No | Kategori | Jumlah |
1 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih | 104 |
2 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah | 86 |
3 | Teknologi Pengelolaan Air | 7 |
4 | Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah | 22 |
5 | Teknologi Pemantauan Gas | 12 |
6 | Teknologi Lingkungan | 535 |
7 | Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer | 33 |
8 | Teknologi Penanganan POPs | 15 |
TOTAL | 814 |
# | Judul | Abstrak | Katakunci | Penulis | |
221 | Pengaruh Usaha Pengolahan Sagu Skala Kecil Terhadap Baku Mutu Air Anak Sungai | The objective of this research is to study the influence of small-scale sago processing industry to standard quality of Ciheuleut river water in Cibuluh Sub-district, District of Bogor Utara, and City of Bogor. The method used is to analyse the water in laboratory and subsequently the result is compared to standard quality of tapioca industry. Response of community in the area regarding this sago processing industry is gathered by performing interview in the form of questionnaire (number of community response is 35). Water samples used for water analysis are from 4 locations. They are water before flowing into the processing unit (A), water after filtration (B), process disposal water collected 1 m apart from filter (C) and discarded water that flows into river (D). Water analysis applied utilizes chemical analysis that includes pH, COD, BOD, DO, turbidity, cyanide and TSS (Total Soluble Solid) parameters. Laboratory analysis shows that location B has turbidity level that exceeds the standard quality required. Result of hypothesis test shows that hypothesis zero (H0) acceptable and alternative hypothesis rejected. It means water disposal waste of sago processing industry does not alter the quality of water disposal. Community feel disturbed (46%) on the existence of sago processing industry. The disturbance consists of liquid waste (20%), unpleasant odour due to solid waste (51.1%), and noise (22.9%). Unpleasant odour due to solid waste occurs during rainny season. 60% of responses say that water disposal of sago processing industry leads to river turbidity; whereas 40% thinks that it does not make any difference. River turbidity brings about itchiness (28.6%) while 68.6% says it does not make any difference. 71.4% of responses show that the existence of sago processing industry is beneficial to the community. | water disposal, sago processing, standard quality | Bambang Haryanto dan Enni Siswari | |
222 | Keseimbangan Lingkungan Antara Kebutuhan & Penyediaan Air Melalui Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca | The process of weather modification to increase rainfall amount can be done continuously when the weather condition is favorable and can be used to maintain DAM water level especially during the dry season. By maintaining the DAM water level with the weather modification technology the environmental balance between supply and demand will be sustained. To reduce the rainfall intensity in order to lessen the impact of flood with the weather modification technology by early precipitation, which eventually lessen the intensity and the accumulated rainfall amount. The application of the weather modification technology to clear the atmosphere due to the forest fire and land clearing activities can be used to area where fires is still ongoing. The use of that technology not only clears the atmosphere but also allows convection processes to happen because the cloud development was hindered by thick smoke from fires. | penyemaian, bahan parameter | Ch. Nasution | |
223 | Mewujudkan Pertanian Berwawasan Lingkungan | Presently the world is moving away from inorganic fertilizer, weed and pest control. As we know in many countries rice paddies are fertilized with inorganic fertilizer and sprayed with pesticides as a way to control weeds and other pests. This process, however, is harmful to the people, animal and plant life in the surrounding area. The use of Azolla pinata as green manure and source of nitrogen may can be used to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizer. | Revolusi hijau, kerusakan lingkungan | Maryadi | |
224 | Kajian Penerapan Prinsip Produksi Bersih Pada Proses Manufaktur Pipa Apung | Manufacture process of floating hose is a rubber technical commodity process, which has potencies to pollute the environment. Two types of waste, which are produced from the purification process and rubber latex process, are liquid and solid waste. Beside those waste, the component developing process, which uses several chemical agents, also has negative impacts to the human who has intensive contacts with those chemicals. Calendering and vulcanisation process are also produce air pollutants, especially the contaminated air from some harmful parameters. Considering that floating hose product will be used by oil companies with very high technical specification, it is necessary to prepare an environmental friendly material and construction technic. Those eco-efficiency planning should be arranged since the beginning, from the using of energy and water resources until waste management and disposal and good house keeping. All materials should be choosen with environmental approach and 4R principle (reduce, reuse, recovery and recycle) must be used for waste disposal activity. | Proses Manufaktur, Pipa Apung, Produksi Bersih | Wahyu Purwanta | |
225 | Pengelolaan Lingkungan Pada Era Otonomi Daerah Dengan Pendekatan Teknologi | Experiences shown that a development program with centralistic model yields an unfair condition which cause a gap among provinces and decreasing environmental quality. In this autonomic era the spirits from local governments are to use natural resources as much as possible and less concern to conserve the environment.Through an application of technology, which has environmental perception and the application of clean production technology, thus, utilisation of regional natural resources could guarantee the continuity of sustainable development and prosperity of community in their local area | otonomi | Lestario Widodo | |
226 | Dimensi Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Yang Dominan Terhadap Upaya Produksi Bersih Perusahaan | This study is designed to identify dimension of environmental management system that influence of cleaner production?s strategy accept and implementation at natural rubber industry, especially in crumb rubber industry. Factor Analysis technic with Principal Component is aplicated to extract that dimension, while correlation analysis is using to inference the influence that dimension with cleaner production performance. Based of existing condition, deviation of cleaner production performance from the crumb rubber corporate?s enough big. Percentage of waste solid range 3 ? 11 %, the corporate don?t treatment that waste because almost of waste solid use for landfill. Treatment of unpleasant odour from crumb rubber industry, i.e.: with scrubber at the smokestack after drying process, reengineering of pre-drying process, spray of volatile oil, and soak bokar with liquid smoke. Alternatives for waste water treatment i.e.: activated sludge system, chemical system, and aeration system.Principal Component analysis results 13 dimension, namely: internal communication, evaluation tools, environmental benefit, employee ability, professional team, incentive system, cleaner production centre, community consultation, regulation, operational policy, environmental investment, green consumer, and environment requisite. The correlation of that dimension with cleaner production performance at natural rubber industry is not good (rs < 0,5). The dimension has significant correlation are professional team, environment requisite, internal communication, evaluation tools, regulation, incentive system, and employee ability; while the others is not significant. | Environmental Management System, Cleaner Production, and Crumb Rubber Industry | Sawarni Hasibuan | |
227 | Pengolahan Air Minum Sumur Gali Untuk Rumah Tangga Secara Aerasi, Filtrasi Dan Desinfeksi | Water is the main needed for human being. The increasing effort of general health and healthy life-environment is influenced by quality and quantity of water. Therefore, we need to process water with some methods. In fact, the ADKL (Analisis dampak kesehatan lingkungan / environmental health impact analysis) study held in 2001, indicate that water quality from dig-well in Moyudan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, was below the standard of pure-water quality. It is important to complete the pure-water needed from dig-well with simple model processing from local resources by apropriate technologies in order to increase the water quality in household. Structure of the process, consist of : aeration that principally give chemical oxidation, filtration for filtering dirty material and disinfection for killing the microbes.The aim for this research was to understand the increasing of water quality from dig-well in Sumbersari, moyudan, sleman, yogyakarta on parameter of E. coli, nitrite, nitrate and sulphate, after processed by aeration, filteration and disinfection model with variation of debit : 1, 2 and 3 liter/minute.The research was experimental type with pre-test and post-test group design. Location of the research was in Sumbersari village, moyudan, sleman, yogyakarta. The independent variable was dig-well processing using aeration, filtration and disinfection model with variation of debit, while, the dependent variable were the decreasing/increasing of E coli, Nitrite, nitrate and sulphate.The result showed that after processed, E coli and nitrite was decreased, while Nitrate and sulphate was increased. Value of the parameter was below the standard. We suggest that, people of sumbersari vilage, Moyudan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, use the simple dig-well processing to improve the water quality of their dig-well | Aeration, Filtration, desinfection, model water treatement | Sri Puji Ganefati, Siti Hani Istiqomah dan Purwanto | |
228 | Status Kualitas Air Waduk Cirata Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Budidaya | Waduk Cirata is multipurpose cascade dam that lay in the middle of Citarum watershed. Based on some reports, the water quality of this dam significantly decreased to bad condition. This condition may be harmful to some equipments generating electricity power and also aquaculture product utilizing cages (KJA).The result of intensive observation during carps (Cyprinus carpio) culture period concluded that its aquaculture water changed into polluted called Eutrophic environment. There is correlation between eutrophication and lack growth of fishes in some cages. It is indicated by dominant increase of fish length than the increase of the weight of fish which is called as a negative allometric of fish growth. | Water quality, eutrophication, aquaculture, growth rate, Cyprinus carpio | Wage Komarawidjaja, Sutrisno Sukimin dan Entang Arman | |
229 | Identifikasi Populasi Gastropoda Air Tawar Di Waduk Saguling Dan Sekitarnya | This research has been carried out in Saguling, Jawa Barat. The aims of the research were to study the population of fresh water gastrophod and its ecological aspects. The research was done at three habitats which were the dam, paddy fields and ponds in three location : South Inlet, East Inlet and West Outlet of Saguling dam. It has been found 6 species of gastrophod which were Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica, Lymnaea rubiginosa, Indoplanorbis exustus, Gyraulus convexiuscslus and Melanoides tuberculata. In all the habitats the density of species of Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica and Lymnaea rubiginosa were relatively higher than others. While the highest dominantion index of gastrophod were at habitat of paddy fields in all locations and at habitat of ponds in East Inlet and West Outlet locations. Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica and Lymnaea rubiginosa were dominant at habitat of pady fields and ponds. Furthermore, the highest gastrophod diversity index was at habitat of dam in South Inlet and West Outlet locations. All the gastrophod species were found in a group. On the other hand, there was a tendention that each habitat had a different gastrophod species. | Gastropoda, populasi, waduk | Sri Wahyono | |
230 | Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Debit Sungai | Now, Bandung area especially Cikapundung Catchment Area is developing rapidly. The development caused the need of area for settlement, business and other constructed area is also increasing. Increase in width of constructed area and decrease in width of forest area cause the run off coefficient is rise and the last, rate of flow the river at rain season is rise and at dry season is decreased.Result of this study are: a) daily minimu rate of flow Cikapundung Gandok Catchment area is decreased with gradient 0,004; b) daily maximum rate of flow Cikapundung Gandok is rise, with gradient 0,1682; c) annually rate of flow Cikapundung river is rise with gradient 0,5685; d) this pattern point a,b,c are caused by using of land that tend convert non-constructed area become constructed area; e) Each type of landuse have same influence on river rate of flow | run off coefficient, daily maximum and minimum rate of flow | Mardi Wibowo | |
231 | Keanekaragaman Dan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Di Pulau Nusakambangan - Cilacap, Jawa Tengah | Among some natural reserves in Java Island and the vicinity only the Nusakambangan Natural Reserve, which might be characterized as the last lowland forest in this region. In fact however, there is only in eastern and western part of Nusakambangan Island, which remain covered with relatively undisturbed forest. Survey-explorative methods which including interview and direct field observation was applied in order to collect data of useful plant. There are 253 species of plant using by people in surrounding Cilacap for their daily necessitate such as foodstuff, charge coal, traditional remedy etc. Some plant species, which was categorized as in risk category, dominate, potential and have a good prospect, will be discussed in this paper. | Pemanfaatan tumbuhan, Nusakambangan, Jawa Tengah | Francisca Murti Setyowati dan Mulyati Rahayu | |
232 | Alternatif Pengolahan Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan ? Cakung ( Suatu Studi Kasus ) | Public awareness on environmental protection is getting better now. This condition has also rise in a company own by Province Governmental of DKI Jakarta Raya in the field of slaughtering cattle. This company, namely Cakung Slaughterhouse stay in Jakarta Timur is more a public services instead of a private company. On the waste and wastewater handling as the by product of all activity in Cakung Slaughterhouse, an assessment and development of handling waste and wastewater was carried out cooperation with German agricultural research institute (Bundesforschunganstaltfuerlandwirschaft ? FAL) through on the job training, design and engineering of the waste and wastewater treatment plant that would be developed. The training was done by handling the waste of German slaughterhouse as a case study in Germany that has no experience in it on a Cooperation Project of Biological Waste and Wastewater treatment ? BTIG Project. Fortunately, beside the technology and system on waste and wastewater handling, also getting the high awareness in condition for a healthy circumference of life need. Make this project as basic of design on waste and wastewater treatment plant of a slaughterhouse, at least on the essentials organic waste treatment mode. | waste, wastewater, slaughterhouse, anaerobic, compost | Djoko Padmono | |
233 | Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Plastik Di Indonesia | Plastic recycling activities has been done by nonformal institutions since along time ago especilaly in some big cities in Indonesia. The amount of plastic waste is about 10% to 15% of municipal soild waste. Plastic recycling activities has two advantages: (1) reducing the potential damage of environment caused by pollution, and (2) creating the job opportunity for people. | sampah, plastik, pemulung, lapak | Firman L Sahwan, Djoko Heru Martono, Sri Wahyono dan Lies A Wisoyodharmo | |
234 | Global Dimming Dan Masa Depan Perubahan Iklim Di Indonesia | A-14-year (1979-1993) image satellites of Solar Radiation, NOAA and Sea Surface Height Anomaly of TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS-2 have been used to study a reducing solar radiation received by the Earth (global dimming) and to predict local weather anomaly for the future climate prediction in the Indonesian region. The result shows that a dimming of solar radiation is of 16.6% during 14-year observation. It is higher than the mean increasing of global dimming of 2 - 3% for every decade. This explicitly indicates that the air pollution in the form of aerosols from industrial sectors has large contributions to this this dimming process. At the other side, there is a trend of dominant warm water in the southern Jawa-Bali that affect on the increasing of rainfall intensity in the Indonesian region. We predict that flood and a longer dark during the day time, and more variative local weather change will be more frequently happen in the Indonesian region in the future. | global dimming, global warming, radiasi sinar matahari, anomali tinggi permukaan laut | Fadli Syamsudin | |
235 | Kualitas Udara Beberapa Kota Di Asia (Monitoring Kandungan So2 Udara Ambien Dengan Passive Sampler) | Within this paper will be presented a result of passive sampler method to determine SO2 level of ambient air as the same method development to the previously determine NO2 level (1,2). The result of development had applied for analyzing and comparing the quality SO2 on ambient air at several cites in Asia such as Peking, Shanghai, Seoul, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, including several locations in surrounding Jakarta. This passive sampler method is simple and easy to be applied, therefore it make possible to monitor the air quality from urban till every border.The SO2 level result indicate air quality in Jakarta is still on the safety level as the others cites in Asia. | Passive sampler, Analisa SO2, Udara ambien | Joko Prayitno Susanto | |
236 | Kecenderungan Reklamasi Wilayah Pantai Dengan Pendekatan Model Dinamik | Big cities, especially those with have coastal area, in their development process will face the problem of limiting area, either for human setlemen or other purposes. One effort to solve the problem is by doing a coastal reclamation which still has problems until now due to the negative impacts resulted. A dynamic model had been developed to exemine the causality of a reclamation phenomenon. Which a simple dynamic model it is known already that investor interest in coastal reclamation is defined by result potential in future, which is reflected by a beneficial land conversion price and relatively small delay period. | reklamasi, pantai, model dinamik | Lestario Widodo | |
237 | Transformasi Kimia Senyawa Belerang, Dampak Dan Penanganannya | Chemical transformation in the atmosfeer occurs because of antropogenic and antropogenic activity. It can be existing in difference forms and follows biogeochemical complex cycles. If this chemical transformation of sulfur is over the environmental support ability, there will be serious impacts in many sectors of life, such as environmental pollution, decreasing of healt level, and affecting the agricultural productivity.The effort of preventive and recovery of environment must be done for repairing the polluted environmental to become the conditions which are more friendly with the environment. | Chemical transformation, antropogenic, nonantropogenic; sulfur | Nida Sopiah | |
238 | Konservasi Lengas Tanah Melalui Rekayasa Lingkungan Pd Lahan Pasir Beririgasi Teknis | By more decreasing supply of the fertility agriculture land, hence to optimize the usage of marginal land like coastal land is a good way out to improve the farmer income, although demanded to various technological innovation as the environmental engineering form that able to support repairmen of the farming.One step is making conservation of land maoisture and efficiency of the water usage.The result or the technological innovations was treatment with planting system under the shade and combined with mulls, sprinkler irrigation. Now the sprinkler irrigation in the best way on increasing the land moisture rate and then followed by treatment of the shde usage, mulls and drip irrigation, while the worst treatment is without the shade usage both using mulls and drips irrigation | Conservation and innovation technological | Sudaryono | |
239 | Identifikasi Akuifer Air Tanah Di Kec. Mangkubumi, Kota Tasikmalaya Dengan Metode Geolistrik | Along with increase in population and economic growth in Tasikmalaya Residence cause the need of water is increased too. The majority these need take from groundwater resources. Occurrence groundwater resources depends on many factor like landform (landscapes), geology, precipitation, land use, etc. Resistivity geoelectric survey can detect groundwater resources occurrence. This survey can detect geometry and distribution of groundwater reservoir (aquifer). Generally, underground condition of Mangkubumi area consist of 3 layers of lithology i.e. soil layer, sandstone and clayey sandstone and locally there are lens of pebbly sandstones. Sandstones have good potential as aquifer. Sandstone layer is evenly distributed in Mangkubumi area at depth between 50 cm ? 15 m. For shallow groundwater resources exploitation should be directed at south east and south west part of Mangkubumi area; while for deep groundwater resources exploitation can directed anywhere at depth more than 100 m. | akuifer air tanah, geolistrik tahanan jenis | Mardi Wibowo, Agung Riyadi, Wage Komara Widjaja, Sabaruddin W. Tjokrokusumo | |
240 | Keanekaragaman Tanaman Pekarangan & Pemanfaatannya Di Ds. Lampeapi, Pulau Wawoni ? Sulawesi Tenggara | In Indonesia, home garden have not aequire any much awareness yet. Although this home garden can be a valuable incomes for family if manage in good way. Research and inventory on plant diversity of home garden in Lampeapi village, Wawonii Dictrict, Southwest Of Celebes resulted of 40 species.Those plants are used daily needs and can be used for raising family income such as ?onii? Cocos nucifera, ?marisa? Piper nigrum, ?dambo? Anacardium occidentale, ?punti? Musa spp. and coklat Theobroma cacao. Diversity of plants species, as proportion and indigenous knowledge of local people is very interesting to study in order to conserve their germ plasma. | Home garden, Lampeapi village, Wawonii island, Southwest of Celebes. | Mulyati Rahayu dan Suhardjono Prawiroatmodjo |