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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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541Penghematan Energi Pada Industri SemenIndustri semen merupakan salah satu industri yang digolongkan sebagai industri
yang boros mengkonsumsi energi, karena dalam proses produksi mengkonsumsi
energi cukup besar setara dengan 25 s/d 35 % dari biaya total produksi. Sejalan
dengan semakin berkurangnya cadangan bahan bakar fosil yang tidak dapat
diperbaharui (non-renewable energy), penghematan energi melalui efisiensi
penggunaan energi pada proses produksi menjadi suatu keharusan yang tidak dapat dihindari. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya[1], Penulis telah melakukan Feasibility Study terhadap pemasangan VSD di Fan, yang menunjukkan kemungkinan penghematan energi yang cukup besar. Dalam penelitian ini, unjuk kerja dilapangan secara nyata telah didapatkan bahwa pemasangan inverter atau VSD?S pada Fan yang digunakan didalam proses produksi Industri Semen, mampu menghemat penggunaan energi sebesar 499,0464 MWH pertahun, dan nilai ini setara dengan penurunan emisi gas CO2 sebesar 361.309,594 Ton CO2/Tahun.
Industri Semen, Fan, Damper, Variable Speed Drive (VSD), Inverter.Teguh Prayudi
542Serapan Sianida (Cn) Pada Mikania Cordata (Burm.F) B.L. Robinson, Centrosema Pubescens Bth ?Some plant species growing in the contaminated areas, indicated high tolerancen and potentially affective in accumulating pollutants in their roots and above ground portions. These plants can be utilized as hyperaccumulators for cleaning up the contaminated sites. Study on heavy metal and CN contamination and potential plant species for accumulator is urgently needed in order to understand the problems and to obtain suitable technology for the solution. This research aims to examine CN accumulator plants growing in CN contaminated tailing to find a possible solution of cleaning up by using green technology of phytoremediation. Phytoremediation is defined as clean up of pollutants primarily mediated by photosynthetic plants. This study aims to characterized plants that grow under extreme contaminated media of gold mined tailing and to analyse their potencies as hyperaccumulators. Mikania cordata (Burm.f) B.L.Robinson,Centrosema pubescens Bth and Leersia hexandra Swartz which proven tolerant and dominant in the contaminated site were examined in this research. The plants were grown in tailing waste media added by 0 ppm CN, 2.5 ppm CN, 5 ppm CN dan 7.5 ppm CN using complete randomized design with 5 replicates. The results showed that the plants were capable of growing under the highest level of CN. Among three species, Mikania cordata showed the highest biomass production followed by Centrosema pubescens and Leersia hexandra. Total CN accumulation varied between species, the highest was reached in 2.5 ppm CN treatment i.e. 22.48 mg/kg in Leersia hexandra, followed by Centrosema pubescens (18.92 mg/kg) and Mikania cordata (12.03 mg/kg). The highest CN content was 0.085 mg in Mikania cordata treated with 7.5 ppm CN. High ratio of shoot to root CN (>1) was expected in hyperaccumulator plants to indicate that CN was more distributed in the above ground portions than in the roots. In this study the highest shoo to root CN ratio was showed in Mikania cordata i.e.11.75.Phytoremediation, contaminants, cyanide, Mikania cordata, ...
pubescens, Leersia hexandra
Fauzia Syarif
543Penelitian Air Tanah Di Waduk Puntuk Suruh Kecamatan Pengadegan Kabupaten Purbalingga ? Jawa TengahBased on groundwater indication map, the area of Pengadegan district, Purbalingga Regency, has low groundwater resources potential for both deep and shallow groundwater. Investigation using resistivity showed that the potential water layers were found in the eastern part of the Dam at B and C layers. The groundwater is shallow and the thickness of the aquifer is about 20 meter and extent horizontally up to 30 meter. Layer A and B in the western part of the Dam are possibly act as a water trap as they lies above a compact layer E. To know the potential groundwater area it is suggested that further research and survey be done in the eastern part of the Dam.water resources, imaging resistivity, potentialWahyu Garinas
544Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Minuman RinganThe concentration of soft drink contains organic waste water not so high. There fore one of the alternative of processing technology is used aerobic system: Oxydation ditch. On this observation can be seen that the system is able to degrade the organic matter by observe the operation parameters process to operate the system and the parameters are BOD, COD, TSS, Oil & grease, TDS, Total N and pH. All parameters show stability process during 3 (three) months operation. Base on the criteria as mentioned above, the efficiency that can be reached by this system are around 96,875 % for BOD efficiency, COD 96 % for COD efficiency , TSS 80 %, Oil & grease 75 %, Total N 76,92 % and pH 41 %.limbah cair, minuman ringanIndriyati dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
545Analisis Model Sebaran Bahan Pencemar Dl Perairan Selat Nguan, BatamAnalysis of the pollutant transport model was conducted to understand the magtitude, their pattern and spreading speed of the pollutant at Nguan narrow channel of Batam. The RMA2 (Resource Management Associates) analysis was employed to solve those phenomena. The target analysis of the pollutant is suspended particulate matter (sediment), a rnost dominant pollutant matter within this area. The result shows that the spreading pollutant was strongly associated with the monsoonal system, current speed, tidal system and the pollutant source. The southward direction of sediment transport was inluenced by the northwest monsoon and the tidal flood. While the northward direction was affected by the southeast monsoon and the ebb tide. The current speed was identified as main factor causing the flushing out magnitude of the water mass at the channel, in which the flushing out in the northwest monsoon was faster than that in the southeast monsoon. As consequence, the water resident time was to be short, the pollutant was easily to be cleaned out and as the result, the water quality within the channel was to be excellent.Spreading pollution model, Nguan BatamSuhendar I Sachoemar dan Andri Purwandani
546Tinjauan Aspek Hukum terhadap Pola Penggunaan Lahan Di Daerah Aliran Sungai ?The development of urban and sub urban of Jakarta has influenced Ciliwung river bank, which finally damaged environment. Lacal government ?Kabupaten Bogor? has made RUTRW (Rencana Umum Tata Ruang Wilayah), general plan for regional use space to control the development and to avoid more damaged environment. However, there are many divergences occur in the land use. Observation to current area of the river in the Ciliwung in the middle area was hopping can give some suggestion to government for more aware and keep environment away from more damaged.Uses Pattern of River BanksSilia Yuslim dan Nur Intan Mangunsong
547Karakteristik Dan Pertumbuhan Konsorsium Mikroba Lokal Dalam Media ?Laboratory microcosm observation were conducted to study the effect of media culture containing oil spill in microbial growth ability . Laboratory microcosms was inoculated with oil microbial consortia isolated from oil spill sample in Cepu oil field. Based on the colony characteristic differentiation, 5 microbial types identified from the sample. At the end of enrichment period and acclimatization on the BH media containing 5% Cepu crude oil, all isolates as microbial consortia put into growth experiment media. The experiment proved that microbes could be able utilizing oil as carbon source for their cell multiplication. The results showed the more the turbidity concentration increase, the more the microbial population rise. These studies indicates that reducing oil spill utilizing in situ bioremediation technologies can be realized.spill oil, oil pollution, bioremediationWage Komarawidjaja
548Hybrid Solar Lighting Sebagai Alternatif Teknologi Penerangan Alami Bangunan Untuk Efisiensi ?Artifi cial (electric) and direct lighting technologies available today have the potential to greatly reduce the growth rate of electricity consumed through lighting worldwide. While electric lighting has been ineffi cient throughout much of its history, direct (natural) lighting is nearly free and often plentifully supplied by the sun. However, electric lighting systems are necessary when solar lighting is not adequate and these technologies are being greatly improved. One relatively new method of lighting a building?s interior combines both artifi cial and direct lighting to maximize effi ciency is accomplished through the use of a paraboloidal, mirrored dish which actively tracks the sun to concentrate sunlight into an array of fi ber lighting, fiber opticsSuryo Anggoro
549Pengetahuan Lokal Tentang Lingkungan: Studi Kasus Etnis Wawonii ?Wawonii ethnic represent the majority groups and ethnic origin dwelling Wawonii island, Southeast Sulawesi. In their traditional life, this ethnic has own manners and customs for managing natural resources. Local knowledge research?s about environment ecosystem of owned Wawonii ethnic have been carried out since 2003 to 2006. Several countryside of Wawolaa, Lansilowo, Lampeapi, Bobolio and Dompo-dompo Jaya have been visited during this study. At least 6 kinds environment sets have been identifi ed, manely ?kura eya? primary forest, ?lali bata? secondary forest, ?anantalu? brushes, ?laro wita? fi eld, ?laro le? grassland and ?kapo? village. Although there local knowledge have a lot of change, however it still remain their wisdom and become the guidance in their daily activities.Local knowledge, Wawonii ethnic, Southeast Sulawesi.Mulyati Rahayu, Mohammad Fathi Royyani dan Rugayah
550Produksi Xilanase Menggunakan Media Limbah Pertanian Dan PerkebunanWaste Agriculture of paddy like hay, bran, chaff and frond of banana and also waste plantation of coconut root and cangkang of sawit pregnant [of] lignoselulosa (cellulose, lignine and hemiselulosa). In order to searching alternative materials for the production of xylanase hence done by research of xylanase production of agriculture waste and plantation waste like the above. Xylanase produced from Bacillus stearothermopillus DSM 22, using hay, bran, chaff and frond of banana and also coconut root and cangkang of sawit as source of carbon while as source of nitrogen and nutrisi by molasses and urea. Fermentation done in the erlenmeyer use incubator shaker with condition of temperature 550C, pH early 8, and agitation 250 rpm. From result of research obtained activity of xylanase highest 0.523 Unit / ml.menit and 0.429 Unit / ml.menit at to 30 hours with bran media of oven ( DO) and natural hay ( JA) respectively with natural bran medium (DA) activity of xylanase highest 0.514 Unit / ml.menit at 24 hours fermentation. Fermentation using fermentor with natural hay and condition of temperature 550C, pH 8, and agitation 250 rpm result activity of xylanase highest 2.47 Unit / ml.menit at to 32 hours.Xylanase, B. stearothermophillus DSM 22, enzyme activityTrismilah dan Deden Rosid Waltam
551Penurunan Kadar Krom (Cr) Dengan Menggunakan Biomasa Ampas Tebu Secara Bio-AdsorbsiChrome is a substance belong to high toxicity heavy metal group which can cause both acute and chronic poisoning. One of the methods that can be used to reduce its concentration is biosorbtion with bagasse biomass. The objectives of the study were to understand the chrome concentration before and after absorbed, as well as to understand the amount of the most effective biomass. The study was an experimental with three treatments of which consisted of eight repetitions. The sample was synthetic liquid waste and the treatment absorbent was bagasse biomass which was processed as activated carbon of 10, 15, and 20 grams weight. The chrome concentration were measured by using AAS method. The results showed that the chrome concentration before treated was 10,196 mg/l, and the average of the reduction from the three absorbents weight were: 0.174 mg/l, 0,099 mg/l, and 0,011 mg/l respectively. It can be concluded that there were reduction differences amongst the three treatments, and 20 gr absorbent was the most effective one (99.88 % reduction). It is advised for further study to apply the bagasse for processing liquid waste from industrial activities.Bagasse biomass, ChromeYasril, Heru Subaris Kasjono, dan Sri Puji Ganefati
552Mesin Pengering Produk Pertanian Bertenaga Panas BumiIndonesia as the biggest geothermal potential country in the world. There are 252 geothermal locations have been identifi ed that distributed along a volcanic belt extending from Sumatera, Java, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku until Papua. Utilization of this energy be side for electrical power generation, it is used for non electrical (direct uses) as well. In the agriculture area with high rainfall, drying process can decrease quality of crop products. The tools doesn?t produce emission and doesn?t make noises and also as clean energy. By optimization the utilization of geothermal energy that available surrounding the agriculture area could increase the local people economic.Drying, conduction, covection, heat exchanger, direct use, cacao.Achmad Hasan
553Keanekaragaman Jenis-Jenis Kayu Bakar Di Desa Lampeapi, Pulau Wawonii, Sulawesi TenggaraFire wood is become one of the alternatif fuel to replace kerosene and gas. Because of the government regulation that replace kerosene into elpiji gas, many local people become prefer using fi re wood for their cooking, although it cause air pollution. Twenty six plant species have been recorded as fi re wood in Lampeapi, Wawonii Island, S.E. Sulawesi. Those species collected from the beach and also hill forest.Lampeapi, Wawonii, Sulawesi, forest, fi re woodSiti Sunarti dan Rugayah
554Keanekaragaman Jenis-Jenis Anggrek Kepulauan KarimunjawaKarimunjawa is a group of small islands which is situated at 0 up to 506 above sea levels, and covered of total forests area of about 1,300 ha. The area is located within Jepara Regency, Central Java. Studies on forest ecology and fl oristic of the island has been conducted in 2003 to 2006. The present study is apart of the fl oristic studies with special attention to orchids. Based on fi eld study combined with specimen herbarium stored in the Herbarium Bogoriense, there are at list 13 species of orchid collected from Karimunjawa Island, and one of them is recognized as endemic species in Jawa. In addition there is one unidentifi ed species which is belonging to genus Eria.Orchids, Karimunjawa Island, Herbarium BogorienseDiah Sulistiarini dan Tutie Djarwaningsih
555Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Dan Potensinya Di Cagar Alam Tangale, GorontaloPlant inventory has been carried out in Tangale Nature Reserves in Gorontalo Province, North Sulawesi (2002). This area covers about 113 ha. About 250 species have been listed from this area, and 72 species of them utilized by the local people who leave in its surrounding area as stuff food, fruit and vegetable sources, medicinal purpose, ornamental plant and for house building as well. From this activity, one new species of Oxalidaceae (Averrhoa leucopetala Rugayah & Sunarti) described, and two species of Euphorbiaceae (Mallotus griffi thianus and M. macrostachys) informed as a new record for SulawesiPlant inventory, Tangale Nature Reserves, GorontaloRugayah, Siti Sunarti dan Tutie Djarwaningsih
556Pembentukan Tunas Lilium Sp. Secara Ex Vitro Dan In VitroBuds, planlets and bulblets formation from excised bulbscales was the preferred method for vegetative propagation of Lilium sp (Liliaceae). The ex vitro techniques with Gibberellic acid (GA3) pretreatment was induced buds formation on scales cutting which planted on sterilized sand media. Buds rised from basal scales 7 days after planted. However scales untreated GA3 obtained in 35-42 after planted. In vitro methods to promote buds initiated from bulbscales explants, was induced on media MS (Murashige and Skoog) supplemented with GA3 1 mg/l. Media for induced buds formation, MS contained Benzyl adenine (BA) 1 mg/l and 2 mg/l increased multiple shoots formation signifi cantly compared cultured on media without BA. Roots growth improved on media contained NAA, but the highest planlets achieved on cultured MS media without BA. Bulblets formation obtained on media contained higher concentration of BA (5 mg/l).bulbscale, bulblet, Lilium sp., ex vitro, in vitro, propagation.Djadja Siti Hazar Hoesen
557Peranan Tumbuhan Liar Dalam Konservasi Serangga Penyerbuk Ordo HymenopteraThe role of the wild plants in relation to the conservation of the Indonesian insect
pollinators was studied at several areas of Java. Three of direct observation
methods were applied: study of biodiversity and observation on the wild fl owers
and the insect pollinators as well, and the behaviour of the insects. The fl owers
of wild plants were relatively smaller and paler in colour, however they were more
attractive to insect pollinators than cultivated plants. Flowering time of the wild
plants was mostly during wet seasons, contrary to that of the cultivated plants
which was mostly during dry seasons. Our observation indicated that these wild
plants are the food resources of insect pollinators during wet seasons. Observation data support the importance of wild plants to supply food to insect pollinators during wet seasons. Management of wild and cultivated plant environments is necessary to conserve insect pollinators.
insect pollinators, wild plants, conservationErniwati dan Sih Kahono
558Pengaruh Mikoriza, Media Tanam Dan Fase Transplant Terhadap Pertumbuhan ?Dyera costulata, usually called as jelutung is belonging into Apocynaceae family. This plant is a potential plant species that has good prospect, especially for timber and latex production. However the seedling grows slowly. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, Treub Laboratory, Botani Division, Centre Research for Biology-LIPI, Bogor, using a Factorial Completely Randomized Design with tree main factors in fi ve replications. The fi rst factor is phase of transplant i.e. seedling with closed cotyledon, seedling with opened cotyledon, seedling with two first leaves. The second factor is growth medias i.e. soil, soil+compost (1:1), soil+husk of rice (1:1), soil+compost+ soil+husk of rice (1:1:1), compost+ soil+husk of rice (1:1). The third factor is mycorrhiza i.e. 0, 2, 4 and 6 g/pot The result showed that the transplant phase had signifi cant effect on the seedling growth. The best of transplant phase is seedling with two leaves which has 100% survival, seedling height 8.57 cm and number of leaves 5.07. Mycorrhiza treatment no signifi cant effect on the seedling growth until 5 months after planting. Growth medias had signifi cant effect at number of leaves. Therefore it is recommended the best media for seedling growth are are of soil+ soil+husk of rice (1:1) , or soil+compost + husk of rice = 1:1:1. There was no interaction effect of transplant phase, mycorrhiza and growth media.jelutung (Dyera costulata), mycorhiza, growth media, transplant phaseNing Wikan Utami dan E. A. Widjaja
559Pengaruh Pemberian Ransum Dari Limbah Jerami Padi Dan Onggok Melalui ?Decreasing of land for agriculture pushed the exploiting of agricultural and industrial by-products for feedstuffs. Rice straw and ?onggok? represent the by-products that very potential to use for feedstuffs. However these by-products have low digestion value for livestock. Therefore processing of the by products before use is essensial to increase its quality. The experiment was conducted for 7 weeks to investigate the effects of feeding diets containing rumen liquor treated-rice straw or rumen liquor treated onggok on the performance of local male sheeps. Parameters measured were feed intake (g/head/day), weight gain (g/head/day), and feed conversion. Data from randomized complete block design were analized using ANOVA and if its showed signifi cantly different contras ortogonal test was used. The result showed that the treatments signifi cantly (P<0,05) affected feed intake, weight gain, and feed conversion. R2 and R3 treatments signifi cantly (P<0,01) increased feed intake compared with R4 and R1 treatment, while between R2 and R3 treatments, and R1 and R4 treatments were not different. It can be concluded that treament of rumen liquor to rice straw could improve its nutritive quality which was proved by good performance of sheeps fed diets containing rumen liquor treated rice straw.rice straw, rumen liquor, sheep, performanceSindu Akhadiarto
560Pengaruh Pohon Induk Cendana (Santalum Album L) Dan Pemangkasan Cabang Terhadap ?Sandalwood (Santalum album L) is one of the tropic plants that have high economic value. Sandalwood exploitation in East Nusa Tenggara province has very long history perhaps more than 1000 years therefore unforgetable. Now a days sandalwood was categorized as rare plant. One of the several ways to conquer the rare of sandalwood is to build the garden of sandalwood seeds in Kian Rai Ikun, Belu Regency. Some steps of these activities are, to inventory the mother seeds trees in Belu and Timur Tengah Utara Regency, seeds collecting, seed germination and furthermore sandalwood seedlings are planted in the garden of sandalwood seeds in Kian Rai Ikun, Belu regency. This garden is located about 450 m above sea level (asl). On inventory activity were found 5 mother seeds trees located in Biau (Bi) about 500 m asl, Alas (Al) 500 m asl, Haitimuk (Ha) 100 m asl, Oesena (Oe) 500 m asl and Tialai (Ti) 450 m asl. Planting of sandalwood seedling in this garden are coordinated to available planting plot. Every planting plot was grown about 200 ? 250 sandalwood seedlings from the same mother seeds tree. Some activities to maintain sandalwood seedling in the garden after planting time are, watering, weeding and pruning the branch. The aim of branch pruning on sandalwood trees is to protect the plant from wind disturbance in order not fall down. In our experience sandalwood seedling fall down easily if seedling has dense of branches and leaves. This research was purposed to study the effect of mother seeds trees and branch pruning on sandalwood growth in the fi eld. The result shown that branch pruning did not give signifi cantly different on sandalwood growth but the mother seeds trees gave signifi cantly different on sandalwood growth in the fi eld during 1 ? 10 months after pruning. The sandalwood plants from Haitimuk mother seeds tree possess the highest in height and branch growth than other plants, while the sandalwood plants from Oesena mother seeds tree possess the lowest in height and branch growth. The growth of sandalwood in fi eld followed the models of logistic growth with high determination coeffi cient about more than 0. 85.Sandalwood, mother seeds trees, pruning, models of logistic growth,
Belu, NTT.
Albertus Husein Wawo