etc. Enzyme is protein compound from biological system, that acts as catalyst (bio-catalyst). Enzyme can be used to replace partly or complete the chemicals used in tannery processes. Recently, micro-organisms are considered a appropriate device to produce enzymes. Furthermore, it is necessary to select potential micro-organisms for enzyme production. ?Exolite?, that is first enzyme produced in pilot scale in Indonesia, proved to reduce significantly pollutant in waste of leather tannery industries. Therefore, the development of enzyme industry in Indonesia is needed to be supported. | Enzhyme, micro-organisms, leather processing, leatrher indusrty, waste and environmental impact | Suyanto Pawiroharsono | |
491 | Fungsi Strategis Danau Tondano, Perubahan Ekosistem dan Masalah yang terjadi | Tondano is a natural and biggest lake in North Sulawesi which some strategic functions i.e for irrigation, source of drinking water, hydropower, freshwater culture, tourisms, overflow control. Wide of Tondano Lake is about 46 ? 51 km2. There are 35 streams as inlet and one outlet only is Tondano Stream. Tondano Lake has some problems caused by many activities both in downstream area or around of the lake. People?s activities such as land clearing for plantation in downstream area, freshwater culture and daily people?s activities around of the lake had been organic material contribution in the lake waters. It has caused of water hyacinth booming (Eichornia crassipes (Malt) (Soms), erosion and sedimentation. Nowadays water hyacinth has been covered about 20% of Tondano Lake?s wide. Besides reduce of waters quality, water hyacinth booming has been made problems for hydropower and traffic in lake waters to the outlet. Because of that problems, Tondano Lake needs concern for intensif management. | Strategic funcitions, ecosystem, erosion, sedimentation, water hyancinth | Euthalia Hanggari Sittadewi | |
492 | Penelitian Ekologi Nepenthes di Laboratorium Alam Hutan Gambut Kereng Bangkarai Kalimantan Tengah | Ecological studies on Nepenthes at Peat Swamps Forest Natural Laboratory, Kereng Bangkirai Sabangau, Central Kalimantan, was conducted on April to May, 2006. Survey method used for to known diversity of Nepenthes in study site and we made four small plots for population measurement. As the result, three species and one natural hybrid were founded, such as; Nepenthes gracilis, N. rafflesiana, N. ampullaria and N.xhookeriana. In study site, Nepenthes gracilis is wider distribution than other species, they can grow at open, rather shaded or shaded area and they have high density at open area. While, N. rafflesiana , N. ampullaria and N.xhooekeriana commonly founded at rather shaded area or shaded area | Pitcher plants, diversity, population, peat swam forest | Muhammad Mansur | |
493 | Biokonversi Karbondioksida Untuk Bahan Baku Industri | From the stand point of carbon dioxide cycle on global warming, the conversion of CO2 into various useful carbonic material compound is one solution. Using natural energy sources such as LNG and cole may contribute to CO2 removal in the atmosphere. As one of feasible measure though CO2 is final oxidized product of carbon containing reaction have been proposed and investigate. Biological proces have to developed, CO2 was efectivly converted to methan, acetat, and raw material for plastic degradable. | corabondoixide, biokonversion, indusrtial raw material | Untung Suwahyono | |
494 | Etnobotani "Hoinu"Abelmoschus Esculentus (L) Moench Pemanfaatan,Prospek dan Pengembangan,di Sulawesi | Abelmoschus esculentus (L,) Moench. (Malvaceae) is non-indeginous species in Indonesia but people in Wawonii Island, Southeast Sulawesi, was long enough traditionally domesticated and used it. The utilization of this plant teds increase but effort on intensively cultivated was still limited. Because of its potency a study of Abelmoschus esculentus especially in relation with daily necessity of people in Wawonii is needed. The utilization and other information are very interesting to study in order to conserve the germ plasm.. | Ethonobotany.Abelmoushcus esculentus (L.) Moench, South Sulawesi | Mulyati Ragayu dan Diah Sulistiarani | |
495 | Produksi dan Formulasi Bioinsektida dan Propagul Aktif Jamur Beauveriabassiana | Tondano is a natural and biggest lake in North Sulawesi which some strategic functions i.e for irrigation, source of drinking water, hydropower, freshwater culture, tourisms, overflow control. Wide of Tondano Lake is about 46 ? 51 km2. There are 35 streams as inlet and one outlet only is Tondano Stream. Tondano Lake has some problems caused by many activities both in downstream area or around of the lake. People?s activities such as land clearing for plantation in downstream area, freshwater culture and daily people?s activities around of the lake had been organic material contribution in the lake waters. It has caused of water hyacinth booming (Eichornia crassipes (Malt) (Soms), erosion and sedimentation. Nowadays water hyacinth has been covered about 20% of Tondano Lake?s wide. Besides reduce of waters quality, water hyacinth booming has been made problems for hydropower and traffic in lake waters to the outlet. Because of that problems, Tondano Lake needs concern for intensif management. | Beauveria bassiana, bionsecticide, production technology, formulation | Untung Suwahyono dan Priyo Wahyudi | |
496 | Pengolahan Leacheate Tercemar Pb Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Pencemaran Lingkungan TPA | Waste as one of human activity products should be managed in order to minimize its negative impacts to the environment and human health. Environmental pollution will also take place due to waste which contains hazardous substances, such as used battery, accu and broken TL bulbs. Production of those goods uses plublum (Pb) in its process, so that the Pb will be carried later by the leachate flow to the environment. This work was an experiment with pre and post tests design which also used reference group as a control towards Pb parameter. Statistical analyzes was carried out using Anova and T tests with the degree of confidence of 95%. Result of the anova test of reference group with a variation of detention time was probability of about 0.293, whereas the experimental group resulted a probability of 0.005. The T-test for both reference and experimental groups with a variation of detention time gave different values of Pb parameter where the different with the probability of 0.000. The result showed that concentration of Pb in leachate decreased after it was treated using alum and lime. the significant reduction is at leaving time of 3 hours, i.e. 798.3 mg/L (75.7%). Therefore, it ca be concluded that treatment using alum and lime can be applied to reduce concentration of Pb in a lechate | Leachate, Lum, Lime, Plumbum | Sri Puji Ganefati, Joko Prayitni, dan Agus Suwarni | |
497 | Upaya Meningkatan Daya Dukung Sumberdaya Air Pulau Jawa | Water resource capacity in Java is significantly decreased. This has been noticed by the more frequent floods and over-dried seasons happened in several locations in Java. On the other side, the water demand in Java is raised as the result of increasing population and quality of live. Reducing of water resourcing capacity related with forest degradation, change of land usage and river pollution. Interpretation of the satellite imaging in 2005 showed that the vegetated land areas is left abaut 2,4 acre or 21% of the wholw area of Java island. This is lower than the regulated requirement, i.e. about 30%. Efforts might be needed to solve this problems, cover (1) Regulation of the number and distribution of population; (2) Forest and land rehabilitation; (3) Coasts degradation control; (4) Increasing efficiency of water usage and control of river pollution; (5) Management of land usage by implementing the required 30% area as opened green areas; and (6) Deregulation of the water management institution. | water resources capacity, forest degradation, population | Ikhwanuddin Marwadi | |
498 | Persyaratan Laboratorium Lingkungan dan Kondisinya di IIndonesia DAN KONDISINYA DI INDONESIA | The level of environmental quality is indicated by how much the pollutants enter into and stay in it, that is whether they are still below or already above the regulated pollutants standard. In knowing pollutant concentration in the environment, pollutant measurement must be done by employing appropriate instrument and using qualified/ certified operator. Therefore, the role of environmental laboratory is crucial in preparing instrumentation, operator, as well as standard operating procedure (SOP) in order for sampling and analysis of pollutants to work properly and result qualified data. This type of laboratory is strongly determined by how the laboratory is operated with the standard mechanism, called good laboratory practice (GLP). GLP will be met by the laboratory that owns the current state of the art instrumentation, capability and experience of the operator/analyst in conducting sampling and analysis, availability of SOP, capability to control the quality (Quality Control) and to assure the quality (Quality Assurance) of its work and the results. Some of laboratory in Indonesia has received certification from National Committee on Acreditation (KAN). However, the granted certification from the KAN must be first checked whether it is for all or part of the laboratory capabilities. Second, whether during the analysis it is already checked the accuracy and preciseness of the instrument employed. Unlike in developed countries, this type of such check has not so far been done in Indonesia. In term of Quality Assurance, the institution that grants the laboratory certification, for example KAN in Indonesia, will send blind samples to targeted laboratory to analyze how much the concentration of certain pollutants detected by this laboratory. Third, whether the operators have strongly followed the existing SOP. Thus, in order to operate laboratory in a right procedure and accuracy, a lot of work must be done carefully in order to result a qualified data. This paper is going to describe and to evaluate how the environmental laboratory is operated and how their condition in Indonesia | good laboratory practice (GLP), pengontrolan mutu (Quality Control), pengendalian mutu | Kardono | |
499 | Kajian Konservasi Buah Merah Melalui Kultur Jaringan;Ekstrasi Fraksinasi Buah INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS | Landslide is the main natural disaster in the study area of North Sumedang and South Sumedang sub-districts. The spatial distribution of landslide hazard and risk are not available yet that important for decision making. The aim of research is to provide geographic information system technology for developing a model for landslide hazard mitigation. The results show that a part of the area in the North Sumedang and South Sumedang subdistrict has moderate class covering 8.460,41 Ha (65,5%) and high landslide hazard is covering 2.798,44 Ha (21,67%), low landslide hazard zone 1.570,25 Ha (12,16%) and very low landslide hazard 85,69 Ha (0,66%). By combining landslide hazard and property value, a prediction of landslide risk was produced. Despite the majority of the area has low risk class (9.564,16 Ha/74,07%), but the high risk area occurred in minimal places (86,44 Ha/0,67%). This phenomena showed that area with high potential level of landslide hazard is not always having a high value of risk. Since the risk calculation is determined by properties value such as: infrastructure, road network and land use. While the landslide hazardous level is determined by natural factors such as : slope, soil type, geology and land use. | GIS, landslide hazard, landslide risk, disaster mitigation | Mubekti, dan Fauziah Alhasanah | |
500 | Penerapan SIG untuk Penyusunan dan Analisis Lahan Kritis Pada Satuan Wilayah Pengelolaan Das Agam | The increment of critical land extent is still undergoing because of change of land use without accompanied with conservation of land and water proportionally. Hence, it is need to carry out rehabilitation of land and forest by considering critical land map which is purposed to define priority scale, both its spatial and time. By applying technology of Geographic Information System (GIS), it can be mapped critical land according to standard of critical land criteria. In addition, the constraint of manual map can be reduced, particularly in information processing and map reproduction. In Agam Kuantan Watershed, critical land of forest has extent of 778.704,2 ha, and outside there area is about 496.486,7 ha. | Critical Land, Watershed, GIS | Sutopo Purwo Nugroho dan Teguh Prayogo Sutopo Purwo Nugroho dan Teguh Prayogo |