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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 201-220 dari 814 item.
201Pengaruh Naungan Terhadap Perubahan Iklim Mikro Pada Budidaya Tanaman Tembakau RakyatObserved from context of the physical environment, especially micro climate, to get tobacco leaf with good quality, hence have to fulfill any conditions : dampness of air (about 60%-80%), mean of rain-fall per month more or less 175 mm, air temperature range from (21-33)?C, and irradiating intensity of the sun (about 61-69)%. For many area the conditions difficult to fulfilll because the situation of microclimate is sometime uncertainty. Pursuant to the problem, have been conducted an experiment to improve the life environment at the tobacco crop with manipulating physical environment (micro climate) by growing the tobacco crop under closed shade.Through the environmental engineering of physical, heve been obtained a micro climate element like: temperature, dampness of air, photosynthesis, sun radiation, speed of wind, which yielded have come near conditions on grow to tobacco crop, hence may be expected will be obtained a better tobacco production and quality.Naungan tertutup, iklim mikro, produksi, kualitasSudaryono
202Penerapan Teknologi Tinggi Untuk Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Di SingapuraThe application of high technology (hitech) for solid waste management and treatment in Singapore is one of examples of solving the municipal solid waste problem. Singapore with more than 4 million inhabitants produced 7676 ton wastes per day in 2001. Now, all the combustible solid wastes goes to the incinerator plant that can convert the heat into electricity. The ash from incinerator and the incombustible solid wastes are transported via waste harbour in Tuas to the Semakau off shore landfill. Also, before incinerating in the plant, the activities of collecting and transporting of munocipal solid wastes are suported by such kind of new technologies for example pneumatic refuse transport system. The typical of the high tecnology is need high cost for building, operating and maintaining and should be operated by high skill staff. Singapore has all the need and also has a strong political will in combating the solid waste problems. So that, Singapore is one of the cleanest metropolitan cities in the world.limbah padat, incinerator, pelabuhan sampah, TPA SemakauSri Wahyono
203Kajian Teknologi Daur Ulang Timah Dari Aki Bekas Yang Ramah LingkunganRecycling used battery to collect lead (Plumbum) have been executed by communities. This practice has been accepted for generations, and they have not accomplished scientific assessments yet, particularly in term of environmental aspect. In order to create synergy between potential economic and prevent environmental impact of this performance, therefore it is absolutely necessary to manage lead recycling from battery activities. Using appropriate technology could also reduce air pollution of lead dust (Pb particulate) and excess air.Used battery, cuppola, recyclingWiharja
204Pemanfaatan Passive Sampler Untuk Monitoring Kualitas No2 Dalam Udara AmbienAnalysis methods by using passive sampler for the content of pollutant materials in the ambient air, such as the content of NO2, SO2, O3, etc, has been widely used and applied in several countries. The advantage of this method is easier to carry and more moveable, and taking samples among various locations with different weather, compares to others. In Indonesia this method is not much known yet.The writers through a collaboration of research with The University of Tokushima-Japan, is trying to apply one of passive sampler method in order to measure the concentration of NO2 in the air on several locations in Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung. Hence, The result of analyze in Indonesian was comparing with the result in the others country by used the same methods.The conclusion of this research is the quality of the air on Indonesian city worse than the Asia city, so in the future Indonesian government can give more attention to handle the air pollutant.Passive sampler, Analisa NO2, Udara ambienJoko Prayitno Susanto
205Evaluasi Lingkungan Air Tanah Di Das Citarum HuluThe catchment area ?Citarum? has been being in a very critical condition relating to extremely environmental problems. River water pollution in this catchment is obviously caused by industrial and domestic waste water. Nowadays the pollution load is already too high and the BOD, COD contents exceed the WHO standard. The activity evaluating groundwater environment in the up steam of the catchment area has the objective wich is to monitor the effect of groundwater pollution brought about by decreasing of surface water quality in upstream Citarum. The observed locations are village Suleman, Mekarrahayu, Margarahayu and Nanjung. They are all in Bandung regency. The four observed locations can be as representative for the three parts of upstream Citarum, ie. Upper, middle and lower part. Results of the evaluation are able to described groundwater quality condition, especially in the upstream Citarum cathment area.Upstream Citarum, groundwater, evaluation, water pollutionR. Haryoto Indriatmoko, Heru Dwi Wahjono, Satmoko Yudo dan P. Nugro Rahardjo
206Proses ?Aerasi Kontak? Menggunakan Media Arang Kayu Untuk Mengurangi Deterjen Dalam Air BakuAlong with the increase of population and industries in Indonesia especially in DKI Jakarta, the river?s water quality for raw water supply for drinking water treatment is decreasing. And society?s growing concern towards sanitation prompted an increase in the usage of detergents as a cleaning item. In effect, waste excerted by these items contributes to that decrease. This decrease in river?s water quality has increase the expense needed to process drinking water out of it. At this time, PAM (Drinking Water Enterprise) use Active Carbon Powder to remove the detergents from raw water by the adsorption method. The Active Carbon Powder is the main reason behind the increase expense as the powder is quite expensive. To counter the problem, an alternative method is a biological process such as an Aeration Contact using a charcoal as a medium. The process utilizes microbe activities within the river?s water itself. Previous experiments resulted in this : A process with a hydraulic retention time of six hours result in a 90,95 % efficiency rate of detergents removal and a 72,22 % efficiency rate of other organic substance removal.Proses biologis, aerasi kontak, deterjen, senyawa organikNusa Idaman Said dan Ruliasih Marsidi
207Identifikasi Masalah Penyediaan Air Bersih Di Ibukota Kabupaten Kutai Barat & Alternatif PemecahanAs the capital city of West Kutai Regency, Sendawar still has a lot of problems relating to clean water supply for its residence. Those problems are caused by the very limited capability of local water authority (PDAM), the worse of environment management and water pollutions. Water pollutions occur because of improper mining activities (gold, silver and coal), domestic wastewater and sediment particles affected by increasing run off coefficient and erosion. Therefore the quality of surface water (River Mahakam) becomes worse and worse. PDAM Problems are not only being able to serve clean water need just for 19% residence in Sendawar, but also the low capability of human resources. There are three ways to solve those problems. Firstly, it is very important to apply a concept ?One River One Management? in the Mahakam Catchment Area. Secondly, Application of wastewater treatment technology must be carried out to reduce the pollutants produced from mining industries and municipal area. The third is by improving the human resource quality, especially in the field of environment and sustainable development.Water resource, Water authority, Pollution control, human resourceP. Nugro Rahardjo
208Identifikasi & Perancangan Sistem Pengelolaan Data Sumber Daya Air Provinsi GorontaloGorontalo Province as new agricultural base province in the autonomous efforts through the Agency for Water Resources Management has been collecting and managing all data of water resources. Good data management for water resources is needed to support agricultural and fishery base activity in this province. The identification of potential of the existing water resources is needed for computer base structural database management system design. The design of database system is used as reference for development of software for water resources database management. The developed software can be used as Decision Support System to help provincial management and useful for information system to find out the potential of all water resources in Gorontalo Province area. The output of this activity is software for managing water resources in Gorontalo Province.database sumber daya air, sistem pengelolaan data, potensi sumber daya airHeru Dwi Wahjono
209Rekayasa Lingkungan Dgn Naungan Tertutup Utk Perbaikan Kualitas & Produktivitas Tembakau RakyatGeneral the effort in agriculture area has involved not only small failure risk of crop, the risk might be in the form of pest disturbance or crop disease, floods, dryness, and uncertain climate disturbance. To solve the tobacco crop in the climate problems (especially micro climate), was made experiment by engineering technology of physical environment (micro climate), with closed shade technology in order to obtain an optimal production.The field result experiment, in application of the closed shade technology, in reality has given positive impact to tobacco production. It is showed by the change of indicator of crop production, through season : growth acceleration of leaf, which is better than tobacco crop planted outside of the shadeteknologi naungan, produksi, kualitas, tembakauSudaryono
210Partisipasi Perempuan Dalam Pemanfaatan Energi Terbaharukan Di PedesaanThe renewable energy generally can support or trigger the economic growth in household utilization, and give rise to the opportunity for people (men or women) in rural areas to run small scale home industry. The introduction of renewable energy in rural areas will significantly transform the social, cultural and economic structure from traditional style to modern (western) one.
The structural transformation will force all people to be drawn in. Many benefits can be gained if women participate in the transformation. This paper describes the impacts which will take place during the structural transformation in rural areas, in general, and women participation in particular. This will greatly determine the accomplishment in the policy and implementation of technology adaptation in renewable energy field.
Renewable energy, electricity, women participation, rural areasAbubakar Lubis
211Efektivitas Pengkomposan Sampah Kota Dengan Menggunakan ?Komposter? Skala Rumah TanggaComposting as one of efforts to overcome municipal solid waste problem has enough potency because 70-80 % of municipal solid waste is organic material, mostly can be processed to compost. Composting in source of waste (household) will be more effective because is easier (small scale) and cheaps (transport is not necessary). Composting can be done by using composter. Research result showing that composter is easy to be made, easy to be applied in our society and effective enough to use in producing municipal waste compost. The compost processing time is 49 days and producing the good quality of compost.sampah kota, pengkomposan, komposter, komposFirman L. Sahwan, Rosdiana Irawati dan Feddy Suryanto
212Konservasi Plasma Nutfah Secara In VitroTehnik-tehnik in vitro mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar untuk koleksi, pertukaran, dan konservasi termasuk (1) sumberdaya genetis dari benih-benih yang mengandung ?recalcitrant? dan species yang di perbanyak secara vegetatif seperti halnya species yang sedang dalam bahaya kepunahan, (2) genotipe ?elite? yang dikembang-biakkan pada skala besar dalam laboratorium produksi, dan (3) kultur /pembibitan galur sel yang memproduksi bahan ?metabolite? dan bahan baku yang direkayasa secara genetis. Tehnik koleksi secara in vitro yang menggunakan embrio atau jaringan vegetatif telah diterapkan dilapangan untuk mengkoleksi plasma nutfah dari berbagai macam species yang bermasalah. Kultur in vitro secara rutin digunakan untuk pertukaran sumber genetis dari sejumlah species, karena keuntungannya dengan teknik ini dalam hal status phytosanitary dan biaya nya relatif kecil. Tehnik pertumbuhan lambat telah dikembangkan untuk konservasi jangka menengah pada sejumlah species tetapi penggunaan secara rutin masih terbatas pada sejumlah species tanaman tertentu. Penggunaan tehnik cryopreservasi secara rutin masih terbatas pada konservasi galur Sel dalam skala penelitian laboratorium. Namun demikian, petunjuk sederhana dan teknik pembekuan yang efisien telah dikembangkan baru-baru ini untuk ?apices? dan embrio, secara operasional untuk peningkatan jumlah species dapat dipertimbangkan. Dalam paper ini akan dibahas tentang (1) pengembangan tehnik koleksi in vitro, (2) demonstrasi dari fleksibilitas, kesederhanaan dan kepraktisan penyimpanan pada pertumbuhan lambat guna peningkatan kegunaannya, (3) percobaan tehnik cryopreservasi yang telah ada pada suatu skala besar dalam suatu konteks gene bank dan pengembangan dari protocol tehnik cryopreservasi.: konservasi sumberdaya genetis, pembibitan secara in vitro, pengkoleksian secara in vitroDonowati S. Tjokrokusumo
213Analisis Vegetasi Pada Habitat Rusa Bawean (Axis Kuhlii Mull. Et. Schleg) Di Pulau BaweanBawean Island is a remote and tiny island, located approximately 150 km north of Surabaya. In this island it is known to habituate an endemic deer called Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii Mull. Et. Schleg). The animal is protected both nationally and internationally. Understanding the forest as the habitat for this deer is an important step toward the management and the development of the whole habitat. This study was conducted on September 2001 in three locations, known to be the habitat for Bawean deer, that was the Kumalasa, Patarselamat and Pudakit Barat villages. The forest type at study sites was lowland secondary forest. There were 114 species from 90 genus and 56 families. Number of species and trees density at Audacity Barat villages are bigger than Patarselamat or Kumalasa villages. In all study sites, Syzygium lepidocarpa, Irvingia malayana, Garcinia dioica, and Microcos tomentosa are common species.Trees height in three location were under 25 m tall, and stem diameter class were highest among 10-20 cm. Species richness (Ss) ranged from 22,7 to 55,7%. The plant communities in Patarselamat and Pudakit Barat were relatively same, but different with Kumalasa village.Bawean deer, Axis kuhlii, habitat, vegetation.Muhammad Mansur, Gono Semiadi, Achmad Iqbal dan Agus Sujadi
214Pengolahan Lindi (Leachate ) Dari Tpa Dengan Sistem Koagulasi - Biofilter AnaerobicLeachate is the pollutant which contains various kinds of both organic such as some harmful photogenic bacteria?s and parasitic microbes like Sarcoptes sp and inorganic compounds such as ammonia. The leachate can be caused prurity to human skin. Base on data from Piyungan Community Health Centre, Microbes caused the incidence of dermatitis take number 4 from 10-disease rank within 75%. Piyungan Disposal Site has a possiblity to pollute to Opak River. the leachate need to be processed to decrease the MPN, COD, BOD, TSS and Ammonia parameters before it will be polluted of Opak River. The research had been done to process the leachate to decrease the MPN, COD, BOD, TSS and Ammonia parameters with use coagulation - biofilter anaerobic system. Equipment used was consisted of leachate equalisation (catcher) tank; alum and lime solution container; leachate coagulation tank and biofilter anaerobic tank.The research show that there were influence of leachate processing with coagulation and anaerobic biofilter toward the decreasing of MPN, COD, BOD, TSS and Ammonia parameters with 1, 2, and 3 hours detention time.Leachate, Coagulation, Anaerobic BiofilterJoko Prayitno Susanto, Sri Puji Ganefati, Sri Muryani, dan Siti Hani Istiqomah
215Uji Kemampuan Bakteri Termofil Kompos Dlm Menguraikan Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) & KopolimernyaThe primary aim of this project were to isolate the termophilic bateria from compost and to test their capability in degrading of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and its copolymer (P(HB-co-5%HV), P(HB-co-8%HV), P(HB-co-12%HV)) using of polymer overlay methode. Testing of their capability was done in pH 8,0 and temperature of 55oC and 60oC. Fifteen isolates of thermophilic bacteria have been isolated and can be classified into 4 groups based on the profile of their growth rate, clear zone formation, and capability of PHB degradation. In the incubation of 55oC, degradation rate of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) was generally slower than their copolymer.PHB, kopolimer, bakteri termofil, polymer overlay, komposSri Wahyono
216Pengembangan Budidaya Udang Dan Potensi Pencemarannya Pada Perairan PesisirBecouse of the shrimp price in international market was high, Indonesia which have a big potential swamp for develop shrimp pond (tambak) plan to increase the shrimp production. Lately, intensive shrimp culture always failed due to decomposition of organic waste in the bottom created oxygen depletion and produced gases (NH3 and H2S) which dangerous to water organisms.To avoid the fenomema farmer threw out the organic waste to coastal water which can develop euthrofication, blooming and water quality degradation. This paper conclude that increasing of the shrimp production using intensive culture will create many problem, due to the existing technology was not completed by technology which can eliminate the organic waste in the pond. This paper suggest that before the intensive technology was completed with ?waste water treatment? or ?biomanipulation technology? which can eliminate the organic waste in the pond, the increasing of shrimp production will better using extensive program with conventional or semiintensive technology. Without all it the negative impact of organic waste in coastal waters will bigger than positive impact of increasing the shrimp production.shrimp production, organic waste, coastal waters, euthroficationYudhi Soetrisno Garno
217Kontribusi Limbah Deterjen Terhadap Status Kehidupan Perairan Di Das Citarum HuluSoap is defined as compound of fats, fatty acids and caustics soda. These compounds work to reduce surface tension and increase its cleansing ability. The term ?detergent? usually refer to synthetics compounds, but has broader ability, not only reducing surface tension and increasing its cleansing ability but also has softening and emulsifying ability.Unfortunately, detergent in certain concentration can harm to aquatic organism such as plankton, mussel, mollusk and fish. In bioassays test, high detergent concentrations induced mortality in gill cells and reduced filtration rate of the mussel. In some report cited said that concentrations above 0.2 mg/L of anionic detergent already elicited detrimental, and sub-lethal effects in all test organisms.Therefore, in upper Citarum Catchments Area which has detergent concentration significantly above 0.2 mg/L could harm to sessile invertebrate organisms. And in the long period it may influence the diver and abundance of aquatic organisms.Water quality, aquatic organism, detergent.Wage Komarawidjaja
218Pemantauan Kualitas Air Tanah Kawasan Pantai Glagah, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Di. JogjakartaAs one of the state with the longest and widest coastal region in the wo, Indonesia can exploit various existing coastal resources. The agriculture term of coast outside of tide and ebb region was not many recognized, however at the last some years the coast agriculture cultivation have rapid developed not only the tide and ebb farming, but sea grass cultivation and horticulture crop and also another vegetable crop.Therefore the thing that need to get attention is possibility the presence of ground water contamination and sea water intrusion as effect of usage the manure and poisonous pesticide and ground water intake which exceeding the support power.From the result of environmental monitoring, it apparent the ground water quality in the Glagah?s coastal area was still good enough because under quality standard for drinking water, but the thing which need to get attention was the high collie bacterium content due to the usage of immature cage manure.pencemaran, air tanah, pantaiSudaryono
219Konsep Pengelolaan Ekosistem Pesisir (Studi Kasus Kec. Ulujami, Kab. Pemalang, Jawa Tengah )As the coastal zone, Kabupaten Pemalang has an important strategic role for the fishery development at Java Island. Pemalang?s coastal zone is a bore of several rivers (estuary area) and this zone is a fertile maritime province so it?s potential to develop a dyke plantation. Meanwhile as Kabupaten Pemalang?s coastal zone have mangrove around, it?s require having conservation at this area and this situation may have a conflict of interest to developing a dyke plantation.
Many of concept to deploy coastal zone to integrate on behalf of ecology and economic has been developed and implemented at Kabupaten Pemalang, so this coastal zone is become a useful zone and this area was developed with a good environmental.The difficulties of how to manage this area was how to deploy with variety multifunction and this situation constantly have a conflict of interest especially how to developed a dyke plantation for economic against conservation.
This chapter is to dwell on concepts which has been developed and implemented at Kabupaten Pemalang which cover the Mangrove Conservation, Silvofishery and Tumpangsari Programme.
pengelolaan, ekosistem pesisirAdinda Arimbi Saraswati
220Upaya Penanganan Pasir Laut Dari Sisi KebijakanSea sand export from Indonesia to Singapore, which is carried out to meet the demand of its coast reclamation, has been predicted to reach 1.8 billion m 3 for the next ten years. Until 2002, reclamation project in Singapore has succeded to finish an increase of its coast with the area of 100 km 2 and the project still needs the sea sand to cover its coast with the area of 160 km 2 . It is predicted that adding the coast surface with the area of 260 km 2 needs 1.8 billion m 3 sea sand. Because Singapore needs the high demand of sea sand, exploitation of the Indonesian sea sand is done execessively which gives adverse impacts to Indonesian coast ecosystem environment. Relating to this, this paper tries to give some recommendations to handle the Indonesian problem of sea sand from the view point of policyPasir laut, kebijakanErry Ricardo Nurzal