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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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581Penerapan Teknologi Penangkapan Karbon Dioksida Dari Udara Bebas Menggunakan ?Increasing of Green House Gases (GHG), especially carbon dioxide gas (CO2) as a result from human activities, has been urge several countries for doing an activity regarding the minimization of CO2 in the atmosphere. This activity includes capturing of CO2 from atmospheric air utilizing sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) and it is called artificial tree. This experiment utilize technical grade NaOH with the purity of 98% produced in Indonesia. Capturing of CO2 is performed in a cyclonic spray reactor which is equipped with sprayers. This paper describes the performance of system to capture CO2 from atmospheric air in process laboratory, Institute for Environmental Technology (Balai Teknologi Lingkungan) BPPT. The concentration of CO2 in the laboratory was 445 ppm. To obtain the wide surface area, solution of NaOH is sprayed into the reactor, whereas, the air is blown into the reactor with a cyclonic flowing. In that way, reaction between NaOH solution and CO2 will be effective. By using a blower, atmospheric air enters the reactor. The blower has a capacity of 15 liter/second. The solution of NaOH to be pumped into the reactor has concentration of 1% and 2% respectively. In this experiment, the flow of atmospheric air into the reactor is constant. Whereas, solution of NaOH enter the reactor is vary.artificial tree, cyclonic spray, sodium hydroxide, carbon dioxide, atmospheric airAdi Mulyanto, Dwindrata B. Aviantara, Nida Sopiah, Budhi Priyanto, Hendra Tjahjono, Heru Subagio
582Upaya Menuju Kemandirian Bahan Semai Flare Dalam Mendukung Tmc Di IndonesiaGlobal warming and climate change has been continuous issue for more than two decades.Rainfall deficits and droughst are projected to become more extreme due to climate change particularly in the tropics. Weather Modification or cloud seeding is one alternative of adaptations the climate changes in Indonesia. Work Packet Teknologi Pengembangan Bahan Semai in FY 2008 has made a small scale hygroscopic cloud seeding flare production equipment (ball mill, hydraulic press and oven). The hygroscopic flare prototype has 60% KCl, 20% MgCl, and 6.2% NaCl, while th e burning flare particle size was 0.3 warming, weather modification, cloud seeding, hygroscopic flareErwin Mulyana, Untung Haryanto, Ham Hilala, R Djoko Gunawan, Pitoyo S Sarwono, ?
583Mempelajari Karakter Flow Di Atas Sistem Orografik Jakarta, Bogor, Puncak Untuk Transport ?Simulating transport seeding agent using AgI tracer from GBG-Tower at Citeko (Bogor area) is presented during period of 17 ? 26 December 2008. Character flow over low mountain ranges from Jakarta (0-50 m) to Puncak (1000 ? 1500m) has been analyses using Froude number. Increasing elevation from Jakarta to Puncak build orographic system and caused flow lifted by topographic contour and building some orographic cloud there. Result of analyses found that flow over system orographic Jakarta,Bogor,Puncak have character low kinetic energy and flow can not reach the highest barrier. With typical flow velocity ranges from 4.6 to 11.4 m/s, flows only reached 700m elevation of barrier. Flow can be reaches the highest elevation if have velocity 25 m/s, the uncommon velocity in this region. During day time (morning to afternoon), typical flow velocity is 6.1 to 11.4 m/s and its reduce during nght day with typical velocity 4.6 ? 9.9 m/s. Cloud over Citeko have base with various heght, generally between 100 and 600 m. The Silver in rain water content is not unique disperse to high altitude after releasing from top of GBG-tower due to no different concentration in rainwater during its releasing day and background ie 0.09 mg/l. Flow character over sistem orographic Jakarta,Bogor,Puncak can not support as transport media for rising seeding agent to reach the higest barir due to low kinetic energy of flow.Froude number, system orographic,kinetic energy, barrierUntung Haryanto
584Proses Pemurnian Magnesium Sebagai Unsur Pembuat FlareWeather modification in Indonesia was done by weather modification technical operating unit (UPT-HB) belong to BPPT, from the beginning for cloud seeding method they use salt powder (NaCl). The mechanism powder on the cloud act as Ultra Giant Nuclei (UGN) in collision coalescence process, rather than act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). The application of cloud seeding flare method since less than one decade in Indonesia had shown many advantages, the most significant feature for instance 1 kg of flare equal 1 ton of salt powder. This advantages had gave many impact for weather modification operation such more efficient, more economic, easier handling especially when stock in warehouse after flare were made. The aim of the research that had been funding by incentive research the ministry of research, was planed to support (UPT-HB) in term of making the supply material component needed for making flare from local sources. In the year 2007 UPT-HB has declared will change powder method to Cloud Seeding Flare method. The research activity had been planning for 3 years period of time , period 1(first year) activity is laboratory experiment for MgO extraction from dolomite - CaMg(CO3)2, period 2(second years) activity is laboratory experiment extraction Mg from MgO, and period 3 (third year) activity is up scaling the result of period 2 (home industry scale) to produce Mg and market study to fulfill local demand . Recently (in 2008) activity for period 1(first year) had been done, from laboratory experiment MgO with 97% purity had been separated from dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 . This research was application of technology process in order to get Mg metal from dolomite by decomposition treatment , hydrometallurgy process, carbonization reaction, settling the solution then MgO was got as hydromagnesite after the dryer via the green house.Dolomite, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium , decomposition , Hydromagnesite,
Pitoyo Sudibyo Sarwono dan Untung Haryanto
585Kenaikan Muka Laut Akibat Pemanasan Global Dan Aspek Penataan Ruang Wilayah Kota MakassarClimate and regional temperature changes due to anthropogenic activities have the impact on physical and biological aspects in the coastal zone. The increase of sea level changes is one important impact that adversing the coastal ecosystem. In 40 years (1961 ? 2003) sea level has increase in the average rate of 1,8 mm/year with the total increase of 17 cm in the early 20th century. Makassar city, the largest city in the eastern part of Indonesia is vulnerable to the increase of sea level. In this city, several coastal tipology in terms of land use can be observed. Human settlement, city tourism, sea port, fish pond as well as area with no human activities can be found. Large potential of economic loss can be occured if is not anticipated. Coastal zone spatial planning need to include coastal hazard of sea level changes due to global warming, increase of sea level changes, coastal tipologyIwan G. Tejakusuma dan Hermawan P
586Analisis Kondisi Cuaca Pulau Jawa Pada Tanggal 8 Januari 2009 Berdasarkan Pemanfaatan Luaran Mm5Floods had occurred in many places in Indonesia in January 2009. According to news. 1) (2009), there was heavy rain for about 2 hours long in which caused in floods in Surabaya. Moreover, there were floods in East Java; especially in Jember District that caused in about 510 houses were flooded (2), 2009). In general, there were floods in several places in Java in early January 2009. Therefore, this paper is trying to analyze weather condition in Java especially on 8 January 2009. Weather condition is analyzed by MM5, Madden / Julian Oscillation (MJO) and satellite images of 8 January 2009. Results show that MM5 may be used to predict weather condition, in this case for one day in advanceMM5, MJO, Cuaca, Banjir.Mimin Karmini, Ridwan, Dan Dwipa Wirawan Soehoed
587Peluang Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca Untuk Antisipasi Banjir Di JakartaFlood anticipation technology for Jakarta which is possible to be applied in other regions of Indonesia has been sudied. This technology includes flood early warning system and weather modification technology for flood prevention. In this study, flood is defined as flood caused by high intensity and long duration rainfall. Early warning system is constructed by accurate climate prediction, firstly. Upon accurate climate prediction, accurate weather prediction must be produced. During predicted extreme weather, cloud development must be monitored continuously to be informed as early warning to citizens. Information should be distributed using television network to be visually understood. The next step is flood prevention using weather modification technology. Maritime clouds over Java sea and continent clouds exist over out of Jakarta catchment area (JCA) which move into JCA have to be seeded in order to be rainfall as soon as possible. Even, when continent cloud exist over JCA, as long as cloud tops is < 12 kf and are predicted that they will be still over JCA in the next 2 hours, they will be seeded in order to be rainfall before develop as deep convective clouds.flood, early warning system, jumping process.Tri Handoko Seto
588Sistem Pemanfaatan Air Hujan (SPAH) dan Pengolahan Air Siap Minum (ARSINUM)Curah hujan yang tinggi di beberapa daerah di pedesaan kebanyakan terbuang mengalir begitu saja ke sungai. Bahkan tidak sedikit daerah yang mengalami banjir akibat hujan ini. Dalam rangka penyediaan air bersih di pedesaan yang memiliki curah hujan yang tinggi, dapat dikembangkan Sistem Pemanfaatan Air Hujan (SPAH) yang layak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat desa. Sistem ini dapat dikembangkan secara bergotong royong dan dikelola bersama-sama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih sehari-hari atau bahkan untuk dikomersialisasikan. Air Hujan, SPAH, Air Siap Minum, Bak Penampung, Filter, Multi Media Filter, ArsinumKel. Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih dan Limbah Cair
589Prototipe Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Pengolahan Ikan?fish processing industry waste water, environmetal pollution, waste water processing prototype.Teknologi Pengolahan Air,
590Kreteria Desain Fotobioreaktor Sistem Airlift Reactorglobal warming, creteria and design, greenhouse gas, air lift photobioreactorTeknologi
591Analisis Populasi Nepenthes Spp Di Hutan Rawa Gambut, Kalampangan, Kalimantan TengahPopulation analysis, Nepenthes, peat swamp forest, Kalampangan,Teknologi
592Pembangunan Pltmh Ranteballa Di Kabupaten Luwuk, Sulawesi Selatan Sebagai Proyek Pengurangan Emisi?green house gasses, global warming, hydro power, emission factor, emission reduction, electricityTeknologi
593Perbanyakan Vegetatif Secara Cangkok Piper Miniatum Bl.Piper miniatum, Air layering.Teknologi
594Penampilan Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Pada Azadirachta Indica A. Juss Dari Taman Nasional?Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Apocynaceae) is a large tree of the lowland tropical rain forest of Southeast Asia that occurs in Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, on the island of Java (East Java) and Lesser Sunda Islands. Its economic value was in its wood (timber), and as medicinal plant. The information on genetic diversity of the species is very limited. Hence studies were initiated and genetic diversity estimated using RAPD markers in 27 accessions of A.indica procured from three geographical regions of TN Baluran and Balai Litbang Kehutanan. Seven selected Operon primers (10 mer) generated a total of 133 consistent amplification products ranging from 132 bp to 5.6 Kb. The cluster analysis separated the 27 individuals into 2 clusters. The range of genetic dissimilarity value among samples was from 0.07 to 0.33, while genetic distance among populations was from 0.04 to 0.10. These values showed that A. indica from TN Baluran was not genetically diverse population.Azadirachta indica, genetic diversity, RAPDFajarudin Ahmad dan Yuyu S. Poerba
595Penghitungan Emisi Karbon Dari Lima Sektor Pembangunan Berdasar Metode Ipcc Dengan Verifikasi?GHGs Emissions, Local Values, Sector ContributionTeknologi
596Kualitas Produk Kompos Dan Karakteristik Proses Pengomposan Sampah Kota Tanpa Pemilahan AwalCompost, composing,municipal solid waste, sortingTeknologi
597Analisa Biaya Mekanisasi Produksi Kompos Sistem WindrowThe large scale composting activity needs mechanical equipments for operational efficiency like The Cakung Slaughterhouse has been done.Installation of mechanical equipments and buildings make it costly compare to manual composting activities. The cost of mechanical composting need to be counted such as investment, operation and maintenance cost in order to get the specific cost of compost production. This can be used for pricing compost product. According to the analysis, the best pricing for compost product is more than Rp. 807/kg, for example Rp. 1000/kg compost. It means that Cakung Slaughterhouse need increase gradually the existing compost price from Rp. 500/kg to Rp. 1000/kg compost. It need for guarantying for sustainable compost production.Teknologi LingkunganSri Wahyono dan Firman L. Sahwan
598Peluang Penerapan Produksi Bersih Pada Kawasan Industri Perikanan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi?Cleaner production, fisherys industryTeknologi
599Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Tanaman Kayu Putih Kabupaten Buru, Provinsi Malukucapability, suitability, land, cajuput oilTeknologi
600Peningkatan Produktivitas Lahan Melalui Pemanfaatan Biomas Tanaman Flemengia Congesta Untuk?biomass, fence crop, cornTeknologi