No | Kategori | Jumlah |
1 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih | 104 |
2 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah | 86 |
3 | Teknologi Pengelolaan Air | 7 |
4 | Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah | 22 |
5 | Teknologi Pemantauan Gas | 12 |
6 | Teknologi Lingkungan | 535 |
7 | Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer | 33 |
8 | Teknologi Penanganan POPs | 15 |
TOTAL | 814 |
# | Judul | Abstrak | Katakunci | Penulis | |
41 | Mikroorganisme Patogen & Parasit Di Dlm Air Limbah Domestik Serta Alternatif Teknologi Pengolahan | Domestic waste are known to be a potential pollutant due to its? organic and inorganic content. It is also harmful for society for its pathogenic microorganism contents such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasitic worms, parasitic protozoa, etc. The lack of domestic waste processing facilities is contributing to the increasing seriousness of this matter.One of the alternative ways to amend the problem is to process the waste individually or semi-communally by utilizing an aerobic-anaerobic biofilter process. Some of the advantage of utilizing this process is: easy maintenance, low operation cost, relatively lower sludge compared to the activated sludge process, can remove nitrogen and phosphorus, relatively lower air supply requirement for aeration, applicable in processing waste water with large amount of BOD and it can also remove suspended solid (SS). Results gained from experiments of the ?Aerobic-Anaerobic Biofilter Combination? tool prototype, used for processing domestic waste showed that with a hydraulic retention time of 1 to 3 days and a Hydraulic re-circulation ratio (HRR) of 1, is a highly efficient process which is: BOD 84.7% - 91%, COD 79.6%-95.3%, SS 94.1% - 95%, Ammonia (NH4-N) 89.3%-89.8%, Detergent (MBAS) 83% - 87% and phosphate (PO4) 44,4% - 47.3%. | Air limbah domestik, patogen, parasit, biofilter, anaerob, aerob | Nusa Idaman Said dan Ruliasih Marsidi | |
42 | Paket Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit Yang Murah Dan Efisien | Wastewater coming from hospital represents one of the very potential sources of water contamination. This matter is caused by hospital wastewater contanined a lot of organic compound, and of other chemical compounds, and also patogen microorganism which able to cause disease to society. Because of potential impact of hospital waste to health of society is very big, hence hospital wastewater have to process until fulfill conditions according to effluent standard. One of the alternatives to overcome the problem is by using technology processing of wastewater with process of biofilter anerob-aerob. The anaerob-aerob biofilter process have some excellence for example its simple operation, yielded a few or little of mud, can be used for the processing of waste water with low concentration and also high concentration, hold up to fluctuation of debit or concentration, and also its cheap operating expenses. | Air limbah, rumah sakit, teknologi pengolahan, biofilter, anaerob-aerob | Nusa Idaman Said | |
43 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Minum Dari Air Baku Yang Mengandung Kesadahan Tinggi | Water is very important need for our live. The lack of water, in term of quqnttity quality would triger serious social & health problems. The requirements for qualified water including element of phisical, chemical & bacteriological. One of chemical parameter in wateris the amount of Ca+2 & Mg+2, namely of hardnes. Since it is harmfull for human health hardness both in industrial and household consumption should be avoided. To cope the problem, there is an exact solution by processing the water with ion exchange filtration. The instalation could be used to process the water from deep well & ordinary well on the lime mountains which generally has a high hardness into qualified drinkable water. | Air minum, Kapur, Kesadahan, Pengolahan, Penukar ion. | Wahyu Widayat | |
44 | Fungsi Ruang Hijau Kota Ditinjau Dari Aspek Keindahan, Kenyamanan, Kesehatan Dan Penghematan Energi | Town?s area needs both open and green spaces. This is not only for the sake of aesthetical requirement in shaping the town, but also to fulfill the needs of fresher and cooler air for its inhabitants. Green area is required to accommodate people social activities, and also to reduce air pollution ? particularly in the form of carbon dioxide comes from vehicles. Besides reducing air temperature, green area also benefit people by producing oxygen and absorbing dust. Green area must be provided adequately in the town, and be controlled firmly by legislation. By the provision of sufficient and well-distributed green spaces in the town, people will be guaranteed to have such lower air temperatures, fresher air and better living environment. This may be resulting, whether direct or indirectly, in reducing the consumption of energy in many sectors in the town. This article discusses the way green space and vegetation are giving benefit to the inhabitants through several aspects as mentioned above. | air pollution, air temperature, energy savings, green spaces | Tri Harso Karyono | |
45 | Pengolahan Air Minum Sederhana Serbaguna. | Cara mengolah air minum sederhana, mudah dan murah perlu dimasyarakatkan dengan tujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan mutu air sehingga layak diminum. Makalah ini membahas masalah cara pengolahan air sederhana untuk mengolah air gambut atau air rawa yang berwarna coklat, air sungai yang keruh, dan air yang mengandung banyak zat besi. Prinsip pengolahannya yakni netralisasi, aerasi, koagulasi-flokulasi, pengendapan dan penyaringan. Alat yang digunakan terdiri dari Tong (tangki), pengaduk, pompa tangan, slang aerator dari plastik dan saringan pasir. Cara ini sangat mudah dengan hasil yang baik. | Air Rawa, Air Coklat, Netraliasi, Koagulasi, Aerasi | Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc. | |
46 | Uji Kinerja Pengolahan Air Siap Minum Dengan Proses Biofiltrasi, Ultrafiltrasi ? | Water is a very basic need for humans, especially for cooking and drinking. With the rapid growth of population in particular need of clean water for the community also increased in numbers. The problem is with the poor quality of raw water for drinking water, then in addition to expanding its production costs, the result is often less good. One of the problems or issues that are often found in drinking water in the world these days that is the emergence of compounds called Trihalomethanes or THMs abbreviated, as a side effect of the disinfection process with a chlorine gas or hypochlorite compounds. Currently, to removal organic pollutants, ammonia, detergents, odor and other micro pollutants in drinking water, PAM is usually used by the process of manufacturing processes using adsorbsi Powder Active Carbon Adsorption, continued with physicals processing is the process of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and disinfection with chlorine. With increasingly high prices of powdered activated carbon, coagulant and flocculant chemicals, then the cost of treating drinking water to be increasing. To solve the problem above, one alternative is to develop clean water treatment technologies using a combination of biofiltration and ultrafiltration process, and to produce drinking water to proceed with processing using the process of reverse osmosis. Within the combination of biofiltration, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis processes to treat the river water can be produced the drinking water with a very good quality without the use of chemicals for coagulation-flocculation process, and operational costs are relatively low. | Air siap minum, biofiltrasi, ultrafiltrasi, reverse osmosis | Nusa Idaman Said | |
47 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Siap Minum Untuk Daerah Padat Penduduk | One of common problem on dense settlement area in Indonesia is the need for clean water and especially at rural and isolated areas this problem have not been properly solved yet. The ground and river water which consume by the community do not meet the requirement for drinking water, even at several places the water is not suitable to drink. The standard requirement for drinking water have to comply with the physical, chemical and biological requirements and if one parameter do not comply with the requirement then the water is not proper to drink.Most of residential area in Indonesia have poor water quality and have not got clean water services from local PAM, therefore in order to fulfill the need for drinking water, the community buy bottled drinking water which is very expensive.To overcome the above problem, a pilot unit package of technology have been developed, to treat well water or clean water from PAM to be direct to drink water ( no need to boiled it ). The unit consists of water pump, sand filter, mangan zeolit filter, activated carbon filter, cartridge filter, ultra violet sterilisator and ozon generator | Air tanah, air PAM, pengolahan air, air siap minum | Wahyu Widayat | |
48 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Sadah. | Air merupakan merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi kehidupan. Jika kebutuhanakan air belum terpenuhi baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas, maka akan menimbulkan dampak yang besar terhadapkerawanan kesehatan maupun sosial. Kualitas air meliputi persyaratan fisik, kimia dan bakteriologis yang merupakan suatu kesatuan, sehingga apabila ada satu parameter yang tidak memenuhi syarat, maka air tersebut tidak layak untuk digunakan. Salah satu parameter kimia dalam persyaratan kualitas air adalah jumlah kandungan unsur Ca2+ dan Mg2+ dalam air yang keberadaannya biasa disebut kesadahan air. Kesadahan dalam air sangat tidak dikehendaki baik untuk penggunaan rumah tangga maupun untuk penggunaan industri. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, salah satu alternatif adalah mengolah air tanah atau air sumur setempat sehingga didapatkan air siap minum yang dengan kualitas yang memenuhi persyaratan. | Air Tanah, Air Sumur, Air Minum | Wahyu Widayat | |
49 | Peresapan Air Tanah Buatan | Air merupakan kebutuhan pokok bagi kehidupan manusia. Kebutuhan air terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun sejalan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dan pembangunan. Pelayanan PAM DKI saat ini telah mencapai 50 % dari kebutuhan air bersih bagi penduduk, sedangkan sisinya masih menggunakan air tanah . Pada tahun 1987 jumlah pengambilan air tanah dalam untuk DKI telah mencapai 30,79 juta M3 per tahun, sedangkan jumlah pengambilan air tanah dangkal diperkirakan lebih banyak lagi yakni sekitar 250 juta M3 per tahun. Dibandingkan dengan kemampuan air tanah dalam Jakarta yang diperkirakan sekitar 0,882 juta M3 per tahun, maka terjadi kelebihan pemakaian sebesar 29,878 juta M3 per tahun. Pengambilan air tanah yang melebihi kemampuan akuifernya akan mengakibatkan terjadinya penurunan muka air tanah. Akibat lebih lanjut yakni terjadinya penyusupan air laut dan amblesan tanah (subsidence). Peresapan air tanah buatan merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk menjaga keseimbangan jumlah air tanah di dalam akuifer. | Air Tanah, Akuifer, Subsidence, Amblesan Tanah | Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc. | |
50 | Pengelolaan Air Tanah Dan Intrusi Air Laut | Coastal Aquifer System of Jakarta consist of unconfined aquifer layers, confined aquifer I and confined aquifer II. Resources of groundwater is very important for Jakarta City, for drinking water, industry, hotel, government offices and various other facility. Important considering of groundwater resources of Jakarta hence needed an effort to preserve the groundwater and awake its continuity by conducting a system management of groundwater. Model used for the management of groundwater system of aquifer coastal referred as Groundwater Model Simulation and Optimization of Quasi Three Dimension ( OPT-Q3D). Model simulation and optimization represent computer model of quasi-three dimensions with method of finite difference used for the operation of infiltration of sea water. This model can conduct current simulation of groundwater flow, head of fresh water and brine, and describe the movement of interface fresh water and sea water. The model can also make optimization of system aquifer with single or multi layers. Jakarta Groundwater Basin assumed consist three layers of aquifer separated by impermeable layer. Applying of groundwater simulation model in Jakarta can give information regarding balance of groundwater, head of freshwater, head of brine, interface brine and freshwater, map of brine distribution and bargain in each; every aquifer. Herein after model optimization will yield various information able to wear upon which consideration to manage the amount of pumping of optimal ground water every area in each layer of aquifer, amount of optimal pumping, optimal freshwater head, head of optimal brine and map of infiltration | Air Tanah, Pengelolaan, Intrusi Air Laut, Modeling | Arie Herlambang dan R. Haryoto Indriatmoko | |
51 | Penyaring Air Paling Efisien | Artikel ini menguraikan tentang proses pengolahan air tanah, khususnya untuk menghilangkan zat besi dan mangan dalam air dengan cara kombinasi proses aerasi dengan udara dan penyaringan dengan media pasir dan karbon aktif. Penyaring ini sangat efisien , materialnya murah, prosesnya mudah dan menghasilkan air bersih dengan kualitas yang baik. | Air Tanah, Zat Besi, Aerasi, Karbon Aktif, Pasir | Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc. dan Ir. Satmoko Yudo, M.Sc. | |
52 | Ancaman Terhadap Kualitas Air di Bumi. | Air tawar adalah kubutuhan pokok manusia dan keberadaanya di bumi kita ini adalah terbatas. Dalam perjalanan siklusnya, air khususnya air tawar mengalami proses penurunan kualitas akibat dari proses kegiatan manusia misalnya industri, kegiatan sehari-hari, pertanian dan kegiatan lainnya, ataupun oleh proses alami. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut hal yang terpenting yakni pengelolaan air harus mengarah kepada efisiensi penggunaan air, melakukan daur ulang, dan pencegahan polusi serta perbaikan badan air adalah lebih penting dari pada mengembangkan teknologi pengolahan air, karena biaya pengolahan akan sangat besar sejalan dengan meningkatnya polusi tersebut, dan pada akhirnya yang paling penting adalah kesadaran kita manusia ini untuk menjaga dan melestarikan air di bumi ini, karena tanpa kesadaran ini maka perusakan lingkungan dan pencemaran air akan terus berlangsung. | Air Tawar, Kualitas Air, Filter, Karbon Aktif | Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc. | |
53 | Informasi Deteksi Sumberdaya Air Tanah Antara Sungai Progo-Serang | The demand for groundwater in developing countries is continuously increasing. It is used as industrial processes, drinking, agriculture, fishpond and irrigation. The reasons for this growth include agriculture, industrial processes, expanding cities, food production needed irrigation areas that urgently need groundwater supply. Actually now, in south Kulon Progo coast area, many people development agriculture with water supply from groundwater. From the measurement in the field concerning groundwater resources potential in the south Kulon Progo coast area, can be predicted that the fresh water resources be found as far as coast from Serang River until Progo River, with average wide 1.6 km and thick between 20 ? 43 meter and with depth average 25 meter | air, sungai, agrikultur | Agung Riyadi | |
54 | Identifikasi Akuifer Air Tanah Di Kec. Mangkubumi, Kota Tasikmalaya Dengan Metode Geolistrik | Along with increase in population and economic growth in Tasikmalaya Residence cause the need of water is increased too. The majority these need take from groundwater resources. Occurrence groundwater resources depends on many factor like landform (landscapes), geology, precipitation, land use, etc. Resistivity geoelectric survey can detect groundwater resources occurrence. This survey can detect geometry and distribution of groundwater reservoir (aquifer). Generally, underground condition of Mangkubumi area consist of 3 layers of lithology i.e. soil layer, sandstone and clayey sandstone and locally there are lens of pebbly sandstones. Sandstones have good potential as aquifer. Sandstone layer is evenly distributed in Mangkubumi area at depth between 50 cm ? 15 m. For shallow groundwater resources exploitation should be directed at south east and south west part of Mangkubumi area; while for deep groundwater resources exploitation can directed anywhere at depth more than 100 m. | akuifer air tanah, geolistrik tahanan jenis | Mardi Wibowo, Agung Riyadi, Wage Komara Widjaja, Sabaruddin W. Tjokrokusumo | |
55 | Pengaruh Alat"Asap Filter" Terhadap Kadar Kepekatan Asap Kendaraan Bermesin Diesel. | An investigation of influence of smoke reduction in diesel engenis was carried out. Asmoke filter "ASAP" has been installed between carboretors and injection pump of the tested vehicles, namely: Isuzu Panther, Minibus Toyota, and Truck Mitsubisih Fe 199. The testing procedures follow the santdard of STALDAD 2.03-90 issued by the enginess were accelerated from low to maximum speed by changing the gear from neutral to highest gear transmission. The result of the shows that there was reducation in percentage of smoke in the vechiles, I.e. decrease of 35.73 % for neutral tranmission, and reducation of smoke for the Diesel engines on neutral trnsmiission is more significant than in gear tranmission. | Alat Sistem Anti Polusi, Kepekatan kadar Asap, Kendaraan bermesin Diesel. | Ramly Usman | |
56 | Konservasi Lahan Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Budidaya Lorong BUDIDAYA LORONG (Alley Cropping) | The research of land productivity through the application of alley cropping has been carried out in transmigration area Kuro Tidur, Bengkulu. The research was done continously within three planting seasons, from 1997 to 1998. The results of the research showed that Flemengia congesta as a fence crop or hedgerows was beneficial. The returning of organic matter from prunning of the hedgerows into the soil can conserve the soil through improvement of nutrients availability, increasing pH, decreasing availability of aluminium (Al) by chelate formation. The effect of dolomit 2,5 ton/ha and organic matter 5,0 ton/ha will increase soy beans production 28,9 % and increase corn production 33,1 %. The effect of dolomit 2,5 ton/ha and organic matter 10,0 ton/ha will increase soy beans production 38,6 % and increase corn production 54,9 %. | alley cropping, conservasion | Kasiran | |
57 | Simulasi Model Alokasi Kebutuhan Ruang Kota/ Wilayah | Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) of a city or a region becomes important due to limitation of land, while land necessity is increasing. In order to achive the sustainable city / region, the attention to natural capabilities on water conservation and flood protection should be adapted on RTRW. The RTRW should prevent the exsisting capabilities and increase when the capabilitis are less. Using simulation of model as tool of analysis in the spatial planning process, we can see the city/ region capabilities on water conservation and flood protection, and then make decision on spatial use of the city / region. The simulation in this study was applied in the City of Batam, which was focused in Batam Island by using data on the year of 2000. The results of the simulation shows that regions which are categorized as having high and very high capabilities on water conservation occupied only 13,36%, while those that have high and very high capabilities on flood protection is about 23,75% of the island area. By applying of reboisation scenarios, the regions that have high and very high capabilities on water conservation can be increased to become 56,97% and those that have high and very high capabilities on flood protection increase to 53.58% of the island area | Alokasi Kebutuhan Ruang, Simulasi, Model, SIG, RTRW, Kota Berkelanjutan | Nawa Suwedi, Mukaryanti, Alinda Medrial Zein, Diar Shiddiq | |
58 | Evaluasi Kinerja Incineraktor skala Kecil Studi Kasus Incineraktor DKI Jakarta | Small incinerator is one of means of municipal solid waste treatment which is used by local government of DKI Jakarta. To know the performance of the small incinerator, researchers conducted study on four incinerators in Ciracas, Srengseng, Sunter and Untung Java Island. Results of study shows that performances of the mentioned incinerators were quite low, i.e. particulate was greater than threshold limit, low burning capacity, producing waste water and poison gas was greater than treshold limit, the equipment wasn?t taken care according to standard, and the supporting facilities were not fulfilled the requirement. | ambang batas, efisiensi pembakaran, emisi cerobong, limbah cair ambang batas dan efisensi | Rizqon Fajar, Hendro Wicaksono, Firman LS | |
59 | Pelaksanaan Amdal, UKL Dan UPL Serta IPLC Di DKI Jakarta | Pelaksanan tentang analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan secara nasional di atur berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Th 1999 tentang Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup (AMDAL). Sejak diberlakukannya Peraturan Pemerintan Nomor 27 tahun 1999 ini dan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Otonomi daerah, sebagian besar penilaian AMDAL dilaksanakan oleh Komisi Penilai Amdal Daerah, sedangkan kegiatan yang bersifat strategis, Lintas Negara dan Propinsi dinilai oieh Komisi Penilai Amdal Pusat (Meneg LH). Dalam rangka pelaksanaan AMDAL di Propinsi DKI Jakarta, Gubernur telah mengeluarkan Keputusan Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta No. 2863 tentang Jenis Rencana Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan Yang Wajib Dilengkapi Dengan AMDAL. Keputusan Gubernur Nomor 2863 Tahun 2001 tersebut mengatur 12 sektor atau bidang yang meliputi :Bidang pertahanan dan Keamanan; Bidang Pertanian; Bidang Perikanan; Bidang Kesehatan; Bidang Perhubungan Darat,Laut,Udara, teleko-munikasi; Bidang Perindustrian; Bidang Prasarana Wilayah; Bidang Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral yaitu Pertambangan Umum/ Ketenaga Listrikan/Minyak dan Gas Bumi/Geologi Tata lingkungan; Bidang Pariwisata; Bidang Pengembangan Nuklir; Bidang Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3); serta Bidang Rekayasa Genetika. Makalah ini membahas masalah mekanisme pelakasanaan AMDAL, UKL, UPL serta ijin pembuangan limbah cair (IPLC) di Propinsi DKI Jakarta. | AMDAL, UKL, UPL, IPLC, DKI Jakarta | Nusa Idaman Said | |
60 | Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengelolaan Pemukiman di Kawasan Pinggiran Metropolitan | People who were seeking housing in relatively good environment in the fringe area of metropolitant have found themselves experiencing the negative impact of continuing suburban sprawl and housing growth, especially when basic infrastructures and urban services are insufficient. Together with the increasing environmental pressure caused by traffic jam and pollution, all of these condition have absolutely been lowering their amenities, then in turn their quality of life. The problems are whether is there any lack of specific steps in formulating the policy and if not, is there any gap beetween knowledge and action in implementing the policy? This research tries to reveal what exactly the needed processes and type of strategic planning are to produce to make a Sustainable Settlement Management System Modelling possible. The research intended to establish policy model through soft system methodology (SSM), which is considered the most suitable approach to this area, that is characterized by the interwoven of unstructured problems involving multisectors, multiactors, and multidisciplines. The findings of the research are the need of a better processes in public policy formulation upon the fringe areas of metropolitan, by involving knowledgable persons. Using this mechanism, the research come to the conclusion that a strong policy on developing infrastructure and transportation as well as the provision of social-public facilities within walking distance in an integrated way with the development of housing and settlement in order to maintain the level of amenities are needed. In addition to these findings, community-based organization, such as home-owner asssociation, has to be established in order to allow a bigger room for community participation in implementing the public policy. | amenities, quality of life, sustainable settlement, soft system methodology | Eko D. Heripoerwanto, Eriyatno, Ernan Rustiadi dan Yusuf Yuniarto |