No | Kategori | Jumlah |
1 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih | 104 |
2 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah | 86 |
3 | Teknologi Pengelolaan Air | 7 |
4 | Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah | 22 |
5 | Teknologi Pemantauan Gas | 12 |
6 | Teknologi Lingkungan | 535 |
7 | Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer | 33 |
8 | Teknologi Penanganan POPs | 15 |
TOTAL | 814 |
# | Judul | Abstrak | Katakunci | Penulis | |
101 | Identifikasi Masalah Penyediaan Air Bersih Di Ibukota Kabupaten Kutai Barat & Alternatif Pemecahan | As the capital city of West Kutai Regency, Sendawar still has a lot of problems relating to clean water supply for its residence. Those problems are caused by the very limited capability of local water authority (PDAM), the worse of environment management and water pollutions. Water pollutions occur because of improper mining activities (gold, silver and coal), domestic wastewater and sediment particles affected by increasing run off coefficient and erosion. Therefore the quality of surface water (River Mahakam) becomes worse and worse. PDAM Problems are not only being able to serve clean water need just for 19% residence in Sendawar, but also the low capability of human resources. There are three ways to solve those problems. Firstly, it is very important to apply a concept ?One River One Management? in the Mahakam Catchment Area. Secondly, Application of wastewater treatment technology must be carried out to reduce the pollutants produced from mining industries and municipal area. The third is by improving the human resource quality, especially in the field of environment and sustainable development. | Water resource, Water authority, Pollution control, human resource | P. Nugro Rahardjo | |
102 | Konsep Pengelolaan Ekosistem Pesisir (Studi Kasus Kec. Ulujami, Kab. Pemalang, Jawa Tengah ) | As the coastal zone, Kabupaten Pemalang has an important strategic role for the fishery development at Java Island. Pemalang?s coastal zone is a bore of several rivers (estuary area) and this zone is a fertile maritime province so it?s potential to develop a dyke plantation. Meanwhile as Kabupaten Pemalang?s coastal zone have mangrove around, it?s require having conservation at this area and this situation may have a conflict of interest to developing a dyke plantation. Many of concept to deploy coastal zone to integrate on behalf of ecology and economic has been developed and implemented at Kabupaten Pemalang, so this coastal zone is become a useful zone and this area was developed with a good environmental.The difficulties of how to manage this area was how to deploy with variety multifunction and this situation constantly have a conflict of interest especially how to developed a dyke plantation for economic against conservation. This chapter is to dwell on concepts which has been developed and implemented at Kabupaten Pemalang which cover the Mangrove Conservation, Silvofishery and Tumpangsari Programme. | pengelolaan, ekosistem pesisir | Adinda Arimbi Saraswati | |
103 | Peningkatan Efisiensi Energi Sebagai Upaya Mengatasi Dampak Penggunaan Energi Pada Lingkungan | As the energy consumption continues to increase, pollutants and greenhouse gases emissions from the energy utilization also increases. The increase of those emissions has impacts on environmental problems that harmful for the ecosystem and the population. Program action needed to reduce the energy consumption. Improving the effi ciency of energy use is the most effective way to address simultaneously several national issues. It is not only can reduce the energy consumption, but also it can reduce the pollutant and greenhouse gases emissions. The program also can strengthen the national energy security. The energy effi ciency program has been implemented in some countries, but Japan is the most advance country on energy effi ciency | energy effi ciency, pollutant emission, greenhouse gases emissio. | Endang Suarna | |
104 | Pemanfaatan Ladang Gas Marginal Untuk Suplai Sektor Tranportasi Di Wilayah Pantura | As the oil energy demand for the transportation sector in the northern of Java coastal area is high, that area has a high potential for oil substitution to gas. The substitution not only can reduce oil consumption but can also can reduce pollutant emissions from oil combustion. The substitution, gas besides can be supplied from the existing gas fields, but also can be supplied from marginal gas fields that are in the Java coastal areas.An analysis result showed that gas utilization from marginal gas fields needs to be reconsidered, because the gas reserve in the marginal gas field in that area in relatively small and it is not enough infrastructure to utilized that gas fields for that area. | Gas fuel, Transportation, Clean energy | Irawan Rahardjo | |
105 | Aplikasi Metode Pengendapan Pada Analis Fitoplankton dan Tingkat Kesuburan Waduk Saguling | At this moment, Saguling reservoir in Citarum river is not only polluted by waste waterfrom municipal, Industry,agriculture and become eutrophicated. This research was carried out in attempt to know how bad is the eutrophication and effecting phytoplankton in sanguling river.this research reveal based on the measured physical, chemistry and biological parameters , Sanguling resrvoir could be classified into eutrophic with low transparency (< 70 cm), high concentration of nitrogen (>1,100mg NoI-1), phosphor(>0,216mgPol-1) ande dominated by Mycrocytis and Ascilatoria. This result also approvode the previuos analysis that overflow of sampilinfplanktonnet alwaays resulting " undrestiination" vaslue. Therefore using row metter without filitering and settling methode in phytoplankton is suggested. | Eutrofik, pengendapan, kelimpahan,. Struktur fitoplankton | Yudhi Soetrisno Garno, PhD. | |
106 | Penampilan Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Pada Azadirachta Indica A. Juss Dari Taman Nasional? | Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Apocynaceae) is a large tree of the lowland tropical rain forest of Southeast Asia that occurs in Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, on the island of Java (East Java) and Lesser Sunda Islands. Its economic value was in its wood (timber), and as medicinal plant. The information on genetic diversity of the species is very limited. Hence studies were initiated and genetic diversity estimated using RAPD markers in 27 accessions of A.indica procured from three geographical regions of TN Baluran and Balai Litbang Kehutanan. Seven selected Operon primers (10 mer) generated a total of 133 consistent amplification products ranging from 132 bp to 5.6 Kb. The cluster analysis separated the 27 individuals into 2 clusters. The range of genetic dissimilarity value among samples was from 0.07 to 0.33, while genetic distance among populations was from 0.04 to 0.10. These values showed that A. indica from TN Baluran was not genetically diverse population. | Azadirachta indica, genetic diversity, RAPD | Fajarudin Ahmad dan Yuyu S. Poerba | |
107 | Pengaruh Residu Pestisida Terhadap Pola Populasi Bakteri Dan Fungi Tanah Di Rumah kaca | bacteria, fungi, pesticide, organic matter, population. | Teknologi Lingkungan | | |
108 | Pelarutan Batuan Fosfat Oleh Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Dan Kemampuannya Dalam Meningkatkan? | Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat, Batuan fosfat, Enterolobium cyclocarpum. | Teknologi Lingkungan | Lishadari | |
109 | Isolasi, Populasi Dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Pada Daerah Perakaran? | Bakteri pelarut Fosfat, Pycosvkaya, Bengkulu | Teknologi Lingkungan | | |
110 | Pemanfaatan Limbah Tanaman Pisang Untuk Memproduksi Gula Melalui Proses sakarifikasi | Banana is a major cash crop of the tropical region generating vast agriculture waste after harvest. The agrowaste including dried leaves and pseudostem after harvest was used as substrate for the release of sugars. Saccharification of banana agrowaste by cellulases of Trichoderma lignorum was investigated. The steam treated agro-waste yielded 1,34 mg/ml of reducing sugars after 24 hours fermented. The size of substrate affected saccharification where the smaller size (< 120 micron) yield more sugars. Maximum sugars were released at pH 6,0 whereas 40 0C was the optimum temperature. Thus, under these conditions the agrowaste left behind for natural degradation can be utilized affectively to yield fermentable sugars which can be coverted into other substances like alcohol. | Banana agrowaste, Trichoderma lignorum, cellulases, sacc | Donowati Tjokrokusumo | |
111 | Keragaman Lumut Daun Di Hutan Bekas Terbakar Bukit Bangkirai, Kalimantan Timur. Moss Diversity? | Bangkirai forest recreation, east Kalimantan, mosses, burn areas, diversity. | Teknologi Lingkungan | | |
112 | Penanggulangan Banjir Dengan Jaring Pengaman Sosial Sumur Resapan Di Jakarta Dan Sekitarnya | Banjir tanggal 11 Februari 2002 mengejutkan banyak pihak karena datangnya tiba-tiba dan tidak terduga besarnya, sehingga hampir 30% wilayah Jakarta tergenang air , transportasi lumpuh , dan memakan korban jiwa akibat tanah lingsor, tenggelam, hanyut dan tersengat aliran listrik. Total aliran air permukaan diperkirakan mencapai 70 juta meter kubik, dimana jumlah tersebut tidak dapat tertampung oleh badan-badan sungai yang ada dan meluap menggenangi daerah dataran banjir sungai (floodplain area) yang saat ini banyak ditempati oleh pemukiman penduduk. Berdasarkan hasil studi yang dilakukan oleh Kelompok Pengkajian Sitem Pengelolaan Air (BPPT) dalam Studi Studi Model Optimisasi Pengelolaan Air Tanah Jakarta, maka besarnya imbuhan buatan yang harus dimasukkan kembali kedalam akuifer dangkal untuk daerah seluas 25 km2 berkisar antara 1.082.419- 54.120.960 m3/tahun atau antara 1,08 - 54,12 m3/tahun/m2. Lokasi imbuhan buatan dapat dilihat pada Peta Lokasi Imbuhan Buatan Berdasarkan Hasil Optimisasi Pengelolaan Air Tanah. Jika diasumsikan 1 (satu) sumur resapan dengan diameter 0,8 meter, lebar bidang resapan 1 meter pada tanah dengan permeabilitas rendah (0,00105 m/hari), maka kapasitas sumur resapan adalah 0,592 m3/tahun/unit. Dengan demikian untuk daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya dibutuhkan kurang lebih 2 juta sumur resapan. Pelestarian lingkungan merupakan tanggung jawab pemerintah dan masyarakat. Walaupun sudah ada Surat Keputusan Gubernur DKI yang mengatur tentang sumur resapan, pelaksanaan dilapangan masih sulit pengawasannya. Dalam kondisi krismon ini perlu langkah terobosan untuk membuat sumur resapan dengan program jaring pengaman sosial, dengan demikian pemerintah membuka lapangan pekerjaan bersamaan dengan perbaikan lingkungan. | Banjir, air tanah, sumur resapan | R. Haryoto Indriatmoko Arie Herlambang R. Haryoto Indriatmoko R. Haryoto Indriatmoko | |
113 | Penelitian Air Tanah Di Waduk Puntuk Suruh Kecamatan Pengadegan Kabupaten Purbalingga ? Jawa Tengah | Based on groundwater indication map, the area of Pengadegan district, Purbalingga Regency, has low groundwater resources potential for both deep and shallow groundwater. Investigation using resistivity showed that the potential water layers were found in the eastern part of the Dam at B and C layers. The groundwater is shallow and the thickness of the aquifer is about 20 meter and extent horizontally up to 30 meter. Layer A and B in the western part of the Dam are possibly act as a water trap as they lies above a compact layer E. To know the potential groundwater area it is suggested that further research and survey be done in the eastern part of the Dam. | water resources, imaging resistivity, potential | Wahyu Garinas | |
114 | Emisi Karbon Lahan Basah, Pertanian, Dan Kehutanan Di Indonesia | Based on the field sampling and laboratory analysis, there were some varied results of the CH4 emission from the wetland (peatland, fresh water swamp, mangrove area) and paddy field. In the peatland area, the flooded plants of Stenochlaena palustris showed higher CH4 emission than no flooded plants. In the fresh water swamp, the highest CH4 emission was 12,184 mg/m2/hour for Cyperus elatus, then 10,957 mg/m2/hour for paddy (Oryza sativa), and 7,976 mg/m2/hour for Panicum maximum. In the mangrove areas, the plant of Avicenia marina located in the fish pond showed higher CH4 emission (0,356 mg/m2/hour) than Rhizophora mucronata (0,008 mg/m2/hour) located in the drain channel. The paddy field identified highly varied CH4 emission of 1,16 ? 11 mg/ m2/hour, of which the highest emission in the flooded area of 11 cm ? 14 cm that was possibly the optimum emission for paddy field. In the forested area, the carbon stock assessment located in the former logging estate found 113,5 ? 132,6 ton/ha (average of 120 ton/ha). Based on the reference that carbon stock of primary forest is 250 ton/ ha, so there was a carbon loss of app. 130 ton/ha (CO2 emission 764 ton/ha) when the primary forest converted to secondary forest after logging. | emisi karbon, kandungan karbon, lahan basah, hutan, padi | Seno Adi, Fadliah Salim, Tuti Suryati, Titin Handayani, Hartini, Nana Sudiana, Mubekti, ? | |
115 | Analisis Vegetasi Pada Habitat Rusa Bawean (Axis Kuhlii Mull. Et. Schleg) Di Pulau Bawean | Bawean Island is a remote and tiny island, located approximately 150 km north of Surabaya. In this island it is known to habituate an endemic deer called Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii Mull. Et. Schleg). The animal is protected both nationally and internationally. Understanding the forest as the habitat for this deer is an important step toward the management and the development of the whole habitat. This study was conducted on September 2001 in three locations, known to be the habitat for Bawean deer, that was the Kumalasa, Patarselamat and Pudakit Barat villages. The forest type at study sites was lowland secondary forest. There were 114 species from 90 genus and 56 families. Number of species and trees density at Audacity Barat villages are bigger than Patarselamat or Kumalasa villages. In all study sites, Syzygium lepidocarpa, Irvingia malayana, Garcinia dioica, and Microcos tomentosa are common species.Trees height in three location were under 25 m tall, and stem diameter class were highest among 10-20 cm. Species richness (Ss) ranged from 22,7 to 55,7%. The plant communities in Patarselamat and Pudakit Barat were relatively same, but different with Kumalasa village. | Bawean deer, Axis kuhlii, habitat, vegetation. | Muhammad Mansur, Gono Semiadi, Achmad Iqbal dan Agus Sujadi | |
116 | Kajian Untuk Aplikasi Konsep ECO Park Pada Taman Kota Yang Berukuran Sedang di DKI Jakarta | Because of too many environmental problems have already been continuing in Jakarta, the local government of Province DKI Jakarta is intensively doing huge environmental programs in order to cope with the problems. One of the programs is the application of concept ?Ecopark? in managing all of the cityparks or gardens in Jakarta. A lot of citygardens in Jakarta have not correctly been managed by the concept, especially gardens which are classified into medium size park. The aim of this specific program is to optimize the environmental function of all gardens in the field of water resource management, such as increasing the efficiency in water resource exploitation, conservation of the water resource by rain harvesting and using of treated domestical wastewater. Content of the assessment in this paper focused on three citygardens, i.e Cisanggiri, Kelapa Cengkir Barat and Gandaria V Garden. The conclusion said that all the three gardens have an excellent potential to be developed by the concept Ecopark. | Environment, Ecopark, Water Resource Management | P. Nugro Rahardjo | |
117 | Pengembangan Budidaya Udang Dan Potensi Pencemarannya Pada Perairan Pesisir | Becouse of the shrimp price in international market was high, Indonesia which have a big potential swamp for develop shrimp pond (tambak) plan to increase the shrimp production. Lately, intensive shrimp culture always failed due to decomposition of organic waste in the bottom created oxygen depletion and produced gases (NH3 and H2S) which dangerous to water organisms.To avoid the fenomema farmer threw out the organic waste to coastal water which can develop euthrofication, blooming and water quality degradation. This paper conclude that increasing of the shrimp production using intensive culture will create many problem, due to the existing technology was not completed by technology which can eliminate the organic waste in the pond. This paper suggest that before the intensive technology was completed with ?waste water treatment? or ?biomanipulation technology? which can eliminate the organic waste in the pond, the increasing of shrimp production will better using extensive program with conventional or semiintensive technology. Without all it the negative impact of organic waste in coastal waters will bigger than positive impact of increasing the shrimp production. | shrimp production, organic waste, coastal waters, euthrofication | Yudhi Soetrisno Garno | |
118 | Keanekaragaman Jenis Benalu Parasit Pada Tanaman Koleksi di Kebun Raya Purwodadi,Jawa Timur | Benalu is one of the parasitic plant which have attacked many cultivation plants or wild plant species. There are approximately 124 species of benalu growing in Indonesia and they belong to 26 genera and 2 families (i.e. Loranthaceae and Viscaceae). The research on benalu diversity was done in Purwodadi Botanical Garden and 5 species of benalu could be succesfully collected, i.e. Dendrophthoe pentandra, Macrosolen tetragonus, Scurrula atropurpurea, Viscum articulatum and V. ovalifolium. Among these collected species, the highest population which grows in Purwodadi Botanical Garden is Dendrophthoe pentandra. | diversity ? parasitic plant species - benalu ? Loranthaceae & Viscaceae ? Purwodadi | Sunaryo dan Erlin Rachman | |
119 | Peningkatan Kualitas Air Sungai Untuk Irigasi Persawahan Padi Dengan Sistem "Kontrol Ph" | Bengkalis district has a population of 690,366 people spread in the area of 11,481.77 Km2. Natural resources potencial in this area is quite large, so that local Government has a high commitment to meet the demand of local food, and even regional. To implement this goal, local government will build irrigation systems to irrigate 1,500 ha of rice field land which decrease of water in dry season. However, there are some constraints experienced are : the river for irrigation water source is located near the beach, so it is influenced by tidal sea water. Besides, the peat moss water contains a high organic matter and acid. To solve this problem, we need to treat the river water for irrigation, so that its quality meets the requirement for agriculture. While tidal conditions can be set with the pumping time. From the results of the research in the laboratory showed that the river water pH = 4 while the river water quality standard for the rice field is the appropriate 5 - 9 mg/l. Therefore, the required water treatment to raise pH to comply with the standard quality of water for agriculture. Research conducted in the village Langkat, district Siak Kecil. This activity includes laboratory research, design creation tool to increase pH river water irrigation, tools development, up to the trials and monitoring. | Peningkatan Kualitas Air, Irigasi Persawahan, Kontrol pH | Ir. Setiyono, M.Si dan Ir. Sri Rahayu, M.T. | |
120 | Dasar Hukum Pengelolaan Limbah B3 | Berbagai jenis limbah industri B3 yang tidak memenuhi baku mutu yang dibuang langsung ke lingkungan merupakan sumber pencemaran dan perusakan lingkungan. Untuk menghindari kerusakan tersebut perlu dilaksanakan pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berwawasan lingkungan hidup. Salah satu komponen penting agar program tersebut dapat berjalan adalah dengan diberlakukannya peraturan perundang-undangan lingkungan hidup sebagai dasar dalam menjaga kualitas lingkungan. Dengan diberlakukannya peraturan tersebut maka hak, kewajiban dan kewenangan dalam pengelolaan limbah oleh setiap orang, badan usaha maupun organisasi kemasyarakatan dijaga dan dilindungi oleh hukum. | Limbah B3, Peraturan Pengelolaan Limbah B3. | Setiyono |