Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Masih Test
Menampilkan 641-660 dari 814 item.
641Respon Pupuk Daun Npk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Nepenthes Ventrata Dan Nepenthes NeglectaLeaf NPK fertilizer, plant growth, pitcher plantTeknologi
642Pengaruh Laju Alir Injeksi Gas Emisi Pada Fotobioreaktor Terhadap Penyerapan?photobioreactor, Chlorella sp., CO2 flowrate, reactor capabilityTeknologi
643Evaluasi Proses Produksi Pupuk Organik Granul (Pog) Yang Diperkaya Dengan Mikroba FungsionalGranule organic fertilizer, microbe, organic material, composting, physical processTeknologi
644Analisis Kesediaan Membayar Jasa Lingkungan Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air Minum Terpadu?Paradigm Ecocentrism, Willingness to Pay (WTP), Payment for Environmental Services (PES)?Teknologi Pengolahan Air
645Perkembangan Teknologi Batubara Bersih Berwawasan Lingkungancoal, pollutants, greenhouse gases, technologies,
646Laju Fotosintesis Jenis-Jenis Pohon Pionir Hutan Sekunder Di Taman Nasional?Photosynthesis rate, pioneer trees, secondary forest, Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park.Teknologi
647Pengaruh Residu Pestisida Terhadap Pola Populasi Bakteri Dan Fungi Tanah Di Rumah kacabacteria, fungi, pesticide, organic matter, population.Teknologi
648Prospek Teknologi Remediasi Lahan Kritis Dengan Asam Humat (Humic Acid)Humic-acide, remediation, agricultural field.Teknologi
649Emisi Gas Buang Kendaraan Bermotor Berbahan Bakar Gas Cair (Lgv) Dan Pertamax?LGV, exhaust gas emission, cold start, hot start.Teknologi
650Dampak Budidaya Pertanian Intensif Terhadap Kualitas Air Permukaan Desa Kanigoro?water quality, heavy metals, pesticides, microbes.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
651Oven Destilator Pengolah Sampah Plastik Ramah Lingkungan?Up to now, the majority of people treat plastic waste by burning and disposing it directly to the surrounding environment. The burning of the waste causes air pollution due to toxic compound called dioxin which is harmful for human health. Meanwhile, the dumping of plastic waste into water bodies can causing some negative effects such as the clogging of water duct or river which may lead to flooding. Annually, the number of plastic bag used can reach 500 million ? 1 billion, which is equal to 10 fold wrapping of earth surface (Nitizen, 2008). The best handling of plastic waste are using reuse or recycle methods which are environmentally friendly and at the same time can gain economical value1). The study is aimed to: 1) understand the capability of oven distillator in processing plastic waste into plastic grain and liquid smoke, 2) understand the influence of liquid smoke towards wood durability, 3) understand the price of the oven distillator and the corresponding break even point (BEP).The study was an experimental one and employed pre test and post test with control group design, and simultaneously assessing equipment?s production capacity. The data was analyzed descriptively and analytically with Anova test and t-test at 95% level of significance. The results show that oven distillator capable for processing 97,3% of plastic waste into plastic grain, while the rest was converted into liquid smoke. The liquid smoke was proved affect wood preservation (anova test, p<0.001), and have similar quality compared with varnish use (t-test, p=0,764). The cost analysis shows that the distillatory raise economical value of the waste by 217,66%, and The BEP would be reached in 68 days if 12 kg plastic is processed daily. It is advised that he oven can be used by general community or home industries for applying green and high economically value of plastic waste processing.Destilator, Pengolah SampahSri Puji Ganefati, Lilik Hendrarini, dan Sarjito Eko Windarso
652Prediksi Parameter -Parameter Biofisik Tanaman Padi Dari Data Gro Undspectro Meter?Hyperspectral, NDSI , spectral indices, PLSR, ground-based spectroradiometerTeknologi
653Pengaruh Eksplan Dan Zpt Terhadap Pertumbuhan Nepenthes Albomarginata Secara In VitroNepenthes albomarginata, in vitro, BA, NAA, 2,4-DTeknologi
654Biodegradasi Limbah Oli Bekas Oleh Lycinibacillus Sphaericus Tcp C 2.1biodegradation, used engine oil, Lycinibacillus sphaericus TCP C 2.1.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
655Perbaikan Kualitas Air Baku Perusahaan Air Minum (Pam) Dengan BiofiltrasiBiofiltration, Raw Water Quality, Drinking WaterTeknologi Pengolahan Air
656Diversity Of Antibacterial Compounds From Eucheuma Serra, Halimeda Opuntia?seaweed, isolated single compound, antibacterial activityTeknologi
657Manfaat Tanaman Sagu (Metroxylon Sp)Dalam Penyediaan Pangan?sago,noodle , food, utliization, sustainableTeknologi
658Pengaruh Radiasi Sinar Gamma Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Perubahan Fenotipe Tunas?Aloe vera, A.vera var. Chinensis, radiasi sinar gamma, perubahan morfologiTeknologi
659Struktur Dan Komposisi Vegetasi Pohon Serta Estimasi Biomassa, Kandungan Karbon?Structure, Composition, Biomass, Photosynthesis, Transpiration, VegetationTeknologi
660Isolasi, Identifikasi, Dan Skrining Jamur Endofit Penghasil Agen Biokontrol Dari Tanaman?biocontrol agent; endophytic fungi; percentage inhibition of growthTeknologi